one week

Oct 11, 2010

So the surgery went well! It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was all anxious for nothing! There had been an issue with the insurance and I think having to deal with that is what made me less antsy about the surgery. The surgery was supposed to be at 10:30, but due to extra paperwork and other things i didn't get set up til noon. All i remember is them putting in the IV, being rolled away tot he surgery room and the nurse telling me that the mask she was putting on my face was for oxygen. So I'm laying there and taking deep breathes, trying to stay calm, and I'm like, this smells funny, this isn't just oxygen, and i was almost kinda annoyed, breathing more deeply to try and pinpoint he smell, and the next thing i knew i was walking up in the recovery room lol. sneaky nurses!

The main thing i was worried about was my blood pressure. I had told this to my doc at the pre-op appointment that i was worried. I am on Benicar, but I'm very bad about taking my medicine.... i just... i have no excuse I know how serious it is, i just hate taking meds. But I will get better, because soon, hopefully, i wont need them! I was in the hospital just one night. About two hours after the surgery I wanted to get up and walk around, but they told me to rest a bit more. I was on a morphine's pump that i had control over and an ON-Q that was inside me.  The only really discomfort was this feeling of gas and how dry my mouth was, but i wasn't allowed to drink for 48hrs. my mouth was dry and it annoyed me and the gas was horrible. I wanted to burp but couldn't :(. I was up and walking about 8 hrs after surgery and they let me go the next day. The only complication was, as i suspected, my blood pressure. It was super high. I dint know if it was from pain, or anxiety, or what but they had to monitor me for about three hours. and gave me two different meds. finally it came down, but its still been running high... so we will see what happens.

It was great having my dad here with me to help me after the surgery. He is the best dad ever

so i was really good about sticking to the week one rules.  clear liquids, and the first two days I was fine. But by day three and four i was starving! I thought i wasn't supposed to get hungry. I think I'm not drinking enough water, but it was really hard those last two days. I wanted to eat food sooo bad, and tv is no help, nor being around people eating great things. Eve now i was pizza, tho I'm not hungry.

Today was my first day of all liquids. I have cream of wheat (blended to liquid) and protein shake and juice and yogurt and i don't feel so hungry, so hopefully if I'm getting my protein in, i should be good!

And I've lost 10lbs! So I'm staying motivated...

I know it will be a long battle, i have to retrain my brain. but I can do this!!

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About Me
Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 02, 2010
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