Februay 20, 2008
Weight 180
Post op 4 years this June

Lots has happened in a year.  Had ANOTHER baby.  Wore maternity clothes for the first time...(and I have 3 previous pregnancies!)  Had another boy.  Which makes it two and two.  You can always follow up on me if you are interested by clicking on my website link...or go here...http://monileigh.com

My mother died a few months ago.  And my mother in law.  Been a very rough year last year but God is so good and has helped me/us through it all.

Still maintaining weight.  I am happy.  Wear a 12-16 depending on how it fits.  I am really tall so everyone thinks I am too skinny.  lol.  Never thought that would happen.  ANywho, only thing Ihave probs with is my iron being low and being hypoglycemic.  Have to get my butt in to see a nutritionist or something...but that is it overall.

May 15, 2007 

WOW!  It has been a year...a YEAR since I have updated my profile!  Sheesh!  And almost 3 years post op!  As you already know by reading below, I got preggo 5 months after my surgery.  My son is now 21 months old.  His name is Silas Darnell.  I am now due in 2 weeks with my second son since bypass surgery, making a total of four kidlins...this one will be named Simeon Allan and he is due for c-section May 30th.  We are so thrilled!  My life is totally changed and definitely for the better!

I am doing great physically.  I still maintain the 178-185 mark when not pregnant.  LOL  I have to be honest, I was loosing weight still with my pregnancy with Silas...this time I suppose I am normal.  LOL  Whatever that means.  I get to wear maternity clothes for the first time ever...which is fun!  I have gained about 35 lbs so far and hopefully I am DONE.  I plan on going on a diet afterwords.

Only one thing bothers me...is the loose skin on my belly.  UGH!  At least I do not look like I did but I will probably never get to wear those cute little thigh high or bikini panties and look like a normal woman...I have flab that sticks out...ickypooie.  But only person who sees that is the hubbers and he could care less.  I look ok in clothes.  Praise God!  *snort*

Anywho, you can always keep up with me on my regular blog at


I update it weekly usually.

Adios Peeps!  God bless and thanks for reading my profile!


May 9, 2006
Weight 178-185 Down 200lbs
getting close to the 2 year mark

Got a new website domain now! monileigh.com Learning wordpress is a bear!!!!!

Anywho, have found I am a little hypoglycemic. I have to make sure I eat. I still feel guilty eating. Does anyone else feel that way? Sheesh. You would think after 2 years almost that food would not be an issue but I think we will fight with it forever.

I have so much skin. My bmi is 26 or so I think...so this extra skin is what is making me still be considered overweight. I hate the skin around my tummy! It drives me nuts. My butt is saggy and my upper thighs are too. If I wear support hose I actually have somewhat decent looking legs. Never thought THAT would happen! LOL

Overall, I still relish life. I can do SO MUCH! I can garden, walk all over the place...never get out of breath! I can do a lot with my hubby and I am just thankful. So very thankful!

Ok, until later, Taters!

January 15, 2006
Weight: 178 -185lbs Down 200lbs
19 months Post op

I am now pretty much at goal. My goal weight for my size is 175 I believe...so I am tickled pink I have lost this much! I feel so good!!!!!!!! My baby is fine and healthy and is 5 months old now! I still nurse of course so I think I am eating more because of that. He takes a lot out of me. LOL I eat what I want pretty much. I have a lot of energy. I am no longer on extra iron. I just take my regular prenatal vitamin...ultranatalcare...I think I will continue to get this. It is prescription strength and I can tell a diference in that and the centrum I was taking before finding out I was preggo.

Anywho, I wear a 12-14 now. I still tend to buy bigger sizes then get frustrated when they hang on me...course I mostly buy clothes off ebay so this is my problem I think.

My shoe size has even went from a 12 to a 10!!!!!! LOLOL I ring size went from a 12 to a 7.5!!! My panties are a 7-8 now instead of the 14-15 I was wearing and my bras are a 38C to the 58DD that was before. It is so weird. My body still feels like it is someone else's when I touch it...like taking a shower and stuff. Crossing my legs...putting my arms folded across my tummy...could never do these things before! I am just amazed! I am SOOOOOO thankful! So very thankful and blessed that the Lord worked this all out for me. When i first came on here 8 years ago I was so depressed thinking this would NEVER happen to me and now look! I am on the 'other side'. I know it is all the Lord and I truly give Him all the glory and the thanks He deserves.

