4 more days!!

Feb 07, 2010

Looking forward to the losers side! I swear it can't come fast enough, been trying to stay really busy! 

Nerves for sure!

Feb 04, 2010

I'm 7 days away from surgery and have had butterflies for days. I'm still able to sleep thank heavens, but Feb 11th can't get here fast enough LOL! I find myself taking deep breathes and reassuring myself frequently.
Tuesday the 9th @ 9AM I go in to do the pre op with the hospital, Wednesday The 10th I start the liquid diet and do the bowel prep....oooohhhh FUN., won't be leaving the house that day LOL,   And Thursday February 11th at 5:30 AM I have to be at the hospital to get the ball rolling for a 7:30 Surgery (YEAH first surgery of the day!)
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Surgery DATE!!!

Jan 18, 2010

I'm excited to say I have a date! Feb 11th 2010!!!!! My pre op appointment is Jan 27th with Dr. Prickette, I've already seen him once and he is WONDERFUL!! I love how informative he is and just very caring in his approach. He answered TONS of questions my husband and I had without making us feel like he was in a hurry to get out of there or that we were asking to many or non essential questions. I am lucky to have Dr. Prickette as my surgeon!

My insurance denial....

Jan 18, 2010

I felt like I needed to add this so others can see that appeals are OK and not the end of the world as I felt when I got denied!
I have tricare prime (husband is active duty Army). They denied me for being 3 pounds under the 100lb mark for approval!
Needless to say I was at first devastated and just cried and cried, but at the same time I went into action mode, by the end of that day I had an appeal letter written and  an appointment made for my PCM for the following week to get my weight again and another referral if need be. the following day I had my appeal letter emailed to the appeals department (I'm humana military south so they allowed for me to email it, but I also faxed it just to be sure they got it

The appointment for my PCM went well, he is very supportive of this surgery and I had gained weight (I had gone off the pre surgery diet so this was a given) He faxed the new weight, and info on my co-morbities to tricare and within 2 days I was approved!

Getting started

Nov 09, 2009

I'm so excited to get this process going! Tomorrow is the seminar and I've already gotten one approval from Tricare not sure if it's the only one I'll need but it includes four visits to the wlsc for evaluation.
I get a sense insurance is a big reason surgery dates are delayed so long...I feel fortunate to have Tricare and have heard only good things...it took 2 days to get this referal from my PCM.
I can't wait to get this seminar done, find out the answers to my lingering questions, and FINALLY get a first appointment with my surgeon/team.
I think I'll cry when I get a surgery date! I'm so ready to start losing weight and know this will work for me! I have lost weight in the past only to gain back 3x what I lost. Both of my parents are obese so I always took great care to excersice, and eat right! I had to excercise upward of 3 hours per day just to maintain a decent weight (though I've never really been what you call skinny) needless to say I stopped excersing so much and my eating habits got bad when my husband was deployed...and haven't really improved much. I've gained so much weight over the last 5 years and have tried everything to get it off, but once it was there it hasn't wanted to go away. I find it so difficult just to walk a few feet much less exercise like I use to!! I can't wait to be able to do that again! I can't wait for my joints to stop hurting! I love this site and the realize site as well...it helps to know there are others going through the same frustrations, celebrations, and emotions.
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About Me
Columbia, SC
Nov 09, 2009
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