April 28, 2008

Apr 28, 2008

I had my DS on 3/10/08. The only problem was my spleen was cut and ended up having to be removed. I had blood transfusions as a result. Other than that everything was great. 
As of today I have lost 30 pounds exactly. I had a very long 4 week stall that just broke..THANK GOD. I tried everything recommended to break it with no avail. The only thing that worked was perseverence. 
30 pounds makes a BIG difference on a small body. I feel a lot better about myself. I am starting to regain energy, fit into my clothes, and reestablish confidence!!

Feb 28, 2008

Feb 28, 2008

Down 5 lbs...Dr. G said I can have NO to VERY VERY LOW Carb. Wednesday is my last day at work. It feels odd to be out of work...as a workaholic thats a wierd concept. I have worked constantly with the exception of a few days here and there for 7 years straight. Im looking forward to meeting Dr. G.

Feb 25 2008

Feb 25, 2008

I started my pre op diet today for my surgery March 10th. I am leaving next Thursday morning for my appointment on Thursday at 12:00 with Dr. Greenbaum, then a 1:30 appointment with the Pulmonologist. Friday I have my pre op surgery appoinment at the hospital and then I have a weekend free till surgery on Monday am. Now its just a matter of getting through this liquid diet. All protein drinks and water or crystal light. I still have my morning coffee though. Next week I will cut that off too. I am truely to my heart so grateful for this second chance...so I am going to do my best to stick with this. I believe it will just make things easier after surgery.

February 15, 2008

Feb 15, 2008

Yesterday at 10:30 am I was approved and today I finally have a date...March 10, 2008 at 8:00 am!! I need to be there for doctors appointments starting on March 6, 2008. Now the only thing left is lettng my employer know!!

Feb 1, 2008

Feb 04, 2008

Today the paperwork was finally faxed to Aetna. I called today and it shows that my doctor contacted them  but not that the necessary information has been received. I am really nervous. I see so many people getting approved and I just want it to be me. People who are getting approved now are having dates the end of February. I need to get approved in the next week to get a beginning of March date. All weekend I spent reviewing the DS with my mom so she understands. She appears to be very supportive.

January 10, 2008

Jan 21, 2008

I took the day off today to work at home. Had an epidural done and I was so tired. All my appointments are done, Tina should have everything...the only thing I need to do is fax the nutrition consult and the psych eval that I have at work. She said to call her Wednesday and we would submit everything to insurance. Once I hear it is on its way I will be excited. Should be soon. I figured I would email Dr. G and see if I should start a liquid diet soon.

January 10, 2008

Jan 10, 2008

Monday is my last appointment at the PCP then as long as I can get an approval for revision everything will go off for approval. I am having issues getting everything sent back from the psychiatrist and nutritionist. Frankly, it pisses me off a tad. I was told a week but everyone is still dragging their feet. Can you tell I am ready!!

Janury 7, 2008 Last Week of Appointments

Jan 07, 2008

This week I have all my follow up appointments. Today I had the endocrinologist, tomorrow the pulmonologist and nutritionist. Last week I had the psychiatrist. Everything is in my favor but my height being 5 foot 1 instead of 5 foot even. I am praying for either 8 pounds of weight gain or shrinking a half inch. I want this done so bad. I am so tired of living like this. Every night I research. I guess If it is God's will it will happen for me. 

December 29, 2007

Dec 29, 2007

A new year is upon me. I started a new profile and gave up the old (and familiar one). Currently, I have a few appointments and then will submit for a revision from RNY to DS. I have been living on the DS forum and have gotten so much support and a wealth of information. I have been overwhelmed with the fact that my insurance is changing in 2008 with work and I just found out. It really changed from 1 aetna plan to another. I believe that WLS is still covered, although I saw that they now added a few other things necessary for coverage. Nothing big...just will take some time to coodinate all the information. I will feel better Monday when I call and ask the insurance company all the questions needed. Really, I am so convinced that DS is the way to go...I will pay for it myself.
I changed my picture from the old one from 2004. Sometimes I forget how far I have come. I still hide my body as seen in the picture, but as you can see I am not hiding from cameras completely...THANK GOD FOR PROGRESS.

About Me
Midlothian, VA
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2003
Member Since

Friends 33

Latest Blog 9
April 28, 2008
Feb 28, 2008
Feb 25 2008
February 15, 2008
Feb 1, 2008
January 10, 2008
January 10, 2008
Janury 7, 2008 Last Week of Appointments
December 29, 2007