Feel free to keep up with me via my blog that I try to update weekly...


And my wls blog that I try to update with this profile as well as photos is available to you nosy people as well. **snicker**


and the photos are here:

Ok, that is it for now...

September 21, 2005
Weight: 192 lbs Down 186lbs
15 months post op

Welp, had my little bambino 6 weeks ago! You can follow that journey by viewing my regular blog at:


And I update my wls blog somewhat as well and you can view that here:


Anywho, I feel great. So much to add how my life has changed so drastically in just 15 months time but my baby is waking up and wanting to be fed so i better get...I fugured it was time to update a little though on here!!!!!!

I am wearing a size 14-16 now. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would get this low. I thought I would MAYBE reach the 200lb mark and set that as my goal. Imagine my surprise when I get UNDER 200!!!!! I have not been this small since middle school. Now remember, I am tall and big boned, so i am not the normal petite lady on here. Most people and profiles I read are bemoaning that they are a 16...and here I rejoice in it! LOLOL Anywho, loosing over 180lbs is nothing to snear at, eh? I have lost a whole person! And a large person at that! I am constantly thanking the Lord for His blessing in allowing me to have this surgery and on top of that, blessing us with another child! A son!

On the weight loss again, I do have a lot of skin around my tummy...my apron. I also have some skin between my thighs and some bat wings but since I am still pretty young I hope to work most of this off. At least I do not look like what I did before!!!!! And since we are holiness, it is not like anyone is going to see my icky loose skin besides me or my hubby. LOLOL My hubby is fine with how I look. He loves me no matter what, so he says but I still try to look nice for him.

Gotta share this...speaking of that...I mentioned always wanting to wear a thong or g-string when I got thin...well, I got me a couple of pair and had a pair on a couple of weeks ago to suprise the hubby. All day I kept diggin' at my rear. When he got home, i forgot all about having them on...and he made a comment about me having a weggie or something since I was constantly digging at my rear...and I totally forgot I had a thong on and said something to the effect that this was a major weggie and driving me nuts...then I remembered...I DID have a weggie! On purpose! **snort** He got the biggest hoot out of that! Butt Floss...gotta love it. **snicker**

Ok, that's it...the bambino is hungry!

April 10, 2005
Weight 225 lbs Down 143lbs
10 months post op

Am 20 weeks preggo now. Go tomorrow to find out the sex of my bambino! I posted photos on my weight loss blogs' photo albumn if you are interested in seeing me 5 months preggo. LOL


Doing fine. Trying to eat for two is hard. I am fluctuating from 220-225. OB is keeping an eye on me via ultrasounds and bloodwork to make sure everything is ok. He does not expect me to gain much but as long as the bean does, things will be fine. Also, the baby will probably not be as big...which is FINE with me! Both my others were half grown and on their way to college when they were born...having a smaller bambino would actually be kindof nice without having to put my newborns in 6-9 mo clothes! **snicker**

Anywho, am drinking one pop a week...said I never would pick up pops again but man! Those Polar Pops from Big Foot are sooooooooo good! I never drink them all...usually about a quarter and I make sure I burp alot. LOL

Foods are fine...still get sick after I eat though sometimes...not vomiting but nauseated and need to lie down usually for about 10 minutes after I eat. Then I am usually fine.

That is about it so far!!! OH!!!! DER! I am in a size 16 now!!!! Yeah!!!!! Down from a 32!

February 28, 2005
Weight 227lbs Down 140
almost 9 mo post op.

Well, just got the most exciting news!!!! I am pregnant! Oh my! I know we are supposed to wait and we WERE waiting. REMEMBER...after WLS, we do not absorb like we used to...meaning birth control pills as well! I have done more research and found that 80% of WLS patients get pregnant on the pill. I do not know why I was not told this or even THINK about this. I am 14 weeks pregnant which makes me conceiving the second week of December...I was only 5 mo po then! Oh my! I DID know that antibiotics cancel out birth control pills. I had a uti in December and remember taking antibiotics but also being careful.

