Passed with Flying Colors!

Sep 04, 2009

I had my psych eval yesterday...I was very nervous but the Dr was super nice and I calmed down pretty quickly. Things always seem worse in your mind than they really are. I passed the test and eval with flying colors!! He said I was a good candiate for the RNY! :) I am SO happy that is out of the way. I see my primary dr next week to get my letter from him and then I just get to wait until the insurance gives us the go ahead!! I am SO excited! :) Just want to share! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and great holiday!!!


Feel Bad that I have been MIA

Sep 02, 2009

I have kinda been in my own little crazy slump for a while now. On the 4th of July I fractured my ankle and it has been a mess getting back on my feet. I am in my 4th week of physical therapy with 2 more weeks to go. It has been some summer. On a better note, I got off my azz and made an appointment to get my Psych eval. I go tomorrow. I am nervous but hopeful Once I get it done......I have to get it all submitted and I should at that point be able to meet with the surgeon and I am on my way to a new me! It is scary and exciting all at the same time. I am worried about failure but optimistic. More about me later.....................

Got a Phone Call!!!

Jun 03, 2009

Hey there!!
Back on Insurance.....We changed insurance, I was told at the time from the company that is taking care of our insurance switch that they would not cover the bypass.  I was again MAD as hell and didn't understand why in the world they didn't want to cover something that could help me SO MUCH! I called the hospital and asked them to go ahead and try to submit the info so I could be the denial and move on from there. I got a call back and my patient advocate said that with my Co-Morbidities and BMI that once I covered my deductible the surgery would be covered 100%!!!!  I am So excited!! I have to get the letter from my Dr and then the Psch eval and I will be well on my way to a surgery date!!!  Wooo Hooo!! Just wanted to share my news!! More later!

Waiting for a Change

Apr 21, 2009

Well from my last post I was upset about my insurance. I know that the denial is something that a lot of people go through. Well we got word last week that they are going to change our insurance carrier so I am hoping that it will be a change to the better for me. I will not let this insurance stop me. I have to get healthy!! Hope everyone is doing well on their journey.


Mar 23, 2009

Love it , Hate it ! UGH!!! I am just so frustrated right now!! I got myself all prepared for this journey mentally but unfortunally the insurance company wants to keep me fat!!! UGH!!! They will pay for all the things that are a result of weight, the blood pressure issues, the thyroid issues, the pcos, being pre-diabetic but they don't want me to try and solve the root of the problem and get me healthy!!! UGH UGH UGH!!!! I could just scream. The hospital that I am working with is suppose to check this again for me but I don't think that it is going to make a difference.  I am going to do this if I have to scrimp and save every dime I can get my hands on to pay for the surgery.  I need to make this change in my life to have a life to get on with!! I am going to make it through this...I have to!!!! Off to bed with me......where there will be dreams of the new healthy me!

About Me
Thebes, IL
Mar 18, 2009
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