Day 9 so far!!! (10-14-11)

Oct 14, 2011

 Welp here we are one day before mom and I go to Virginia! We see my beloved niece and my sis and brother -in- law finally! I can't wait to get this diet over with! I am very much done with this . :P its H3LL! haha but I'll make it through. My appetite has very much gotten smaller and is very much more controlled. I get my new phone on MonDay!!!!! Well thats al for now be back later

Day 8 recap!! (10-13-11)

Oct 14, 2011

Well the rest of the day was fine. I was thinking about how I want to look once I lose all of my weight and I was very excited. I realized that I need to get tan. Like VERY VERY BADLY. I am SO fair skinned I can't even find a good foundation to cover my skin well. But on another image note I want blond hair. Im pumped for the surgery. My goal as most of you know is to be down to 199 but my TOTAL weightoss goal is 160 or 170. Wel thats all I have for now but Ill update later.


Day 8 so far!!! (10-13-11)

Oct 13, 2011

I was woken up EXTREMELY early today. Mom and I had to take peanut to the Vet's office. He is fine he just needs pain medicine and antibiotics. I gained two more pounds :'( . I think i am gaining so fast because I am nervous and anxious and stressed out. I am stopping eatting even veggies just liquid (water, shakes). I wanna drop 15 lbs but I think I can because I dropped 11 in a week. Well thats all I have for now new video up on my youtube stuckinaftgirlsbody -user name watchem favorite and subscribe!! iLYall!


Day 7 Recap (10-12-11)

Oct 13, 2011

***Yesterday *** Well today was hard. I gained 3 lbs. I did cheat some again. There is no excuse for it and now with this 3 lb weight gain this brings my confidence EXTREMELY low. It makes it even harder to try and work at it but I need to keep on trucking. Well I dont really have much to say about today just wanted to log in that I blogged. Peace

Day 7 (10-12-11) So Far :) / :(

Oct 13, 2011

 Well here we go its Wednesday October 12th and I am 6 days away  from my Virtical Seeve Gastrectomy! I had some lentils but I'm seriously serious on NO MORE FOOD! Even if the doctor said I could have some veggies and broth I really want to drop weight and shrink this liver of mine :) . As some of you may know last night my  sister's dog peanut was somehow injured and is now is very bad pain. He is very reclusive now and just sleeps which was expected :(. But aside from that  we leave for VA in um.....2 DAYS!!!!! Im so pumped. Well off for now Ill be back on ater


Day 6 Recap (10-12-11)

Oct 12, 2011

[Yesterday] Today  was very weird. Mom and I felt as if something bad would happen. Anywho the diet was good and I kept it in line. We have one week from today until the surgery! We leave in 3 days to VA from nashville!. Sadly last night my sisters dog Peanut we think was hit by a car and his leg was very much messed up. Mom helped me go back to sleep because I was upset about what happened to Peanut. (Well there isn't much else to talk about for yesterday so I see you on todays blog) Ciao for now.


Day 6 (10-11-11) So Far!!!

Oct 12, 2011

Woke up later today THANKFULLY! Feeling odd today. Had a major argument with dad. Weighed myself in @ 339 (this morning) and just weighed myself now (1:30pm) and gained 1 1/2 lbs. I had SOME quinoa, and a protein shake today and WATER so I don't know how I gained so much. But still keeping the faith. Three days until we leave here (Nashville) to go to my sissy's in VA. I can't wait to see my niece! I have gifts for her! I have surgery in 1 week people! AHHH! I am so excited! Sometimes I catch myself running on fumes because I try not to burn off the 600-700 maximum calories a day that I am taking in. I get an iPhone on Sunday!!! Mom and I feel odd today. Its weird. But we don't let it phase us. Well be back on here later to finish up the recap of the day ! another video coming soon!

Day 5 of Diet Recap!! (day with dad) (10-10-11)

Oct 11, 2011

Woke up EARLY! Weighed myself in at 339!!! 11 lb weight loss! Super happy! We had to wait to go shopping because the guy was coming to fix our water heater which had been leaking for weeks. Once the guy came we found out it had to be COMPLETELY replaced. We went to a hair supply and Wally-World.We had lunch at Logan's. I had a salad and some onion petals. Yes a little bit indulgence but I'm only human. Found a ton of makeup kit supplies. Spent a heavy chunk of change of my B-day money from gran-mama. Chuggin the sugar-free protein shakes still of course. Went to sleep yesterday afternoon and woke up this morning to momma leaving. See you on day 6 recap. Ciao for now!

***Day 4 Recap of Sug-Free Liquid Diet***(10-9-11)

Oct 11, 2011

! Today was awesome I went shopping with my mommy and I got my birthday money from my grandma and bought some necessities for the trip next week. I am so excited. The diet has become much easier. I can't hold in rich foods or really even solids (raw vegetables). I am detoxing from sugar and other chemicals usually in food. I have lost 11 pounds so far !!! I also bought stuff for my neicey!!! I am excited to see them soon. Today marks day number of diet. I chug the shakes and they last me for hours at a time. Athough when we went shopping yesterday we had waked alot and so I had burned off most of my 440 calories so I got very weak and tired. When we came home I took a long nap and woke up at 2:15am. I am ready for another good day today!.

Oh so very hard!! Day 3 (10-8-11)

Oct 08, 2011

Well today was HORRIBLE. Cried about hunger for oh 4 hours. It was horrible and to add to that I have an earache. But its all good now. No video today (yesterday) just got away from me but there will be at least one tomorrow. Gonna go shopping tomorrow and get what i need for traveling such as a new body pillow sweatpants over-sized shirts etc. The day is getting closer and I find myself not as hungry as usual. I need to be drinking more water though because the IV wont always be enough. Some advice for this diet **********SLOWLY CUT DOWN FOOD INTAKE AND CALORIE INTAKE BEFOREHAND (before diet)***********
I made the mistake of just bluntly quitting cold turkey. It is horrible. 9 times outta 10 you will cry at least once during this diet. The shakes if drunken when needed are very much so enough. Gotta very much deeply wash my clothes pillows covers and stuffed animals I will be taking because having had a surgical procedure before I know that germs are spread so VERY VERY easily. Also just some advice if you have never had surgery before just know that the pain is tolerable (the insicions from my first surgical procedure [ovarian cyst removal] are the same one they will be using for this surgery). My biggest fear that I will have before all surgeries will be my incisions ripping open
O_O. But that didn't happen the first time so I dont know why I am so worried. Well thats enough for now I'll be back on here later.
