I made 1 year

Jul 10, 2007

Well, I have officially made 1 year, I have so much more energy and I find that I do not sit on the computer anymore at all that is why I have not updated or even visited the site in a while, I'm sorry at this point now I may be feeling kinda guilty that I may have abandonded the whole reason that has helped me to be as healthy as I am today, If it would not have been for this website I may have never had the surgery to begin with, so, for all of you that have been checking up on me, I apologize, Here's whats been going on with me---- Yesterday made one year, and it total I had lost 173 lbs, I got back together with my ex ( my little girls dad), we now live together again as a family, and about 3 or 4 weeks ago, i found out I was pregnant, as I went to the doctor, I had to do an ultrasound, and it confirmed that not only am I pregnant, I am pregnant with TWINS!!!!! since then I have gained 10 pounds in a month, but they say that is okay, I feel very excited about this and also very nervous, as I worry that my babies will not get the nutrient they need, my doctor says it will be okay, that he has delivered several babies to moms that have had gastric bypass, so that makes me feel relieved, I am also now officialy going to get married to the man that I have been with for 11 years. and the father of my children..I would love to hear from everyone to see how you all are doing please let me know how life is for you.... thanks Michelle

5 months out

Dec 10, 2006

Today I am officially 5 months out of surgery, I am down to 274lbs, that is a total of over 140lbs lost, I feel great, I have more energy then ever, and I am still able to eat the foods I have always loved, just not as much of it, I think this is the best thing I could have ever done for myself and my daughter, I actually get her things now instead of her getting me things all the time. All my clothes are big on me, I went to the doctor and he is amazed at how much I have lost, He says im in the top 5 for losing so much weight, we talked about the plastic surgery and I will def have to have that on my stomach area if no where else, that was my problem area, my stomach, but that will all come in time...

October 24,2006

Oct 24, 2006

Hi, Its been a while since I have been here, I am now officially down 125lbs, I am weighing 290 as of this morning... what a big difference from 415... I feel so much better about life and everything, I will have to say this has been the best thing i could have ever done for myself.  Now if i can only figure out how to create my page this would be great...


About Me
denham springs, LA
Surgery Date
Dec 21, 2003
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
I made 1 year
5 months out
October 24,2006