I am so thrilled. We have wanted more children for over 10 years! Well, a good 9 anyway. Simmone, my youngest just turned 9. We wanted more immediately after her but I have PCOS and endimetrial hyperplaysia. Among other things.

The ob is going to be watching me closely and I am already working on my vitamins and minerals and getting all the nutrients I need for the baby and myself. As for weight gain? I am not too worried about it. I need to concentrate on the baby at this time but am confident things will be fine with myself weight wise.

All I know is my surgeon is going to KILL me. **sheepish grin** All I can say is "I tried!!!!" But I am STILL over and abundantly thrilled and excited! You can see my new bean on my blog...my regular blog...


February 8, 2005
Weight 230 lbs Down 138lbs
8 Months PO tomorrow

Well, still loosing hair. That is ok. I could go bald and still be glad I did this. I am using Nioxin shampoos and scalp therapy. Taking zink still. I also take a nasal prescription B12. Still taking my Centrum chewable.

Tummy has been upset more lately. I think my brain is still thinking large portions but my tummy just cannot handle it.

Still get really dizzy and fainty if I have not ate.

I crave water, very cold, like it is going out of style!!!

My nails are breaking. I always have had very nice hard nails. I am constipated more often than not. Which is extreeeeeeeeeemly rare for me. I do not like this at all!!!

Put on a size 22 dress for Easter and it is WAY too big. I could get a 20 or mayhap an 18 even! WOW!

I figure I will go about 6 more months loosing very slowly before I stop. I am wanting to go to Curves For Women but just do not have the money right now. A lot of loose skin around my upper thighs and my apron. It is not too bad so I cannot complain but I still do not like it.

Ok, that is the recent news on moi!
January 12, 2005
Weight 240 lbs Down 130lbs
7 Months Post Op

I put all the changes on my blog...

You can read more and see my new photos on my wls blog at


December 8, 2004
Weight 250 lbs Down 118 lbs

Well, tomorrow marks my 6 month anniversary. I have been the same pretty much for a month now. I go to my surgeon for my checkup tomorrow and blood work. I have been really tired lately and have lost a lot of hair. It is really depressing. I know it was to be expected but it is still hard when it happens but would I do the surgery again? You betcha!!!! A million times over!!!!

I am in a size 18-20 skirt now and fit into a couple of large and XL tops. I about died when I did!!!!!! I could not believe it! This is down from a 5X 6 months ago. I could not go to a regular store and even some stores like Catherines and Lane Bryant did not have stuff to fit me then.

I got my first bra and pantie set and guess what else? I can cross my legs now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that it is good for me but I can!!! Yee haw! Also, I can ride a horse now if I want. The limit is usually 250lbs for that.

I wanted to be 250 by Christmas so I have already reached that goal! I am so happy about that!

I am eating a lot more now. I am actually kindof worried I am eating too much. I am going to ask Dr. Lindsay about that tomorrow. I feel so guilty eating. **sigh**

That is about it so far I suppose. OH! I added my photo to the century club list of before and after pages.

I also updated my blog at

and you can always view my regular blog at


If ya are interested.
November 1, 2004
Weight 265 lbs down 103 lbs

Yeah! In 4.5 months I am part of the Century Club! Yippee!!

I have been on a plataue for about 3 weeks now. Which is normal from what I have read so I am not discouraged. I feel so much better!!!

You can read more and see my new photos on my wls blog at

September 14, 2004
Weight 284, down 84 lbs

Posted some new pictures in my photo album of my 3 month mark. You can view them by going to my blog...


and clicking on photos.

Blood work came back fine. Feeling great. Can eat whatever pretty much!

In a hurry but thought I would post while I can!
August 31, 2004
Weight: 290, down almost 80 lbs in almost 3 months.

I thought I would post a little...I know how I like to read profiles and get all the details. I have not been too good at that I do not think.

Here goes...

At first I think I mentioned that water was very hard to drink. I am just now able to take a swallow instead of a sip. But I have to wait a minute or two before I take another. I have also been using splenda instead of sugar and I do not care for it so no tea for me. Juice is good. Same effects with water however.

