still losing it!!!!!

Jun 24, 2010

i am so ecstatic to how things have really turned out so far.  i was close to my doctors office, so i decided to go by there and check on my appointment time and to weigh myself.  i got on the scale and it read 186.2 pounds.  that is soooo amazing.  i am about 36 pounds away from my goal weight, and i actually think i will reach it.  you know you hear soooo many stories and i know our own story is unique, but i wondered if i would actually reach my goal weight.  now that i see it in sight, it scares me, but in a good way.  never in my life had i thought i could weigh 150 pounds again.  i am enjoying the journey thus far.  havent had any setbacks, will see the doctor for my year post-op and hope my labs are good.  i am feeling good and looking good, feeling sexy, able to buy clothes in the normal sizes now.  when i go to plus size, the sizes are to big.  the next phase of my journey will be plastic surgery.  i am addressing it because i knew that i would have to have that done after i lost all the weight.  since it is considered cosmetic surgery, i will have to save up to have what i want done, but that is without a doubt what will be done.  i might look decent in clothes, but i want to look nice without my clothes on, too.  i know that is a person thing, but thats what this entire thing was about, a personal thing.  i will be posting again real soon, never know by time i post again, i might have reached my goal weight!!!!

how things are going

May 02, 2010

things are going so great for  me.  i have reached my 100lbs lost goal.  i still have a ways to go, but that is a big step in the right direction.  i sat in on one of  my daughters classes, and i was able to fit in the student desk.  i remember being in high school and even when i was in college, having to sit at the tables in the classrooms or if i sat at the desk my stomach and boobs where in the way.  little things like that, that you was going to be the way of your life, has changed.  my daughter has been making comments about how you can see my collarbone now and my shoulders, she calls bony.  i enjoy the comments and compliments, because before, people would say, "i like that outfit".  now people tell me how good  i look and how i make the outfit look good.  i remember i would go shopping and the outfit would  look really nice, but when i would try it on, i still looked like a whale in a nice outfit.  now, i look like a "hot mama".  on the real, i think i am looking much better than before, and i feel great, too.  i go to the doctor on the 17th and i hope my labs are better and hope my hair stop shedding.    overall, i am pleased.

hello there

Mar 28, 2010

hi guys, i know it has been a long time since i posted anything on the site.  i still come to get inspiration from others.  just a little update on me.  i hadnt had  bath in years, but recently i have bathed and didnt have to stand up to wash my bottom parts. ( i know too much info), but i felt great about that.  i am almost at my 100lbs lost and it has only been 7 months, but i am setting goals as not to be let down on my next appt date which i will be 9 months out.  my labs are still not  the best, but i am honestly trying so that they will be better on my next visit.  i remember reading about others hair fallling out and at first because i was early out, i didnt think it would happen to me.  well, about a month or so ago, i had a perm put in my hair and you could see my scalp.  now, the way i wear my hair, you would not think i was thinning, but i can tell and so can my beautician.  she said the next time i come she  will give me a protein treatment. i came to a realization that if i have to endure those protein shakes twice a day, then i will do it.  i knew i wasnt eating enough to get the protein i needed, but i tried to make it alright.  i am not so much worried about my hair falling out because there are so many alternatives to making your hair look good for people of color, but i dont think i want to be bald headed either.  my oldest daughter made a comment to me yesterday because we were out shopping.  she said she was glad that i was shopping because as long as she's known me (and she's 18) she never knew me to shop.  i only did it when i had to.  i have to know too, because everything is  getting to big.  i had one of my coworkers tell me to buy some pants already.  lol.  i dont want to spend to much money because i know shortly they will be too big for me.  i am loving it all and i have no regrets, if i had it to do over, pain and all, i would. 

