Let me introduce myself, my name is Melinda and I'm from Michigan.  I thought I was overweight my whole life, however, in looking back I was a skinny kid.  Interesting isn't it????  I remember thinking how fat I was when I was in the 3rd grade and really fat in the 7th, but that wasn't true.  I can see for myself in my pictures.  Hmmm...I see my real problem developed around 10th grade and slowly got bigger...literally.  I think I finally ballooned to the 300 range in my early 20's.  I just turned 36 and am tired of being unhealthy and fat.  On May 13, 2007 my DB and I bought a scale and I found out my weight.  It's at an all time high of 376.

What really gets me is what I've had to give up or the worries I have because of this weight.  I haven't been on a plane since 2004 because frankly those seats are too uncomfortable to squeeze my fat into.  Plus, when I get to such a fun destination I can't go like others.  Walking for 8 hours a day, just isn't in me.  I know you guys can relate.  Hauling this weight around is not only tiring, it HURTS.  I can't tell you how I wanted to cry because my feet hurt after walking around on and off for 8 hours with my wonderful boyfriend on our first vacation to DC together.  I also worry, will I break this seat???  Ok, that's never happened but it worries me.  I HATE THAT!!!!

Enough of the worries, now is the time I MUST get it together.  I have been trying on and off since January to work on my eating, portion control, and dieting, but I've fallen off the wagon a couple of times.  I began my new healthier eating plan on May 12 and it's going really well.  I am concentrating on writing down everything I eat.  I'm finding it really is helping me to see what I put in my mouth.  With this I am also counting calories.  I try to stay in the 1,300-1,600 calorie range.  Sometimes I go above it, but then get right back to mostly the 1,300 range.  I find I really like having a food journal as it is holding myself accountable for what I'm eating.  I've also been exercising, though I don't have a set program set up.  Some days I use my walking DVD and others I just walk.  The main thing is I try and get in exercise at least three times a week if not more.

I have been contemplating WLS for awhile, though my DB (darling boyfriend) has initially been against it.  His reasoning is simple...he's worried about the complications and has heard a lot of horror stories.  Anyway, I did take his feelings into account and had put it in the back of my mind until May 2007 when I found I was tipping the scales at the highest I have ever been.  After researching and talking to my DB, he is supporting my decision to look into WLS.  My concern is that at my high weight I won't be able to get down to where I will be at a healthy weight for my height.  I am also starting to have knee problems and a deep pain in my hip every once in awhile.  These factors make me see that my body is tired and the load I'm caring is too much to take.  I also have other comorbities, but these two items make me feel there really is no other option.  I MUST get a good portion of this weight off NOW.

About Me
Lansing, MI
Surgery Date
May 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 31