Chili with ground turkey breast instead of hamburger is really good for me. I can get it down and eat a whole bowl. This is the only thing that I can eat decently. Other things are a couple of bites and that is it. Meat, even the little budding meats (what I call cheap meats) are hard to get down. Hot dogs are TOTALLY out. I cannot tolerate any fish now. The smells make me instantly sick and I throw up and get an instant migraine. Must be a migraine trigger or something there. Also, something I REALLY hate is I am having a hard time with milk. I think I have become lactose icky. **grin** I LOVE milk so this is disapointing. I am also starting to loose my hair. I am thinking of adding a vitamin to my centrum chewable. I am going to ask my surgeon when i go see her on the 9th of Sept which one is best. I also need to take some calicium since milk is now going to be a problem.

OH! One thing I AM eating that I like is the chicken flavor romaine noodles. Only .18 cents a pack so cannot beat that, eh? **grin**

Um...let's see, what else...I can tell a little more that I have lost but I still struggle with 'really' seeing any difference. I just had a lady today from church tell me you can REALLY REALLY tell! My hubby says the same. I could tell in theater seats as well that I do not squish in like I used to. I can now sit down and the arms do not touch me. COOL! I am also wearing a 22-24 now instead of a 5X or 32. This is also nice. I tried on a 24 skirt at Wallyworld and it was snug around my belly/apron but it fit! This has been the first time in years I could try something on at a 'regular' store! I am so thrilled! I just hope I can keep loosing. The hubby wants to take some pics of me so when I get them done I will post them on my photo site. If interested, go to my blog, the link is in this area in previous posts. I have some cool links from my blog you may want to read.

Anywho, I think that is it. I think I have done well. I mean, 80 pounds in not even 3 months yet...I am totally happy with that. If I can just make it to 200 again I would be happy. Totally happy. I was 220 when i got married. I would love to get smaller but I would be happy at 200. Think I can make it????? We will see. I look forward to wearing a thong and matching bra and pantie set! Getting a nice Christmas outfit! Liking my picture taken again!

August 17th, 2004
Weight 298, down 70 lbs

Updated my blog...go here for more details...


July 23, 2004
Weight 317, down 51 lbs.

Went to the doctor today, my gp about my monthly. Still bleeding. They think because of the endemetrial hyperplaysia I suffer from. Anywho, hopefully this will all get fixed as I AM anemic evidently.

Doing ok so far on everything. Had a fish sandwich tonight from Captain D's and only ate 4 bites and man, did it hurt. I think I will NOT be eating that again for a while. One thing I DO like that feels good on my tummy is pudding. The fat free/sugar free. I get chocolate fudge and white chocolate, butterscotch, ect and use the skim milk. I also drink a lot of Boost. Other than that I eat what I cook the family but very very small portions. Like last night I fixed shake n bake chicken, steamed mixed veggies and baked mac and cheese. I ate two bites of chicken, two bites of veggies and 4 bites of mac and cheese (with low fat velveeta cheese in it).

Cravings? Oh man! A root beer!!!!! And pecan pie! LOL

I have only thown up one time since surgery. Had a lot of nausea but no vommiting. Praise the Lord for that!

I am still scared I am overeating. (watch me end up with anorexia **snort**) I am worried I eat too much and that I will expand my tummy or fail. Did you guys go through this too? Also, eating is such a big deal now, resteraunts, home, ect...that I find I am getting a little depressed. I remember when I used to dream of getting this surgery and reading of people talking like that and could not believe they could be so ungrateful! At least the HAD the surgery! LOL Now look at me! In the same boat and feeling like a hypocrite and ungrateful.

My hubby says he can really tell a difference in my face and sides and whatnot. I have underwear getting baggy and sex for once is a LOT better! Been years since I could say that! (I know that is a little personal but it IS part of marriage life and a godly institution and it IS a problem for us WLS peeps) A lot of people from church are making big tadoos over my weight loss also and I cannot tell ThAT much. Good heavens! LOL It sure is nice to hear though! Our anniversay is August 15 so I am hoping to be down 70 total before then. I sure hope so!

Ok, that is it for now!


