My name is Melissa. I had my first appointment with my pcp, it was 01/06/05 she gave me a referral to the surgeon. Her nurse called me on 01/11/05 and told me I have an appointment with Doctor Monte Schwartz on Jan 27 in Grinnell IA.

I have been married for 4 years and have a four year old daughter. I have been thinking about having this surgery for over 2 years, but I was too scared. I went on the Atkins diet and lost 50lbs. Then I stopped losing for 2 months and started gaining. I have gained all of it back and 30 lbs more. I haven't told all my family yet just my 2 sisters. My older one doesn't want me to do it. She says it is the easy way out. I tried to explain this is far far from easy. I don't want to tell the rest of my family until my insurance has approved me, and from reading other posts it seems really hard. My insurance is Coventry and they told me it wasn't covered under my plan. My husband has Aetna and they said it has to be medically necessary. So I don't know what will happen. I know my family is going to be mad and tell me not to do it, but I have been over weight all my life. I played Soccer and basketball growing up but was always overweight. I don't want to be overweight all my life.

This is my before and most recent after pictures

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This is my before picture. It was taken about 2 days before surgery

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How to make a Melissa
1 part pride
3 parts crazyiness
1 part instinct
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little caring if desired!


Personality cocktail


Weight chart:

Surgery July 12th weight 337 BMI 48.4 Height:5'10
1 month Aug 12th weight 300 BMI 43.00 Down 37 lbs
2 months Sept 12th weight 277 BMI 39.7 down 23 lbs total 60 lbs
3 months Oct 12th weight 262 BMI 37.6 down 15 lbs total 75 lbs
4 months Nov 12th weight 237 BMI 34.0 down 25 lbs total 100 lbs
5 months Dec 13th weight 221 BMI 31.7 down 16 lbs total 116 lbs
6 months Jan 12th weight 210 BMI 30.1 down 11 lbs total 126 lbs
7 months Feb 12th weight 197 BMI 28.3 down 13 lbs total 140 lbs
8 months March 12th weight 191 BMI 27.4 down 6 lbs total 146 lbs
9 months April 12th weight 183 BMI 26.3 down 8 lbs total 154 lbs
10 months May 12th weight 175 BMI 25.1 down 8 lbs total 162 lbs
11 months June 12th weight 172 BMI 24.7 down 3 lbs total 165 lbs
1 year July 12th Weight 170 BMI 24.4 down 2 lbs total 167 lbs
13 months August 12th weight 167 BMI 24.0 down 3 lbs total 170lbs
14 months Septr 12th weight 167 BMI 24.00 down 0 total 170lbs
15 months
16 months
17 months
18 months
21 months March 12th weight 167 bmi 24 down 0 total 170lbs

About Me
Des moines, IA
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2004
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 54
March 12th 2007 Time sure does fly!!
