November 2004: I'm 41 (will be 42 in January), 5'9" and weigh 377 lbs (at least I did two months ago. The last time I found a scale that would go that high). I'm madly in love with life partner of 5 years. We had a VT civil union in July of 2001. We have two children (the k-9 variety- welsh corgies). I have been very heavy all my life except for about a year in college (dropped to 190lbs)and for five years from 1995 to 2000. I dropped 105lbs at that time and weighed 185lbs which sounds heavy but I was solid muscle and buffed. I did it by eating NO FAT and high carbs and working out 24/7. I rode bike 35 miles a week and walked 5 miles a day and lifted 3 times a week. I had a 42" chest and 33" waist. (and no i did not use steroids or any other drugs or suppliments) In 1998 I had a heart attack (very mild and fortunately no real damage to the heart. This was likely caused by elevated triglicerides from the no fat high carb diet.) followed by the discovery of kidney cancer and an enlarged aeorta. The heart attack probably saved my life because the cancer was discovered in its very early stages and was surgically removed. I began to pick up weight about a year after all of this due to medications for my heart and B/P. It wasn't long until the my activity slowed down and the weight came on even more quickly. Before I knew it I was not only back to 305lbs but was pushing 400Lbs and am now diabetic. I have tried unsuccessfully for the last two years to lose weight and now I can't seem to shed a pound. I think that being a diabetic makes it very difficult to lose weight. I hate struggling to perform the simplest task like cutting the grass and doing housework. I want so badly be be able to ride my bike and to be active again. I really hadn't considered WLS until a close friend successfully had it and my cardiologist suggested I consider having it. The Cardiologist is concern that I will die very young if I don't lose weight and so am I. My paternal grandfather, who was obese, died at 67 from several strokes. He had two heart attacks at 50 something and was a diabetic. My mother is obese and a diabetic so I don't have the best gene poll. I'm determined that I will not let obesity kill me. My father has always been relatively fit and is now in his 70's with no major health problems. He still works out regularly. I need to follow his example. So here I am taking my first steps towards a more healthy existance. I work as a school counselor and had hoped to have the surgery during the summer of 2005 but now that I've started I want it sooner. I want to be able to enjoy this coming summer and hope to have enough weight off in April 2006 to ride my bike.

11/4/04 After lots of research and speaking to my PCP, cardiologist and GI Doctor, I've decided to check out Temple University Hospital for WLS (I had been set on Univ of Penn because that is where my cancer surgery was performed but none of my Drs. knew anything about the WL surgeons there). When I phoned to make an appointment I learned the surgeon I had originally researched was booked until December 2004 and that I could get a sooner appointment with Dr Meilahn. I will be meeting with him 11/19/04. Since making the appointment and doing more research I have learned he was listed in Philadelphia Magazine earlier this year as one of the best surgeons in PA. I look forward to meeting with him.

11/8/04 I got the paper work from Temple....DANG I didn't realize I'd have to fill out sooooo much paper work before my appointment. I hope I get it finished before the 19th.

11/16/04 We'll I've finally finished all the paperwork I will need for my appointment this Friday. I had to use old yearbooks from high school and from the school's in which I've worked to try to remember what years I weighed what. My PCP wanted a $1.00 a page for my medical records and there are over 200 pages in my file. They don't have one page with just your weight on it, so I had to go from memory and old yearbooks. I think I was pretty accurate. I was invited to a local support group which will meet this Thursday evening. I'm looking forward to the meeting and hope to find some good support.

11/22/04 We'll I did not make the support group on Thursday but will make the next one. I did see Dr. Meilahn on Friday and my partner went along with me. The appointment went well. Vickie the nurse practictioner spent about 30 minutes with us explaining EVERYTHING!! It was mostly review since I've done alot of research but it was helpful for Heath to hear the information and she was very nice. I don't think Heath is completely comfortable with the surgery but he is getting better with it and Vickie helped with that. The Doctor came in after Vickie and agreed I'm a good candidate for the surgery. I have to do all of the screen tests (dang there are a lot of them). I have to also have my cancer doctor give me clearance. I don't know why I'm so concerned about that but I am. I haven't seen him in a while and feel fine but get a pit thinking "what if he finds something and I can't have the surgery or worse yet what if the cancer is back?" Then I come back to reality and remember to put it in God's hands. I'll pass all the screenings with flying colors for sure and before you know it I'll have lost 200lbs. I'll pay the $600.00 this Wednesday and get the second step of the process started asap. Oh surprise surprise I have gained 7 lbs since I last weighed myself. I'm now at 384. That is the heaviest I've been in my life. He wants me to lose some weight even though I'll have to have open surgery because of previous abdominal surgeries. I'll try but I think it is funny. If I could lose weight I wouldn't be having the surgery. HELLO!!!!!