July 15, 2004
Weight 322, down 46 lbs.

5 weeks out. ...Click Here to

July 9, 2004

Weight: 328, down 40 pounds

One month post op. Wanna read more? ...Click Here to read!

June 21, 2004
dunno how much weight I am right now

Updated my blog...Click Here to read!

June 17, 2004
Weight 342 down 26 lbs since two weeks ago. I am now one week post op.

Updated my blog...Click Here to read!


June 13, 2004

Updated the blog again. Gonna make a photo album too just for this...you can go to my blog and read the updates here...

Click Here to read!


June 9, 2004
Weight 358 Lost 9 lbs...

Updated the blog again! Surgery is in a couple of hours...on my way to the hospital!! Click Here to read!

June 2, 2004
Weight 367 or so (the same)

Updated the blog again! I got a date! Click Here

to read!

June 1, 2004
weight the same

Updated my profile via blog...go here...

Click Here

to read! And guess what??????????? I am approved!!!

May 24, 2004
weight still about 360 I think.

Updated my profile via blog...go here...

Click Here

to read!

May 12, 2004
weight still approx 360+

Updated my blog...Click Hereto view...

May 4, 2004

Updated my profile via blog...go here...

Click Here

to read!


April 26, 2004

Updated my profile on my blog...


go above to check out the latest


Ok, made a blog and am still updating but you can now go there to keep posted...if anyone is even out there reading this! LOL


April 22, 2004 at 1:15pm.


I am in the middle of setting up a blog for this wls thang instead of doing it here. Never can get the html to work right. Soon as it is all set up I will put a link up!

April 19, 2004 Weight = 350+ (normal scales do not register my weight) Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote in. Here is what has been happening... I was scheduled to see the bariatric coordinator and the nutritionist and then set up for my consult with the surgeon when the friday before my appointment (on a monday) I got a call stating my surgeon does not take my insurance. WHAT???? So I cgot on the phone from 8am-6pm that friday and called and called and called. You know how it goes...Oh, you need to call this person, we don't do that. No, you need to call this person to talk to them about this, here is a number, call this and they will help you, they in turn tell you to call the people you FIRST called and so on and so forth. What a mess!!!!! Come to find out, to make a long long story as short as possible...Medicaid has different programs. I was on Primestep. Then a week before my appointment, my pcp changed to Medicaid Medwise...which my surgeon does NOT take. So I had to finally get to the point in all these calls and came to the conclusion, I can change PCP's, or go to a different surgeon. But get this...the new network I was in with my pcp? Well, the surgeon was STILL Dr. Lindsay, the same one I WAS going to! Well, Dr. Lindsay's office said they DO NOT cover it on Medwise so they have no clue what to tell me! URGH. So I ended up changing PCP's to a Dr. Janine Stone out of Nashville, IN. And you know what? I LOVE HER!!!!!! She was very knowledgable of this surgery and also took my case knowing I just needed her to refer me to my surgeon in the primestep network...Dr. Lindsay. (are you following me?) SO! I finally got all that figgrd' out. LOL I went to see the nutritionist. That went well. I see the bariatric coordinator, Eileen and Dr. Lindsay on thursday, April, 22, 2004. After that, it is just a waiting game (they said it usually takes up to 2 weeks for medicaid to say yeah or ney) for approval and then get a date. So after a year of all this we are getting down to the wire. I am very excited but nervous. I have wanted this for 8 years now. I have been on the road to this for a year. What if it all falls through? I would just die I think. So I appreciate all your prayers. One more thing, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to a lady named Sharon D. She emailed me once about a year and a half ago about this. She was concerned over my depression on my profile here and wrote to me. Since then we keep in touch. She had the surgery as well as her hubby. They are doing great!!!!! She has really been there and encouraged me all the way through this. I am so glad to know she is 'there'! Love you , Sharon! Ok, that's it for now. I will post more this week after I see the surgeon! Wish me luck!


