4 Year Anniversay......WOW!

Jul 23, 2007

Today is my 4 year anniversary and has this been the time of my life. Things are so different in my life, I have been through a NASTY divorce, lots of body changes and trying to keep my mind sane through it all. to me these days all that matters is that my son and I are happy (and WE ARE! ) I have so many people to thank but, Most of all the BIGGEST thansk go to MY MOM, Son and GOD. Thanks to My son for being the BEST MAN in my life (I LOVE YOU JUJU!!)  THanks to my mom who has no matter what has been there for me (fat or skinny) Thank you God for seeing me through and helping me use this as a tool and not an excuse. I have lost a total of about 160 pounds and I am so greatful. I love Myself and because of that I LOVE my life.

About Me
Citrus Heights, CA
Surgery Date
May 30, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Depressed and so miserable
So happy but, most of all thankful!!!

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4 Year Anniversay......WOW!
