
YEAH!!!! 4 year anniversary. I'll blog later this week. But I'm doing great, feel great, and truely blessed. Weight this morning 156 lbs.


WOW!!! Three year surg-versary!!! My goodness how time flew by. I was recently looking back on some old pics and I didn't recognize myself. Well here is a quick update on me today:

1. 147 lbs (264 lbs starting)
2. jogging 2-3X a week
3. self esteem up
4. confidence up
5. 5k in June
6. 10k in November
7. some bone density loss in hip/pelvic area
8. calcium loss in teeth
9. low sugar

As you can see it has not all been great news over the past three years. I am  so greatful that I have come this far with no serious complications. I still take my vits everyday, protien everyday, water water water everyday. Most importantly I keep folks around me that need the same support that I do to maintain and continue this journey. It truely is a life changing experince.

I encorage all the newbees to follow the rules. Please don't give up. This is a journey and it take time and effort. Find someone who will support you and understands what you are going through. I hope folks on here are still doing the "Angel" support. My Angel Annette was great! Miss you girl!

To my oldheads Congrats for sticking to the rules and working that tool. Beautiful Women, strong women, and men too! Reach back and help someone who is thinking about giving up or needs a lil push to get back on track. Remember when you were new to OH?  Encourage someone today that it's all worth it.

I love you all with the love of the Lord. Here to good health!



Well today I'm in the mood to blog about everything that has been going on.

I mentioned earlier that I had temp. custody of my 2 nieces. Well they went back home to their mom and then a week later the oldest ran away. Not to my house but to her estranged father's house. That was the most pain experience for all us. What wasn't I doing to cause her not to come to me??? Of course I blamed myself the whole time. But thank God she's back home with her mother and they are working things out.

My son has a cluster of cyst in his nipple area. The nipple looks like a rotten cherry today, yesterday it looked like a bright red fresh cherry.  Nontheless, we thank God tha it's not cancerous and it can be removed. Since the cyst are embedded in the muscle it has to be scrapped off which requires surgery.  And of course I blamed myself for this too.

So now that I have blamed myself for my niece running away and my son's health issue...I'm no good for anything right now. I don't feel like execersing, eating, sleeping, nothing. I HAVE TO GET OUT OF THIS FUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's funny you go to church and hear what the pastor says about trusting and having faith in God to do ALL THINGS. But when All Things slap you in the face it's like everything went in one ear and out the other.

To anyone reading this please say a special prayer for me that I may recognized and trust in God's word.

Have a good one,



Happy Surg-A-varsary to ME! 

It's been 2 years since my WLS and I feel great. I weighted in this morning at 142.8 lbs, my hair is growing back, my eating habit have changed for the better, and taking my vits. and supps. are part of my everyday routine. I am still having a set-back with working out. I try to go jogging 2X a week. But I'm traveling again for work and I sometimes forget my sneakers or workout clothes or I'm just too tired to do anything.

I have started going back to therapy. I have learned so much about how to accept my new body as is. Hanging skin and all. I've also learned how to visualize myself in the next 2 years and where I want to be. I enjoy my sessions and I wish I would have continued right after surgery.

I'm looking forward to a great next year with new goals and chanllenges.



Weight - in for this week is 142.2 lbs. 

I had a great weekend. All my kids where gone out of the house. I had a glass of wine, a tub bath, and my Boo.


I finally have time today to sit down and blog about everything that has been going on with my life and WL.

1. I have 3 kids now. I just got temp custody of my 2 nieces 5 & 14 year old girls.
2. I have started working out again after a 4 month stall. Mainly due to the weather and my laziness.
3. I have meet an old friend from HS and we are now dating.
4. I have new goals for my WL.

My 2 nieces are now living with me. It's been hard road for my girls but prayerfully their mom (my sister) will have some time to get her life, mind, body, and faith in order. I have a son so adding girls into the mix is a lil challenging but we are family and things will work out. PLEASE KEEP US IN PRAYER!