12/8/04 Well I sent the deposit on November 24th and it has still not be posted to my bank account. I called Nyesha yesterday and she said she remembers recently processing it and that the information will come in the mail soon. I hope so I want to get on with this. I want to be on my way to a more healthy existance by this time next year. One concern I have is that I called my cancer surgeon (haven't been there in 1.5 years) to get a letter clearing me for WLS and his office said it may be June until I can get an appt with him. YIKES!! I need that letter sooner. His nurse was going to locate my file and call me back. I'm hoping they can order whatever tests and write the letter without my going for an appt. I can't stress about it whatever happens happens I'll just continue to hound them. They'll come through I'm sure or they will grow to hate my calling and pestering...LOL

12/16/04 AHUGH!!!!!! I'm getting frustrated. We sent the check for the required pre-surgery program at Temple hospital on November 24th. It still has not cleared our bank. I just called the Doctor's office and they said they received the check on December 2nd and sent it to the bursar's office early last week. The bursar can't tell me when they deposited it but even if it was deposited late last week it should have cleared by now. The Dr's office will not schedule any appointments until two weeks after the check has cleared. I'm so frustrated!!! Dang if it takes this long for each step I'll be passed the age limit for the surgery by they time I'm okayed! I'm going to keep calling them until that dang bursar tracks my check down. If need be I'll cancel the check next week and walk the cash into their office. Sorry to vent but I'm getting very frustrated.

12/22/04 Well the check has finally cleared the bank and I got my packet from Temple. I'm happy but have to say they schedule appointments I don't think I need since I told them I already have a cardiologist and Pulmanologist and recently had a sleep study and stress test. I guess I should not complain. I called my insurance and they will pay for all of the tests even though they were just done! I hope by this time next year I'll be a hundred plus pounds lighter and all of this will be over. As I read over this I sound like a real cry baby. I'm not! Really believe me I'm not. I'm usually a lot of fun and easy going. This is stressing me for some reason! Oh well when I'm healthy and beautiful I'll look back and think "It was all worth it."

1/7/05 Happy New to all. Well a lot has happened in the last two weeks. I've had some ups and some big downs. First I got most of my tests scheduled and all will likely be completed in February. But when I went for my annual kidney cancer follow up they found a nodule in my right lung. This is the first place Kidney cancer spreads and is very incurable (only a 20% survival rate). I was a total wreck until I met with my cancer Dr. and he said although it must be watched it is not likely related to my kidney cancer and is probably not cancerous at all. He said most people get nogeles in their liver, kidneys and lungs as they age and most times they are benign and never discovered because people don’t get regular cat scans of their abdomen. He said if it grows in the next three months they will biopsy it but that he really thinks it is going to be fine. I don't want the surgery until summer so I have 3 to 6 months to follow the thing. Everyone say a prayer it remains the same and is a benign growth so I can proceed with the surgery!

2/3/05 Well I just keep getting bad news or at least concerning news. On Saturday my partner and I came home to find a letter from my Bariatic surgeon saying the Ultra sound of my Liver found a growth. They think it is probably a Hemangeoma but need an MRI to make sure. I went for the MRI yesterday and the results were faxed to the Dr this morning. He is in surgery all day so I won't get the results until tonight or tomorrow. I have been a mess all week. My partner has been the best and if it weren't for him I'd have to be hosptialized I'm sure! He has been the biggest comfort this week (as always). We have prayed the finds will be benign and now leave it up to God. I'm not so concerned about having the surgery now I just want to live!

2/7/05 GOOD NEWS!!! The MRI shows no evidence of cancer in my liver. It appears the mass is a benign tumor. I will need a follow up study in April just as they are doing with my lung. Thank you God!

2/23/05 More Good News... I met with a pulinologist about the nodule in my lung. He feels it is nothing to be concerned about but will need to be followed with MRIs every few months to check for growth. He feels I will likely not grow enough to prevent my surgery this summer and feels the weight lose will be good incase at some point It does need to be removed. It still seems like the surgery is never going to happen but I do feel I'm moving in the right direction.

3/29/05 I asked Nyesha from my surgeon's office for an update on what tests are still missing and learned my pulmonologist and cardiologist have still not sent thier clearance letters. I have put phone calls in to both offices and have been assured they will send the reports and clearances so I assume I'm still on schedule for a June surgery. Can't wait!

5/5/05 Two days ago I had my an appointment with my cardiologist and she said she would fax my clearence letter to my surgeon. I called yesterday but his assistant was at "clinical" and asked me to call back today. I have left a couple of messages this morning but have not heard from her. I hope she calls. The way I understand it she is up to the beginning of June with surgery dates and I really want to have my surgery in mid-june so I have the summer to recover. I hope she calls back soon! I'm dyin here..........

