I am a 39 year old salesperson who has struggled with  weight my entire life. My Mom started me out on diets when I was 9. Of course when I was younger I was more active but with lifes tribulations and my poor coping mechanisms I started to pack on the pounds.  I love to cook and eat but those aren't very good hobbies for a fat girl. Last year I started to realize that I wanted more out of life. I want to go places and do things like camping and hiking. However my big butt just keeps getting in the way.  So my partner and I decided to embark on a WLS adventure together.  My partner is also MO, did I mention that I love to cook? We didn't have the problems with Insurance that some have and had to do some tap dancing to prove we were good candidates but we were both approved.  Shannon had her WLS on April 24th and I had mine on May 8th. Minn

Music Video:http://www.videocodezone.com/videos/s/sia/breathe_me.html" target='_blank'>BREATHE ME  (by Sia)

Music Video Code provided by VideoCodeZone.Com

About Me
Surgery Date
May 29, 2007
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 8
Week 11 results
Meat Crust Pizza
7 weeks
6 Weeks out Baby
Quiz time :)
Shannon came home from the hospital today
Almost my one month anniversary
The adventure begins