wonderful changes

Dec 24, 2009

i have noticed so many wonderful changes.  i went out last night and dressed up and looked pretty good, if i say so myself, but i didnt take a pic of myself.  i have to do better so that i can mark my results visibly.  i needed a belt for the jeans i put on (i havent bought or wore jeans in years, because they weren't comfortable) and the only belt i had was too big.  i asked my oldest daughter if she had a belt i could borrow and the belt i used came with a pair of pants that was sized 16!!!! Size 16, i cant remember the last time i was able to wear anything in that number.  my waist is that size although i have to buy slightly bigger to accomodate that pooch of a stomach left.  i plan on buying a body magic so i can look a little more smoother.  i just am so happy with my result thus far, i don't know what to do.  i will send new updated photos over the holiday.  wishing all of you all Happy Holidays!!!!

lab results

Nov 28, 2009

i have heard that it might take at least 2 wks for the results to come back, but it took about 4 days for me.  the nurse called after hours trying to reach me.  my potassium was way low, of course she told me numbers but i dont remember that.  my fat soluable ?? vitamins were extremely low also.  (vit a,d,e,k)  they called in a prescription for some big horse pills for potassium to take for only 2 days and some vit d pills that i am supposed to take once a week for 6 weeks.  they then want me to come back in to see if my potassium level has come back up sometime next week.  i guess i am kinda thankful that things arent a little more off kilter than they were.  i will be honest, i probably couldve been better than this if i had been taking my vits like i shouldve been.  well, just know, lesson learned. 

i hope all had a blessed thanksgiving and the thought of overdoing it didnt even cross my mind.  maybe because i am early out, that my stomach wouldnt allow me to overeat.  thats a blessing in it self.


Nov 16, 2009

had my 3 months post op appt today and did my first labs, so i hope those come back in check. i am just so happy and ecstatic that things are still going so well.  lost  5 more lbs since friday and i am feeling wonderful.  i still have a long way to go, but i feel good about me reaching my goal. 

still coming off

Oct 16, 2009

i went to the Y today and got on the scale which i hadnt done in about a week, and still losing.    as long as i'm losing even just a pound or two, i will  be okay.  i lost 5 lbs in a week and thats awesome for me.

Feeling Great!!

Sep 25, 2009

i havent posted anything in a while, so i decided to write a few things.  i dont know what to say.  i am feeling awesome.  everything has healed perfectly, i am losing weight, people are noticing that i am losing weight and even i am noticing i am losing weight.  i havent had a sick day since surgery.  i give all my praises to God, because He allowed me to go through this without a hitch.  i didnt have any insurance problems, no hold up, nothing.  the day of my surgery, doubt creeped in for about 10 seconds, asking myself what had i gotten myself into.  after that, i was gung ho.  when i saw the doctors face in the holding area before they wheeled me in, i was at ease.  i after nothing bad to say of my experience.  now that it is over, i am so ecstatic about losing weight.  my only problem, if you see it as one, is that i have to learn how or what to eat so that i wont be hungry over in the night.  if i have to go the bathroom or just get interrupted in my sleep, i usually feel hungry, because we cant eat alot at one time.  if i conquer that, i will be so happy.

i'm so happy

Sep 01, 2009

today was my 2 week post-op appt. and everything was so well.  i had lost 14lbs in 2 weeks.   i am so proud of myself i dont know what to do.  the doctor was pleased with it too.  this was the first time i had got on the scale since my surgery day and i weighed 302 on the 18th of august.  i'm not sure if i want to buy a scale just yet.  this is about weight loss but its about other things too.  i wont stress myself out about the numbers now, because i know it will come.


3 days post-op

Aug 20, 2009

i came home yesterday and have been feeling fine.  woke up this morning to start taking my vitamins and things and the taste was awful.  it had me gagging and everything. i had to either crush them and take with a little of applesauce or open the capsule and mix it with water.  i will have to call the doctors office to see if i can trade fo the chewables  other than that so far i have been doing well. my incisions arent that sore except the one on my left side but even that one is manageable.  glad that part is over and done with.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 04, 2009
Member Since

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