September, 2000
I am SO ready for this. I'm 45, married, have 3 kids, one granchild, and another on the way. Unlike many of the others I've read about on these boards, I was not your typical fat kid. My weight started to go up in my 20's after the birth of my first child. It just kept climbing and climbing, and I myself can't believe I let it get this high. I'm not ready to let everyone know what that is, but you can see from my BMI that I'm quite large, to say the least! I'm tired of feeling lousy most of the time, and I'm at the point now that I can barely move around. My two youngest kids are just 7 and 9 years old, and I can't even play with them. I feel this is the only alternative left for me. I need something drastic. I've done lots of researching on the 'net, isn't it wonderful to be able to find so much info! Now I just have to wait as the paperwork gets rolling! I'll update as things happen.

9-26-00 Well, it's hurry up and wait. My info was sent to the insurance co, but BTC hasn't heard anything yet. Don't they know I need this NOW???? (Patience is not my best virtue!!) I saw my PCP last week, and she was very supportive. She did want me to be sure I knew I was taking a very drastic step, but she could see my determination. She's very willing to write to the insurance co on my behalf stating that it's VERY medically necessary. I see my cardiologist next week, and I know he'll do the same. I just have to try to keep busy while I wait. I crochet for charity, and I've made dozens of booties and preemie hats. This is all I think about lately, I can't wait to start my life over.

11-17-00 I'm so bummed out. I was denied! But I'm certainly not giving up. After all, this is my life we're talking about here! And I'm finding it's not so much the insurance co. that's denied me, it's because of the benefit package my husband's employer has. When they set up the benefit package, it was the EMPLOYER that decided obesity treatment not be covered! And my husband is a state employee. We figured he'd have some of the best benefits! NOT! But we will battle on with this. I'll update as I find things out. A prayer or two wouldn't hurt!

12-5-00 I've retained Walter Lindstrom to aid me in the insurance battle. Heard from his office today, and thinks I have a good case. So maybe there's a little light at the end of the tunnel. Would like to have this surgery before we get a new president, LOL.

01-22-01 Had a hearing on 01-17-01 (my birthday) before the Grievance Board of Compcare. Got another denial letter today. We've exhausted the grievance procedures, and will be going on to the next step. Life sucks lately.

01-28-01 Looking at being a self pay. This site is great to find out about surgeons. I emailed about 50 people yesterday, asking them about various surgeons, and have heard back from over 20 of them! I don't know what I would've done without the internet! I think I found a surgeon, just have to get in touch with him now.

2-3-01 This is going to happen! I've selected Dr. Vitello, and see him later this month. Thank God for my family and my husband's family who are going to help us out with the expenses. But insurance companies need to change their attitudes about this life saving procedure. NO ONE should be stopped from getting this surgery.

2-28-01 I HAVE A DATE!!!!!! April 2, 2001 is the big day!! It'll be at UIC Medical Center in Chicago. I met with Dr. Vitello yesterday, and feel very confident in him. I even got all my pre-op tests done, so I don't have to go back down to Chicago till surgery day. Just a little over a month away, it's finally going to happen!!

4-1-01 Well, I'm about 9 HOURS away from surgery. Something that once seemed so hopeless is almost here! The next time I post I'll be on the other side. What a feeling! I want to thank everyone that posted well wishes for me and are praying. I know I'm doing the right thing here. I'll post as soon as I'm able to.

4-6-01 I'm officially on "the other side"! Everything went very smoothly. I got home yesterday. The pain is nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. I'm taking Tylenol 3 and it does the trick. I get pretty tired, but I guess that's to be expected right now. I'm just so glad to be post-op! I'll post again as I progress. Thanks again to everyone for their prayers and words of encouragement!

5-2-01 WOW!!! Just one month post-op and I'm down 34 lbs! Of the 13 meds I was taking, I now only need 3! No more diabetes meds. My BP today was 110/70, it's NEVER been that good! I'm feeling pretty good, although I still have to remind myself to eat. But so far, nothing has made me sick, so that's good. This surgery is truly a Godsend!

6-5-01 My granddaughter was born today!! Kaitlyn Marie arrived at 12:19 PM and weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz, and is 22 inches long! I'm on cloud 9!!

6-26-01 I'm 12 weeks post-op and down 40 lbs. I was hoping it would be more by now, but I had a problem with water retention, and had to go back on the lasix. I KNOW it was only water weight, but I still let those darn numbers rule. But I know it's working - I'm down 2 full sizes already, and probably ready to go another size smaller. I can stand for more than a minute without getting a backache. I fit at the picnic table at the park! And when I went to the doc yesterday, the nurse didn't have to use the thigh cuff on my arm to do my BP! That was exciting! I've found I can eat just about anything, as long as I remember to chew, Chew, CHEW! I've never dumped, and don't plan to, I'm definitly staying away from the refined sugars. My blood sugar is now lower than it was when I was taking the 3 diabetes meds.

