June 2004,

29 year old, single, African American woman who is ready to become a loser! I had my first consultation for Lap Band surgery on 6-21-04. Dr. Neil Floch was very nice and answered all my questions. He told me I was a good candidate for either surgery! My BMI is 44 (I was stunned and almost fell out the chair when I was told this!!!!!!)I weigh 257 pounds and my height is 5'4". I really don't have any medical issues, just some knee pain. I am very thankful that I have never been hospitalized for anything. This scares me in a way when I think about weight loss surgery but I am determined. I love to read, listen to music, and shop! So........... for now all I can do is just pray that everything goes according to the plans and my insurance approves me!

9-12-06 My,my,my boy does time fly by!!! People have been contacting me and asking "How are you? Why isn't your profile updated? What's going on with you?" Well today I woke up with this on my mind and decided to write a little something something for you. On 9-14-04 I had Lap-Band surgery in Norwalk Hospital. I went in and came out in 24 hours. NO PROBLEMS OR CONCERNS!!! You see I decided to have Lab band because it was less invasive and I was scared as HELL to have Gastric Bypass. I stayed out of work a week and it was smooth sailing after that.

I was an 18/20 (sexy as hell, see pic above) and didn't have any problems at all. Of course I didn't tell anyone about the surgery but my family and they had a FIT!!!!! You see I was perfect in their eyes and they just couldn't understand WHY???? Imagine telling your 81 year old great grandmother (Madear) that you are going to have WLS. It went like this (even though we lived together I waited for her to go out of town and break the news to her over the phone):

L: Hey Madear
M: Hey
L: What you doing
M: Eating some cornbread and greens
L: Well next week I am going in the hospital
M: YOU PREGNANT (screaming in my ear)
L: NO!!!!! I am going to have lap band surgery
L: It' s when they put a band around your stomach so you can't eat as much as you used to. It's a little like the gastric bypass
M: GASTRIC BYPASS (you see that's all she heard) you know people dying from that shyte! I saw it n the news gurl (MEDIA MESSES EVERYTHING UP REGARDING WLS)
L: I am not having GASTRIC BYPASS, I am having Lap band
M: You don't need no belly band (WTH) just put on a girdle and drink grapefruit juice (see what I mean about the MEDIA)
L: That doesn't work
M: You got surance (ebonics for insurance)
L: Yes, they pay for everything Blue Cross
L: WHAT????????
M: Because I ain't got no money to bury your dumb azz if something goes wrong( THANKS TO THE MEDIA)
L: Madear I will be just fine (trying not to laugh @ her because she is dead serious)
M: Ok, I don't want to hear no mo, you just as crazy as a BETSY BUG (what is a betsy bug yall) bye! She then hangs up!!!

So as you see my family wasn't happy at all, but I made it through despite the madness. Once I was home and in the bed they were fine. But then the other madness starts. Them watching everything you put in your mouth, like they are members of the FDA or something.....lol. I LOVE MY FAMILY TO PIECES

Lapband is a tricky thing people, this band will let you eat anything you want!!! Ohhh yeah you can still eat cookies, and cakes, and chips. But the thing is how much can you eat. Then if you don't chew up your food good enough then it is on!! You might eat something (like bagels, chicken) that gets stuck and will have you calling the preacher for your last rites.....lol! Honey it has been plenty of times when I ate something that got stuck and all of a sudden it was MAN DOWN, MAN DOWN in the bathroom lmao!!! I guess it is our version of DUMPING and honey it ain't fun!

So now I am 2 years out, down 85 pounds, wearing a size 12 (still sexy) and just loving life!! I have 3.5cc in a 4cc bad and just taking it one day at a time. I can't complain one bit!!!

Besides loosing 85 pounds due to LAP~BAND, let me tell you about something else GREAT that came out this. There is a forum on here called BAF, it stands for Black American Forum. But depending on the day it can stand for a number of things like:

1. Black American Family ~This is when we fight, cuss, scream and get ready to leave the forum for good! But you can't just leave your family.

2. Black Azz Folks~ This is when we talk about certatin things that only US can relate to. Example: Like reciting lines from The Color Purple.

3. Blessed and Favored~ We are blessed and favored to have found one another. No matter what it is we can all pull together for prayer, show up for birthday parties, send gifts for showers and START OUR OWN WALK FOR OBESITY IN ATL!!!

I am so BLESSED to have found this forum. Words cannot describe the way I feel about BAF. All of you are SPECIAL to me and I want you to know that I mean it from the bottom of my heart. It's not one thing I wouldn't do for any of you(((((((hugs)))))))

I want you all to realize that WLS IS FOR THE BODY AND NOT THE MIND. I don't care what you are going through and think you can handle it, please talk to someone!!!!!!!

About Me
Bridgeport, CT
Surgery Date
Jun 25, 2004
Member Since

Friends 164
