
Mar 10, 2010

Yesterday, had to change the dressing on my drain as the Gauze pad got soaked. It's smelled funny. Decided to call the Dr's office to let them know just in case. I already had an appointment the next day to have the staples and the drain removed.

The Dr's office said to come in and let them take a look.

Dr. Nish said everything looked good and he removed my staples and the drain. Now I'm completely untethered . Don't have to go back for tomorrow for my scheduled visit. Need to get more blood work to look at the White Cell count and come back on Monday.

Dr. Nish told me that I'm going to be on a liquid diet for the next month. Spoke to the Nut about Protein drinks. I want to move away from Optifast and find some better tasting stuff. She recommended Designers Whey and Atkins Advantage as a start. But I should compare nutrition labels for what ever product I choose.

Looks like my weight loss is slowly starting to move.

Also noticing that my clothes don't really fit anymore.

I found an old pair of jeans (in my closet) that is in excellent condition. It's four inches in waist smaller than what I was wearing before. It fits perfectly. - WOW


3-7-2010 - I'm Home

Mar 07, 2010

The Surgery went longer than expected. The doctor had to go back and staple up some leaks. I should have been out of the OR by 12:00pm but I was in until 3:00pm. Although I don't remember any of it.

On Thursday two of the members from our local support group dropped by Melissa and Tom. Also received a call from Nicole who was sick and didn't want to make me sick. The extra support was nice. Tom encouraged me to walk as much as I could. Which I did. I found it really helped with moving the gas.

It was amazing that I had such a difficult time drinking water. If I sipped more than two ounces I felt the gas building up. I used to be able to chug 24oz bottles with no problems.

Spent Friday and Saturday mourning in the hospital. Had to do a Swallow test to make sure there was no leaks as well as a CT scan of the legs. Since I was on the table for so long the Dr. was concerned about blood clots. The CT scan and some additional blood thinners was prescribed.
My White Blood Cell count was a little elevated although it looks like it started to decline as of my last test on Saturday. The Dr. wants me to come back to the hospital on Sunday and have another blood work up and then come to the office on Monday to make sure there's no sign of infection. I then have a follow-up on Thursday to have the drain removed.

I did my blood work at the hospital First thing this morning. I also had a Visiting Home nurse come out to the house to review emptying the drain as well as giving myself to injections for the blood thinner.

Overall doing well.


3/3/2010 - Today is the Big Day

Mar 02, 2010

In 45 minutes I will be off to the hospital.

Last night I went to the Support Group at South Nassau Hospital. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it because I was still suffering the after effects of the Bowel Prep .

I'm so happy that I went. It was a really good meeting and everyone was excited that I was going in tomorrow. It truely was a support group. I also got some last minute tips from the long timers. Such as a demonstration as how to get out of the bed. They brought up a good point normally you utilize your stomach muscles to sit up and then swing your legs out of the bed and then stand. This puts a strain on the stomach which is going to be extremely sore. They showed me an easier way. Kinda scooting to the edge and swing your legs down. They also suggested that I sleep in the chair and not the bed. As great as the nurses at the hospital are they may have difficulties helping a 300 pounder get up.

About Me
New York, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 10, 2010
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