I did it!

Sep 14, 2007


Lets Get This Show On The Road!

Jul 27, 2007

August 31, 2007 
Well its been 3 days since my surgery and to tell you the truth I don't feel to bad at all.  The most pain was when I woke up from surgery, I'm not going to lie (IT HURT SO BAD)  but the hospital did everything to control the pain.  I can say on a scale from 1-10 my pain it at about a 2 and I haven't taken anything since about 9:30am. 

August 27, 2007
Well tomorrow is the day and I'm so excited.  I'm not nervous at all.  I just want to get it done and over with so that I can be on the loosing side.  I will post again when I get home from the hospital.  Keep me in your prayers

August 15, 2007
I got a call from my surgeon's office this moring (the day before surgery) that my surgery has been cancelled and  they would call me back to reschedule.  I am so upset because I was so mentaly ready for this to happen.  On top of that,  my dad was flying in tonight to be here for me.  Not to mention, I already took time off from work to have this done.  Hopefully they will reschedule for next week.  I'm trying my best to be understanding of unforeseen circumstances.

August 1, 2007
I'm currently awaiting surgery and every day that goes by I get less nervous.  I'm putting this whole life changing experience in God's hands and I know He will guide the way to my safe recovery.  I'm so excited. 

About Me
Pittsburgh, PA
Surgery Date
Jun 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 2
I did it!
Lets Get This Show On The Road!