I love jogging outdoors. The fresh air, the people, the pollen and a good sweat gets me going. I'm back on Lottsford road jogging @1.3 miles in my neighborhood. I really love it. I'd like to loose about 5 more lbs. (get down to 135 lbs.) by June. So hopefully this will help.

OMG...I had a crush on this guy back in HS. We went to the same church. He was older than I and he never knew that I had a crush on him. Back then he dated the cute girl that could sing real good in the choir. But now he's dating the fine woman! If we could go back to that church and people see us together it would blow their minds. My mother was sooo excited when I told her that he and I were dating now. I really like him! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

My new goals for my WL journey: 2008
1. develop more muscle
2. do two 5k races a year
3. take a spin class once a month
4. get down to 135 lbs.
5. be a good example of how WLS can be a success to someone else

Have a great day.

~shell (147.6 lbs this morning)


I was looking back over my old notes and I found this list. Let's get this updated and see how far I've come.

GOALS (2006)

1. take class for aerobic instructor
2. run 3 K marathon DONE (May 2006)
3. loose 120 lbs DONE
4. date again DONE (men are still crazy)
5. cut hair DONE (I love my new hair cut)
6. go on a singles vacation
7. cross legs at knees:DONE (sexy legs)
8. buy that lil black dress size 10 DONE (size 8/10)
9. maintain healthy weight DONE (143 lbs)
10. be a good example for someone else DONE (India - my angelette)
11. learn to play tennis
12. button up jack from top to bottom:DONE (size 10)
13. play basketball/football with my son DONE (and I beat him at his own game)
14. build up confidence DONE
15. build up self esteem DONE



First I'd like to thank God, my family, and friends for all their love and support throughout these 39 years.

My WLS journey has been incredible!!! I weight myself this morning totaling 143 lbs!!!! Who would have ever thought I would weight  143 lbs. from 264 lbs. (2006)  My God!

I'm looking forward to a great 2008. Our motto for this year is BREAK THOUGH (thanks to FBCG).

Thanks to all the BAF family. You guys are so special to me. Cookie, Kendra, Ki, Laverne, India, Cassie, Youlanda, Senita, DeDee, Simone, Annette, Stephanie, Donna, Toya, Patrice, GBetta, MzShoe, Syd...everyone! I wish I can call out your names one-by-one!

I have taken on Cookie's challenge of completing a 5K. So watch out!

Well I'm off to fill up my gallon water jug. Have a great day.


11/26/07 (1.5 years out)

Here I am updating once again. I can't believe how time has gone by so fast. Well I'm shifting between 145-142 lbs. and I am very pleased with my results. My surgeon Dr. Lin is also proud of me. He had me logged in at 180 lbs. but I have exceeded his goal.

I have choosen a plastic surgeon Dr. Macy Hall (I love Him). My plan is to go ahead with the lower body lift in 2009. Lately I've loved the way my breast are looking. There a lil more supple than they were within my first couple of months after WLS. It must be the birth control pills?

Donald and I broke up. He is married to his job and when he gets stressed out he gets really crazy. Not for me. And there always the re-bound guy. I have one and things are good.

I am still working out as much as I can. It's harder now that I'm in a grad program and my 10 year old is killing me with the 5th grade homework. But I do manage to get in a good workout Sat. mornings and/or Wednesday nights.


WOW! It's been a while since I've updated my profile. Well here we go....154.8 lbs.

The weight has slowed down, but as long as I workout something will come off. I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary (May 25) and this is the time when they say you can gain your weight back so I really need to be careful and stick to the basic and rules.

I've been doing consultations with plastic surgeons. A lot of them are cash, Amex, or finance. And the going rate for what I want: lower body lift and brest lift is $23,700.00 GOOD LAWD!

I hate the dating game. It's so funny how men treat you differently when you are smaller. But I'm still attracted to big guys. Donald and I are good, but I feel like I'm settling for a work-a-holic who doesn't have a lot of time. And I'm at the stage in my life or journey where I want to go, go, go. And he is always at work. 