March 9, 2004 Weight : 350+ (normal scales do not register my weight now) Isn't that pathetic? Just typing it makes me cringe. The scales at the DOCs office do not register my weight. Who would have ever thought. **sigh** Well, I talked to Eileen...the bariatric coordinator for Dr. Lindsay and I am still working on one last thing and then I am finito and can go see Dr. Lindsay and get this ball rolling. Dr. Tang, my pcp said I had until April for my 8 months to be over. But Eileen says that March is my 8 mo. So I went ahead and am trying to finish completing everything else while I wait for the doc records from my old office to get coppied at the new office. I already have my letter from the doc Letter from myself List of comorbidies 8 mo doc supervised diet 3 years doc records...need the other two I mentioned above. been to the shrink got all info from insurance along with some other stuff they may want In the meantime...here is what has happened in the last two months...I hurt my back somehow and am going to the chiropractor. I have degenerative joint and disk disease mainly because of all this weight. My knee is going out from this weight. More soon I hope.


Jan 31, 2004 Weight : 357 lbs Well, went to the Shrink. Dr. Nichelson. He was really nice. Said my obsessive compulsiveness would actually HELP with the aftercare of this surgery! LOL How is that for having an ace in my corner for weirdness! LOL He said he thinks I would do really well and he liked the fact I knew my stuff and had a rational view on the whole thing. I did ask if he thought I was being too morbid about life insurance? He said no. Get it. So I am gonna check into life insurnace...just in case I die. You never know. I have one person and my husband who about freaked at this. How can I be so calm and calous about DYING on the friggin table? Well, I am dead now. If you really think about it. I am. I never do anything. I can't do anything really. So if I die, I die. Only thing I want to be 'ready' spiritually. Enough of that. I finally got a letter from my old doc saying to give them $15 to transfer my records to my current pcp so I can have my 5 years of health records. So I will do this monday. I may take it in myself to make sure they get it and also tell them to have it there within the week. Dr. Kolody's office (my old gp) is urgh...agrivating. Nuff said on that but if I have to I will just have medicaid supena them! How do ya like them apples! Hurumpft! LOL Ok...I called my gp, Dr. Tang's office and asked to make sure they have the letter from the doc ready for me. I gave her a week originally but felt bad so rescheduled with my consultant, Eileen, so I could make sure I have everything together and not waste anyones time. I go to the gp for my next to last appointment of the 8 months doc supervised diet. I go Monday. Then I have one more. I am gonna call Eileen and get an appointment set up with her and the dietician and stuff and get that done then when I get my final doc appointment with Tang I can see Dr. Lindsay, the surgeon. Eileen said there should be no problem getting a surgery date late March or April so here is hoping. I went to the support meeting. it was cool. Allan went with me and I am so glad. I think he could relate to the men there. I am so glad. Ok. That is all for now. I will update again after Monday.


January 5, 2004 Weight : 357 lbs **sigh** The last two months have NOT been good weight wise. I am gaining. This last month I WAS bad. I chowed down. Christmas is like that I guess. Anywho, Went to the Doc today. Have a couple months left and am home free!!!! I also went to medicaid to re-apply and I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to find out I am still on it as well as my daughters. I know wwe will not be able to continue on medicaid forever (which is how it should be) and it is very humbling to be on it but I appreciate it and I also feel I deserve it. So many abuse the system and hey, I worked my butt off for years and my hubby still is. I will take advantage of it as long as I am able to! I just appreciate going to the doc after all the years of not going) My Shrink appointment with Dr. Nichelson is scheduled for the 20th. The support group is scheduled for the 21st. My appointment with my bariatric coordinator, Eileen is next Monday the 12th, where I will also meet with the nutritionist. I have my doctor working on the letter to the surgeon and medicaid. Everything on my part is finished but the appointments. I am so hoping for an April sugery date. I do not think it wise to hope too much for March. But hopefully before April is over. I am still crossing my fingers and holding my breath. What if I come all this way to not get approved? I will try to think possitive thoughts however.


