Back to work tomorrow...Half day that is!

Apr 07, 2010

I am heading back to work in my office tomorrow at CNN. Funny, I am ready a little, but not really. I really just want to stay home and relish in my new lifestyle! I am going to pack my foods for tomorrow....

So I have kinda gotten I course I think already. Not to crazy, but not focused like I was. I have slacked off from cooking and just been grabbing dry tuna, chicken salads,  and Wendy's Chili (a staple for me, but I feel like I am failing. Although I have not had a soda (this was a major issue for me before) or any junk food; everything else is pretty much tolerable to my pouch. This scares me. I still cannot eat much, really like two or three bites but I feel I'm getting to comfortable.....

anyway, just venting!

