Wow where do I start. Well I had my sleeve done on Sept 15 2010. Surgery went well but had alot of problems after that my surgeon just couldn't really explain. I had unexplained fevers, body aches, occasional pain in my left chest and shoulder area but not severe. My surgeon did several leak tests and they always came back negative. Well on Nov 22nd I was driving from work and started having SEVERE left chest/shoulder pain. Actually thought I was having a heart attack!! Well went to ER and was told I had GERD, tried to tell them about my surgery and they totally ignored what I was saying. Went to primary MD next day and he said diverticulitis and couldn't explain shoulder pain. I kept telling myself I doubted it was related to the surgery because I was 2.5 months out and whats the chances and besides I did everything by the book so it couldn't be. Well finally after not sleeping and worsening of the pain I called my surgeon and he met me at the ER. 8 hours later I was admitted to hospital with a leak, OMG what how, why me, I did everything I was supposed to do!!! Well I was in the hospital for 10 days in the worst pain of my entire life, I would rather give birth than go through that again. I ended up with pleurisy also so I couldn't breathe. They placed a stent after 6 days of being in the hospital and this was done thru and endoscopy. The Gastroenterologist who placed it just didn't seem confident that it was going to work and that made me wonder also. Well it didn't and when I woke up from the scope I had SEVERE nausea and vomitting and that lasted the entire time that I had the stent in which was a total of 25 days. After the 10th day I went home, which I never should have done. I was home for 6 days, not able to keep anything down so now I had not eaten anything for 16 days and I felt like I was dying. I called my surgeon and he direct admitted me back to the hospital and placed a PICC line and started TPN. Had an x ray done and showed that the stent had migrated back down so another scope done and pulled back up only to fall down again. Now after 8 days of this hospital I was transferred to a larger hospital approximately 1.5 hours away from my home . There I had another scope and the stent was pulled up again and clipped into place only to move down once again. I was so miserable I didn't want anyone to come see me in the hospital, I vomitted all day everyday. Well finally another scope was done and the stent was removed as it was causing a complete obstruction which was the reason I couldn't even swallow my own saliva. Now the stent was out but the hole was still there and therefore I was not allowed anything to eat or drink except ice chips. Now I had been in the hospital for thanksgiving and christmas which was just killing me because I have a 15 month old at home who I was missing so much. Even when she came to see me at the hospital I was so sick I couldn't even enjoy her and that was so hard!! Well finally the day after christmas I was allowed to go home with PICC line, TPN and nothing to eat or drink still. Follow up endoscopy 2 weeks later shows that the hole is still there but Dr. Doesn't think it is leaking but no chances so still not allowed to eat or drink anything. This week I go for the barium swallow and if negative for leak I get to start on liquids. Now to top it all off my hair is falling out and that is really making me just crazy-- I wonder why is this happening to me. Is god testing me to see how much I really want this. Well I am staying strong but some days it is really hard. I just want this to be over so I can move on with my life and start living somewhat normal again.

About Me
Dunnellon, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 19, 2010
Member Since

Friends 6
