Revision Day 12

Aug 29, 2016


My revision was performed on  August 17, 2016.  I spent 1 night in the hospital and went home the next day.  I took the pain meds they prescribed on Thursday, but by Friday, they were giving me a headache.  Upon emailing the Dr office, they said to just take Tylenol.  I did that until Friday. It took a long while to have my first BM, but when I did... oh boy!  I hope that's not representative of the rest of my future. It was strange to be so much, considering that I had only been drinking liquids. I was tired and lethargic, though not taking any pain meds, until day 9. That's the first day I felt like myself, and wasn't confined to the toilet all morning. I was able to walk a little. I am still pretty tired unless I take half a Phen pill.  That's been making it possible for me to really exercise AND not be so hungry.


I am amazed that my body is sustaining itself on under 500 cal for so long.   



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About Me
New Orleans, LA
Surgery Date
Oct 26, 2005
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