December 17, 2003, Weight : 340 lbs Well, I went last thursday to meet my bariatric coordinator Eileen Wenning from Dr. Lindsay's office. It was really cool actually. It was a meeting at the hospital and there was a packet of info, I got to meet Dr. Lindsay and then some short films and info on the surgery and what to do and so forth. This helps time saving as you get the general stuff out of the way and when you meet the doc you can discuss your plan and scedule a date for sugery instead of a consult. Anywho, I loved both Eileen and also being in a room with other beautiful people in the same boat I am in. So many times we are the minority. It was nice to be the same in a croud for once! Just read a People's Magazine and some dimwhit wrote to the editor about how lame and just an excuse this surgery was! You KNOW they had to be a skinny person or someone who had under 50 lbs to loose. You KNOW it. **sigh** Anywho, I talked to Eileen and since I have until the 1st week in March before my 8 months doc supervised diet is up, I will call her in Feb to scedule with Dr. Lindsay. She assured me we would be looking at a late March or early April surgery date. I am praying like crazy and trying not to get my hopes up too much. But then again, I already have...


December 2, 2003: Weight : 342 lbs Yup, I gained from last time. And all this on a 1500 cal diet a day! I dunno what is wrong with me. I had a normal cbc so it is not thyroid or lupus. Who knows. **sigh** I go again to the doctor on the 4th...so I will update then. I do know she (my gp) is gonna go ahead and set up the shrink, nutritionist and surgeon stuff so we can get the ball rolling so when March gets here I can have the surgery asap. March being when my 8 months doc supervised diet it up...More to come


October 15, 2003 : weight : 329 lbs. Well, there is a reason for a month lapse here. I was too discouraged to even voice (type) it. **sigh** See, I have this tatoo on my forehead that says "MURPHY's LAW". I reeeeeeeeally need to have it removed. If things are gonna go wrong they WILL with me. I know, a very pessimistic viewpoint to have but bear with me. As you see below in the earlier post, I lost 23-24 lbs. After going to the doctor I had this funny feeling that the scales were wrong. Just this inkling. Well, Allan and I had went to celebrate our 11th anniversary for the first time in 7 years going anywhere and we went to a Hampton Inn Suite and while there I went to the gym to show him how much I had lost and it said I weighed 348!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anywho, I went back to the doc and told them about my inkling and what happened at the hotel was so upset I could hardly talk and the nurse was really nice and sympathetic and I got on the scales and it said I was 316. I gained a pound. The 316 being from the original 336 I thought I was when starting. Anywho, I was estatic that I had only gained a pound and that the scales were right! The nurse told me to just use their scales from now on to avoid that happeing in the future. Well, I went back two weeks later and the regular nurse, Jona who I adore, was happy to inform me they have new scales now since the other one was always broke. I started crying saying I KNEW it! Then the staff came up to me and were so nice. For some reason they like me there I guess, but 3 of them came op to me to help console me and all and I said let's get it over with and got on the scales. Guess what it said????????? 336! What I originally THOUGHT I was. I was reeeeeeeeally upset then! All this stupid hard work for natta. Well, they tried to console me and say that they would go fromt he 348 that was at the Hampton to now. So that was still a loss. As of last week at my monthly checkup to my 8 month Dr. Supervised diet before surgery, I was 329. So I lost some more making it a total of 19 since August 15th. Bummer. I guess I AM happy I have lost. But being so big it is hard. That is like loosing my little toe. Not noticible at all. I am just depressed I think. The more I start dwelling on it the more I rationalize and am happy to have lost and not gained at least. I really need to work on being an optimist! Anywho, that is news for this month. More to come November 4 or 5th. I forget when my appt is. LOL


August 21, 2003: weight 315 Well, I did get the Adipex. (a diet pill for the obese) I had to pay for it out of my pocket which I cannot complain about. Being on medicaid is a blessing in itself and I am grateful for it while I need it. I am working once a month out of the home to get the money for this. Though it is only working for my hubby. LOL He says if he can afford it then we can continue this. Sometimes he has a job that has to be finished fast so he has to hire a young boy from our church to help him. Well, I am in place of that young boy now! LOLOLOLOL ANywho, it won't happen much but hopefully once a month so I can continue to take this drug. It is $50 at Walgreens for 30 pills. I take one a day. So far I have had two days worth and let me tell you, I dunno if it is a placebo effect (sugar pill) or what but yesterday I was NOT hungry at ALL! I had to make myself eat. I had a sandwich for lunch then ate two bites of roast and 3 bites of a veggie mix of taters, broccoli and peas and cheese. Oh, and two of those little chocolate chip muffins. They are bite size. Anywho, that is it and I had to make myself eat that! Almost feels like I had the bariatric surgery from what you all talk about and feeling full. LOL Hopefully this is NOT a placebo effect and is tryly the drug working. This will shrink my tummy and help me get on a better thing for dieting. I have a hard time dieting. Well, that is it for now. I go to the Doc to get weighed the first week of Sept. Ciao!