Monday morning ritual...163.0 lbs. I'm happy to see the weight is stilll coming off although I have not been regular with my workouts. I need to find a workout buddy? Anyone interested???? Let me know. [email protected]

I have been dyhydrated for the past couple of days and can't seem to get it together. It may be just more than the lack of water intake not really sure what's going on with me.

Be blessed everyone.



Happy New Year! Well here I am on my 38th birthday with a new look and a new attitude.

It's been a month since I last updated so here goes. Monday morning ritual 168.2 lbs. I have a 7 month follow-up appointment this week and I'll be getting my referal for plastic surgery. I have lost a total of 96 lbs. WOW!

Work is good. I'm not traveling as much, so I get to see medical students more and enjoy doing what I do best.

Donald and I are doing great. He is so smart, handsome, sexy, thoughtful, and just a nice guy. But for course my self-esteem has been boosted and now when me and my girlfriends go out, we meet more men. And lawd these young ones aint no joke. They don't take no for an answer and can get you in trouble. LOL (personal jokie-joke)

Have a great day!



WOW! I didn't realize it's been an entire month since I wrote anything. Well lots has happened since. Let's start with the important stuff. 172.2 lbs. and I'm 6 months out.

Secondly, I met a new guy named Donald and I really like him. I haven't told him that I had RNY. And he's asking questions about...why I don't eat, but only very small portions. He thinks I'm starving myself.  I still can't eat certain foods and we recently went to a christmas party and my response was to most of the food items was "I'm allergic to it" I gotta stop that too. I'm not sure how to tell him or when????

Lastly, I got a promotion at work...YEAH! More money and less travel...THANK GOD!

I hope all is well with everyone. And I look forward to catching up with everyone on the board.






I haven't checked in for a while. I've been really busy with travel for work, crazy employees, and raising my son. Some days I feel like these are thankless days, like no one appreciates your hard work or dedication, or trying to teach each other.

Anyway, I got on the scale on Monday. And I am 180.5 lbs. WOW!

I still can't beieve how much I've lost so far. I've been workingout with wieghts, running, and torso.

I really need to buy/hand me down some suits for work. HELP ANYONE! I'm a size 16P now!

 Have a great day,



Monday morning weigh in...186 didn't loose anything. I didn't eat on Sat. and I'm PMSing...oh lawd...this is going to be a rough one.

checkin with me next week.



Monday Morning Weigh In...186 lbs...YEAH!

I finally joined the gym! I will be going religiously. 

 I'm trying to figure out this new system here on OH. It's cute but "How do I get my old stuff on my new page?"

Have a great day!


Monday Morning Weight in....189.2 YEAH!!!!!!!

My body may be still in the "honeymoon" stages I did not work out, but I did stick to the diet plan.

I'm going to walk 2 miles during lunch this week and drink more protien drinks this week. At least once a day. Hopefully this will help.

This week I'd like to prayfor your children and their saftey. At school, on the playgrounds, on the school buses, where ever they maybe. May God protect them at ALL times.

My 9 year had friend that died from a fall while outside playing.

I also pray for the Alston family. Aarron is now an angel in heaven watching over you.



First let's get the business at hand out of the way. MONDAY MORNING WEIGHT IN...190.4 lbs YEAH!

MD/DC/VA Walk from Obesity 2006

What a freakin ball I had. Everything from the walk, the rain, the jogg, to Martini's was fun.

BAF represented at the walk in full force. If it wasn't for us there might not have been a walk. We were @80-90% of the participants.

I love these ladies (and the men) soooo much. We laughed, jogged, walked, talked, danced, laughed, drank, and just had a good ole time.

CHOB...in full effect! These ladies are the best. I can't wait to see the pics.

I can't wait for the next event. I'm there!

Have a great day,


About Me
Mitchellville, MD
Surgery Date
Sep 28, 2005
Member Since

Friends 49
