Seems to be a pattern.....

Jun 10, 2011

So the last time I wrote on here was June of 2010.  Anybody see a pattern.  I hide during the winter and tell myself  "I can lose this weight, but summer I will be much healthier".  Well, it IS SUMMER and I am still not losing it.  I have got to get some help.  I am so lost......

I'm Back!

Jun 13, 2010 you may have guessed from my "non-posting", I did NOT have my surgery in October of last year.  I actually backed out due to alot of reasons, but probably if I'm honest it was mostly out of fear AND the fact that I felt like using that much money for myself was taking away from my family.  Not to mention that my grown sons were very upset over the decision.  But I keep coming back to the fact that I want surgery and I need help.  I am now trying to once again decide between lapband and RNY and trying to figure out how to absorb the costs, time off work, etc.  Help!

I have the flu!

Sep 17, 2009

I have been sick with the flu all week and I am hoping it is about over.  I was so sick on Monday & Tuesday that I couldn't even think straight.  Today has been much better although my fever still has not broke!  I have been able to do a few things in prep for surgery today.....I made a binder to keep all my protein recipes in and I also have a section in it where I am putting little tips and stuff from here.  I have just been printing them out and then keeping the collection.  I am hoping that this will come in handy.  Right now I am just trying to finish coming up with my part of the money.  I guess I will keep posting stuff on ebay!!!!

Can't believe it!

Aug 19, 2009

I have a date!  October 19th!  A little far out, but plenty of time to get used to going without sodas, learning to drink more water, and to find some protein drinks that I can handle!  I am so excited!!!  When I went yesterday for my patient education class, they told me to talk with Donna, Dr. Mitchell's assistant, after the class.  I went back to her office and she already had my approval and my date.  I am stoked!  And nervous.......

More sleep?

Aug 12, 2009

Well....went today and picked up my C-PAP machine.  Guess I'll give it a whirl tonight.  Hopefully it will help me sleep much better and maybe calm my nerves.  Seems the closer I get to getting a date, the more nervous I get.  Still trying to scrape up the money to pay for my part of the surgery.

Moving right along......

Aug 05, 2009

Things are going pretty well for me!  I had my second sleep  study last night and slept with the cpap machine on and I slept better than I have in 10 years!  I also met with my surgeon, Dr. Mitchell today and it went great.  After this personal meeting I am even happier with my choice of him and his team for my surgery.  He said I will probably be ready for surgery sometime in September if all goes as planned.  I had more blood work done today, finish up my psych evals the next 2 weeks and go through my nutrition class on August 18th, then we can submit for insurance approval!  I am so excited.  The next hardest part will be coming up with my share of the costs although it is relativly small due to the fact that I have already met my deductible this year and am close to meeting my coinsurance amount.  Hm......what could I put on ebay?

Oh my....

Jul 31, 2009

So, I got the call from the sleep clinic today that I tested positive for sleep apnea!  I can't believe it.  I had no idea I had this and I am really bummed out about it.  I have to go back on Tuesday night and they are going to set me up with a C-PAP machine and run the tests again......


Sleep study....

Jul 29, 2009

Had my sleep study last night.  I thought it was kind of cool and the tech was very interesting and patient with all of my questions.  He said he does lots of testing for WLS patients.  The only think I didn't like was the paste in my hair....yuck!!!

Another one bites the dust.....

Jul 28, 2009

I am so excited!  Got my psych evals set-up.  I will be meeting with the doc on August 7 and 14.  Maybe I'll soon be ready to submit for approval!

More tests...

Jul 24, 2009

Got the call from the sleep clinic today and I am scheduled to have my sleep study on the 28th!  I am so excited, things seem to be moving right along.

About Me
Star, NC
Jul 07, 2009
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