mioshi89 wrote a blog post 12 years ago
Moving right along... - Hey there... just checking in. All is well and I am moving right along. Down about 90 lbs so far. Kinda scared of food right now. I can eat what ever I want now but just not as muc...

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 12 years, 5 months ago
Ok... what now.... - Hey there, it's been over a week since surgery and the pain has gotten better. I am having a hard time finding things to eat that after the 2nd time it doesn't make me gag. If I ne...

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 12 years, 5 months ago
It's that time you guys!!! - I got my surgery date... 12/22/11 God is good!!!

mioshi89 posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
I am soooo happy for you sweety!!! Keep us posted

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
Makes me smile... - I went to lunch with "him" today. The same "him" that went with me to my 1st support group meeting. He ask me when will I give him the list of dates and times for everything. He al...

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
OK... here's the skinny. {lol} - I was sitting at home today and a thought crossed my mind... "what if I loose some friends after this surgery?" I mean really... what if they don't want to be my friend any longer?...

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
Hurry up and wait... - My crazy appointment was changed to 07/07/11 because my Dr. had had a family emergency out of state. I am so ready to get this done. I know it takes time but dang...

mioshi89 added a goal 13 years ago
eat more... yea... I said that! lol

mioshi89 added a goal 13 years ago
get moving... I have to drop 20 lbs b4 surgery.

mioshi89 posted a comment 13 years ago
I'm so happy you got your date!!! I'm still playing the 6mo waiting...

mioshi89 posted a comment 13 years ago
I am so happy for you!!! I can hear the happyness in your voice!!! I...

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 13 years ago
OK... IT IS TOO HOT, CAN SOMEONE TURN THE AC ON OU - The temp today is 98... isn't that aginst the law some where??? I think all of me is sticking to all of me! It's days like this that I just don't want to move. It is so unconfortab...

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 13 years ago
Your Approved... well... kinda... - I got my letter of approval to see the crazy doctor... (OK, I know I'm touched but if you want somebody else to confirm... OK) I also found out that my dad is informing the ENTIRE ...

mioshi89 wrote a blog post 13 years ago
...and here we go. - Hey there. Well I had my first (of six) support meeting last night. Only talked about 3 or 4 subjects but it was a start. A lot of great info. We talked about dumping. Now I was to...