7-17-01 Well, it's been a productive 3 weeks, loss wise! Looks like I'm off my first plateau! Got weighed at the doc's office today, and I'm now down 59 lbs!! I almost didn't believe the scale!! I'm getting so much more energy now, and people are really starting to notice.

8-22-01 I'm now down 75 lbs!! When my kids hug me, they can close theie hands behind me! I went to our State Fair this year, the first time in about 4 years, and walked for 2-1/2 hours, and NO BACK ACHE!! Went to a movie and fit in the seat fine!! Life has been SO good! Thank you all for your prayers and support!

10-6-01 I'm 6 months out, and down 91 lbs. Almost into the 3-digits! It's SO wonderful to see people and have them tell me how good I look. I don't mean that in a conceited way. They just know I'm so much healthier. And they've also noticed I'm much happier. And I am! And like many others have said, I'd do it all over in a heartbeat!

12-5-01 I'm now 8 months out, and down 101 lbs! People are really noticing, and commenting, and I LOVE it! Clothes that haven't fit in years are now too big. Guess I'll just have to do some shopping! I feel fantasitc. I'm due for a new driver's license photo in January, and am actually looking forward to it. :-) When I compare myself to how I felt a year ago, it's just awesome. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I know I will!

4-6-02 I'm one year post-op!! What a year it's been! When I think of where I was a year ago, I almost can't believe it! This is absolutely the best thing I've ever done for myself. I had my first reconstructive surgery done on April 4th, and had 3 lbs of tissue removed from my left leg by my knee. In a few weeks I'll have the other leg done. I'm anxious to see what size slacks I'll be able to buy once I don't need all that "leg room". I know you've all read about my insurance woes, well, we have new insurance this year, and they paid for the reconstruction! Thank you Humana!! I hope to post some new photos soon. If any of you pre-ops have any questions or concerns, just email me, I'd be happy to try to help. Or, if you just need to "vent". I know what you're going through. There IS hope!!

8-11-02 I thought I'd better update my page here, and I finally have a new photo to post. It was taken just last week on our vacation. We went camping in Canada! My very first camping trip. My husband and kids went camping quite often, but I would never go. I knew I'd never be able to handle it as big as I was. But, this time I was ready and rarin' to go! We had a wonderful time! A real "walk in the park"! It was no effort for me to walk anywhere, and it was wonderful to just go and do something without wondering where I'd be able to stop and sit down and rest. And the kids both said more than once that it was a lot more fun now that I could come along. That made everything worth it right there! I had surgery on my right leg in June, and am now all healed up. What a difference!! I had what looked and felt like cantalopes behind my knees, and found that it wasn't fat--it was severe lymphedema that just had no where else to go. I figured it wasn't fat, because it didn't shrink as I lost weight. My legs feel so much better now, and the circulation is improving. It's so nice just to walk without them knocking together. My next surgery will be a panniculectomy, to get rid of that stomach apron. But I'll wait till fall or winter for that. I was amazed at how easy the leg surgeries were for me. Both were done on an outpatient basis, and I was able to walk around the same day. Not much pain at all, in fact, I hardly used the cane I got. I kept leaving it around the house, forgetting to take it with me! :-) I realize I'm starting to ramble here, but there's just so much to say! I've never been so busy, and I love it! I helped my daughter's Brownie Troop build a float for our 4th of July parade, and when I was 400 lbs., I never would have even considered doing that. Now I just jump right in with activities. I know I've said this many times, but I've truly gotten my life back! As far as eating goes, I eat just about anything I want. I had my very first dumping episode about 3 months ago, but it was my own fault. I just HAD to try McDonald's chocolate-banana shake! I would've been fine had I just had a few sips, but I had the whole thing. I learned my lesson! I felt awful for about 30-35 minutes. I didn't get sick, but I sure felt lousy. Light headed, flushed, I knew I was paying for it. Other than that, I've had no problems with any foods. As long as I chew, Chew, CHEW it up, I'm fine. I didn't even worry about what I'd be eating on the camping trip, I just ate what everyone else did. I even lost 4 lbs. that week! Oh, and as far as clothing sizes go---I was a 5X, or 34W, and now get into a 1X or 20! Pretty soon "NO" X!