5/9/05 I got my date!! June 20th Now I just pray the insurance company approves the surgery. I'm have an appointment with the surgeon on May 25th and will have my final test and prep work done that day. I'm excited but won't be overly so until the insurance company approves me.

5/26/05 Happy Birthday Heath, a day late! Wow it really is going to happen (unless there are issues with my insurance). I'm so ready to get the surgery done. I met with my surgeon yesterday for the last time before my date (June 20th) and then had pre-admissions tests done. I arrived at Temple Hospital at 8:45 and didn't get out of the parking garage until 2:45. What a day!!

I'm still not as nervous as I guess I should be. The surgeon went over all the complications yesterday and of course the last one was "you can die from this" Instead of a 1% risk he said I probably have probably a 3% risk because of all of my co-morbidities. I don't think he appreciated it when I said, "well, that means I have a 97% chance of making it." He did smile but moved right on to the next topic. Anyway my appointment with him went well... Oh I forgot he wasn't happy that I gained 5 lbs. I can lose that in two weeks and I have almost three to the surgery so I'll get it off.

The next part of the day was pre-admissions testing. It did not start off well but ended up okay. The part that didn't go well was during the registration when they asked are you "married, single or divorced" and I said, "none of the above." The lady said well sir you are one of them and I said, "I'm Vermont Civil Unioned, not married, single or divorced." She said that wasn't an option and I told her to then leave it blank. She smiled and moved on. The next part of the process was not nearly as problematic. It involved an hour-long medical history, brief physical and then a consult with the anesthesiologist. She tells me because of the sleep apnea they will tube me while away and then not take it out until I begin to wake up. I'm really worried about that. I gage easily and really don’t' want to even know they have something down my throat. But I'll get through it. Next I had blood work and a chest x-ray. Then they took an ultrasound of my leg veins to make sure I don’t' have DVT already. All was/is clear and I'm a go.

6/6/2005 Well I think I'm just about prepared for the surgery. Heath and I went out this weekend and bought crystal-lite, large tee shirts, shorts and slippers and got vitamins and tums (although I just learned we got the wrong kind of tums. I need Calcium citrate not Calcium carbonate so we need to exchange them). I just ordered protien powder and got some sugarfee popsicles. We also picked up some lip balm since everyone said it is good to take with you to the hospital. I think I'm set. I should be hearing today or tomorrow if I'm approved insurance wise. So I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that all will work out.

6/14/2005 I'm approved. I came home from work to a message from the surgeon's office saying I'm approved. Looks like it is a go for Monday. I have a cut on my leg and I'm nursing it so it doesn't get infected. That will be a bummer if it prevents my surgery.

6/20/2005 Well it is 3 AM the day of my surgery. I'll be on the table in 4.5 hours. I can hardly believe it. I'm excited and admittedly a little scared but I can't wait to wake up on the losing side. A year from now my quality of life will be so much better. I'll be able to ride my bike, and excercise without feeling like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. I'll be able to do more "stuff" with the love of my life Heath and we'll have a long life together. I'll write more when I get home. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be home by Wednesday or Thursday.


Well I had my surgery on Monday and came home yesterday. I feel better than I did a few days ago but my abdomin is sore and at times a feel a little nausiated. Especially when I get up from lying down. I'm getting in almost all of my water so I'm pretty happy about that and will try some broth this afternoon. I don't feel like I've lost any weight but I guess it is still early. I'll be weighed a week from today. More later.

7/6/05 Went to see the surgeon today. He is pleased with my level of excercise ( 2.5 miles walk yesterday) and weight lose (40 lbs). The incision is still open and draining. He said it will likely be month before it heals completely.

7/15/05 Well I have another case of celulitous. Back on antibiotics for 7 days. On a good note the incision is healing nicely.

8/3/05 I had a surgeon appointment today. My incision is almost healed and I don't need to go back until October! I've lost 60 lbs. I'm eating just about anything (except sugar and foods that contain it). I have had a fairly easy time with the eating and drinking. I do have to wait longer than most people to drink after I eat however.

