Lots of Research - Written 01/25/2011

Mar 23, 2011

Ten years ago was the first time I heard about WLS (weight loss surgery).  It seemed insane to me.  Why would I have an elective surgery, when all I needed to do was stop eating?

In the past decade I have gained and lost 20-50lbs over and over again.  Weight Watchers, Medical Weight Loss, Alli, Redux, Atkins, Tops, Slim Fast and Jenny Craig just to name a few.  Nothing offered a long-term solution to my obesity.  I would be successful until I hit that first plateau that lasted more than a month.  The frustration would set in, and slowly I would return to my unhealthy eating habits.

Last month I attended a WLS seminar hosted by Hurley Medical Center.  I know that WLS isn't magic, but I needed to know if it was a tool that would finally help me reach success in my efforts to lost weight and keep it off.


About Me
Linden, MI
Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2008
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