7-7-03 Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated my profile! Life has been GREAT! I've definitely been making up for lost time with my life. It's so wonderful to have the energy to just plain LIVE. The weight loss has slowed down, but I think much of the excess now is all that loose skin that seems to be EVERYWHERE. But, that's getting taken care of soon! On July 16th, I go in for a brachioplasty (aka arm job) and a breast lift. Once I'm healed from that, it'll be a panni and hernia repair, and then, a butt and thigh lift. The best part of this all is that my insurance has approved ALL of it! I was flabbergasted, to say the least. Especially after all the hassles with the WLS and ending up being self-pay. But, have a different insurance now, and my plastic surgeon (Dr. Tracy McCall in Waukesha, WI) wrote and excellent letter and took lots of pictures, to show that this isn't just for cosmetic purposes, but that it's also a health hazard. We were approved on the first try. So, when it's time for your own reconstruction, get graphic, gross, and to the point with every little problem you have because of all the excess skin. We need to show these insurance co.'s that this is a needed procedure after WLS. Please keep me in your prayers on the 16th. It'll be day surgery, and I should be home that evening, if all goes well.

9-8-03 Well, to say I'm thrilled with my results of the plastic surgery would be the understatement of the year! You can click on the link at the top of this page to see my photos. Everything went really well, and the pain was quite minimal. I now have a date for my panni/hernia repair---October 8th! Just one month away! I never in a million years thought I'd get this far, and be a real "before and after"! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, THERE IS HOPE!!!! THIS DOES WORK!!!!

10-6-03! My new grandson was born today!! Jonathan Michael weighed in at 8 lbs, 15 oz, and was 21 inches long. Another sweetie to spoil! In two more days I go in for my Panni/hernia repair. I'll have enough lap room for all three grandkids!

12-25-03 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I had my Panni/hernia repair, and the results are awesome! I healed up just fine, no complications. I can now wear a Size 16 slacks, and the waist is baggy! But I need the room for my thighs right now. That'll be my next and final reconstuctive sugery, hopefully near the end of winter or early spring of 2004. It's great to have a waistline! I actually wore a belt! And, what a thrill to be UNDER 200 lbs! I didn't think I'd ever see that again in my lifetime. I actually weigh 60 lbs LESS than my Driver's License says, and I just got it this past January! How cool is that! I may have to go for another new one. :-) What an exciting year it's been! My energy level is so high, I'm making up for those lost years.

I hope you all have a wonderful, happy, and healthy New Year!!

5-19-04 WOW Can't say much more than that. I feel better than I have in over 20 years. I've had my 4th (yes 4th) reconstruction, and so far have had a total of 30 lbs of excess skin removed. My last was a butt/outer thigh lift. I have one more surgery left, my inner thighs. That'll be some time this summer or fall. I'm in a size 10/12, which I haven't seen since I was in high school!! Things have turned out better than I ever thought they would. I can eat just about anything. I went to the park with my grandkids the other day, and swung on the swings! I can go up and down stairs without holding on to the railing. I used to go one step at a time, literally pulling myself up. I can't wait for summer. I even bought a swim suit!

Pre-op: 400 lbs, BMI 66.7 (Super Morbid Obese)
One month post-op: 366 lbs, 34 lbs. lost, BMI 61.0
12 weeks post-op: 360 lbs, 40 lbs. lost, BMI 59.9 (wooo hooo, I'm in the 50's!)
15 weeks post-op: 341 lbs, 59 lbs. lost, BMI 56.7
20 weeks post-op: 325 lbs, 75 lbs. lost, BMI 54.1
6 months post-op: 309 lbs, 91 lbs. lost, BMI 51.4
8 months post-op: 299 lbs, 101 lbs. lost!, BMI 49.8 (wowza, in the 200's, and in the 40's!!)
12 months post-op: 265 lbs, 135 lbs. lost, BMI 45.6
16 months post-op: 238 lbs, 162 lbs. lost, BMI 39.6!! NO LONGER MORBIDLY OBESE!!!!!
18 months post-op: 230 lbs, 170 lbs. lost, BMI 38.3
27 months post-op: 215 lbs, 185 lbs. lost, BMI 35.7 STARTING THE RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS!!
29 months post-op: 210 lbs, 190 lbs. lost, BMI 34.9
32 months post-op: 190 lbs, 210 lbs. lost, BMI 31.6!! IN THE HUNDREDS!! I'VE LOST 80% OF MY EXCESS WEIGHT SO FAR, AND AM ALMOST OUT OF THE "OBESE" CATEGORY!
37 months post op: 166 lbs, 234 lbs. lost, BMI 27.6!!! Getting close to normal!!!!

About Me
East Troy, WI
Surgery Date
Aug 16, 2000
Member Since

Friends 5