8/17/05 We'll it has been a while so I thought I'd update my profile a little. My summer is pretty much over. I returned to work (as a school counselor) on 8/11. I had last Friday off and then came in Monday and will work until Thursday. I have Friday off so Heath and I are heading to Rehoboth, for the weekend, with 4 other couples. It should be fun. I'm pretty much able to eat everything except sugar of course. I did not feel very well after eating rice so I'll avoid that for now. I am really trying to watch portion size and to eat more slowly because I have over eaten a few times and then felt very full and sick. I've started to weigh and measure food protions again just to be safe. I have had trouble getting in all my water because of being at work. I just don't get thirsty. I have really tried to watch that this week. I walked 5.4 miles Sunday morning and will go to the gym today. I'm really feeling good about working out and can't wait to ride my bike again. The support group I attend will be meeting Thursday so I hope to I can make the meeting but I have an evening event at school so that may not happen. We'll the power just went out so I better save this before my battery goes down. I will weigh myself at the gym this afternoon and report my weight later.

10/01/05 I Rode my bike for the first time in about 4 years. Heath and I went to our Chincoteague home and bought a bike for me. We rode around the island with a friend of ours. One goal down. Many to go.

10/19/2005 Well it is Official I'm a member of the Century Club. I went to the surgeon today and I'm officially 100lbs down. My goal is to be continue to lose at least 11 lbs a month and to get to the gym at least three times a week. I'd like to be at 281lbs for Thanksgiving and 270lbs for Christmas. My goal is to be at 180lbs a year from now (10/2006)

12/20/2006 Well I'm officially 6 months out and have lost about 129lbs. I was hoping for 130lbs by this date but I'll take it. I do have my hunger back (it is not constant only sporatic) and I can eat more that I have in a long time so I need to be careful and follow the rules..protein, protein and more protien. I also have to be careful not to overeat. Luckily I do still fill up rather quickly. I'm still going to the gym at least 3 times a week but would like to do more than that. While I'm off over winter break I'll get into that habit. I'm down to a size 40 pants and XL shirts (for most brands). (from 60" waist and 4 X shirts). My next mini goal is to continue losing at least 13 lbs a month, to build my arms up to a very good size and to break into the "100's" by May 2006.

01/20/06 I had my 7 month visit with Dr. Meilahn. He is very pleased with my progress and said my personal goal my be too low. A few years ago I weighed 180 lbs so I don't think it will be too low and I'm still shooting for it. I will still be considered overweight to it is not too low. I go back in April so I'm hoping by that time to have another 30 lbs off. I need to really start watching the amount I eat and focus on protein first so I can continue to lose 10lbs a month. I'm at 254lbs that means 138 lost since surgery and only 74lbs to goal. I still hope to get to 199 lbs by June 20th my first aniversary. That will be just shy of 200lbs off.

2/22/06 One Thursday 2/16 I had a large abdomina hernia repair. It was VERY painful but I'm glad it is finish. The had to do it open but I got some muscle tightening and a nice small plastic surgery like scare to replace the large older scare so I'm happy. I'm out of work for another week so I'm catching up on TV. I haven't been able to exercise which sucks but I think I have lost some weight with eating so little for the last week.

2/27/06 Back to work today for the first time since the hernia repair. I'm tired and will leave for 1/2 day today and tomorrow but should be good to go all day on Wednesday. I'm so cold and can't get warm. I hate that part of this. I went to the gym yesterday and lost 8lbs since the hernia repair surgery. I'm now at 234lbs. I am now feeling like I'll make wonderland by June 20, 2006 and maybe even a two hundred pound lose and be at 192lbs by 6/20/06 that would be awesome!

7/10/06 Wow I have been quite remiss in updating my profile. A lot has happened in the last 5 months. I haven't lost a lot of weight in fact only 20 lbs since my last post in february. I'm now at 214lbs. I still hope to get to 180lbs before I'm finished losing but it is coming off so slowly. I am eating more now but have also been working out at least 4 to 5 times a week. I've walked the 5 mile circuit at Valley Forge Park a few times this summer. I really enjoy walking again. Heath and I leave for Spain on July 21st and I can hardly wait. When I return I have to have another surgery it is to repair the anuerysm on my aorta. It has grown and needs to be repaired this summer. I trust all will go well. Dr. Meilahn said I'll probably drop a few pounds with the surgery so that is a good thing. He told me I'm one of his star patients at my one year check up and that made me feel very good. I'm sure he says it to everyone but it still felt great to hear it. We'll I'll update after my aorta surgery while I'm recovering.

01/02/07  I have been really bad about updating.  Our trip to Spain was great!  We returned home the first week in August and two days later I had my aorta repaired.  I recovered quickly and pretty much was cleared to do anything in early October.  My weight went down as low as 195lbs right after surgery.  It continues to fluctuate between 195lbs and 205lbs.  I feel great and feel good about myself.  Life is good.

About Me
Malvern, PA
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
1st picture Me and my partner / middle picture is from November 2005 (5 months out) 285lbs
392 lbslbs
June 20, 2006 (one year out)
214 lbslbs