August 18, 2003: Weight 315 lbs. Well, Adipex is not covered by medicaid. Since I have not been on medicaid beofre I did not know this. You would think they would rather pay $40 a month than the $21,000 - $50,000 required for this medically ness surgery I plan on having in 8 months after this!!!!!!! Oh well. Unless we have a financial change and with Summer coming to an end I doubt a very big change will happen, then I should still be ok for being on medicaid to get this surgery covered. I weighed in today 2 lbs heavier. But being this big anywho it is not such a big deal but I AM geared to loose mroe weight after loosing the 23. Ok, that is all for now...


August 13, 2003: Weight 313 Just got back from Dr. Tang's office. I WILL have to do the 8 month thingie but oh well...I have searched on this for 6 years now, what is 8 more months!?!? Anywho, Since I went in May to the Docs, I have been put on glucophage for the PCOS and Enimetrial Hyperplaysia. Anywho, this is a type 2 diabetes drug. It helps loose weight somewhat. Well, I have been watching what I am eating and when I went to the scales today I got on and got off 3 times to make sure the sucker was correct! I lost 23 pounds. I was so excited! I am down to 313 now. Anywho, she is soooooo nice and I was thrilled she was informed about bariatric surgery. She is working with me on this and listed all the comorbities and listed all the info I had put on my info packet that I had typed up to take today to the doc's office. So it is all listed. I was suprised as she was very sypethetic to my plight when before it was just this "Diet and excersize" thing that you always hear from skinny people who think that allw e do is sit on a couch and stuff our face. So I was thouroughly pleased with this. She has is all documented now and we are off on our 8 month of Dr. Supervised Diet. She is putting me on a diet pill...It starts with an 'A'...I cannot remember the stinking name of it and since medicaid got mussed up and this is the first time I am using it I have to call tomorrow to get it fixed then pick up my meds. SO! If I loose in 8 months time mayhap I will not need this surgery. I would naturally like to forgo it but if I cannot get down then I want this surgery with all my heart but God is in control! I trust Him. I am not on medicaid long so I am milking this for all it is worth as we have no insurance and never have. I AM gonna go ahead and get my shrink evalluation with Dr. Nichelson in Frankllin whom Dr. Lindsay's office works with so I can get that out of the way and go to the nutritionsit. I asked Dr. Tang about that...doing all this now so when the 8 months is up we can rock n roll. You know how it is to get in some places...takes a few months. So may as well kill two birds with one stone. (man, just thought...I love birds...hate that expression!) Ok, that is it. OH! I always loved it when people get into specifics on what to do and so forth...I am gonna post on my website all the stuff I am doing and letters I have written and essays and so forth that may be of help. I wrote all sorts of info and stuff down to help my case. I want a 1st time apprval when I DO do this. None of this asking for more information from me! LOL More in two weeks when I get weighed and my bp checked.


August 10, 2003: I got the info packet from Dr. Lindays office in franklin. I have to say just the few times I have talked to the staff they seem great. I went to their office a few years back for gallstones and to see another doc there. Anywho, I have an appointment set for Wed (the 13th ) to see my PCP, Dr. Tang. I hope to goodness she is knowledgable of this. She is really skinny and in the past has told me to just eat right and excersize. Uh...Ya THINK????????????????? Anywho, this makes me nervous but I am bound and determined so if I have to I will go to another doc...btw, I would appreciate anyone who reads this if you would be so kind if you know of any docs that are up to date with this surgery and would give referrals in the central indiana area, I would sincerely appreciate it. Anywho, I have been researching like crazy! I have a letter for a doc (Dr. Tang or whomever) to look at as an example to send to medicaid and my personal letter written up plus my comorbities listed on a seperate sheet of paper plus all that other good stuff that I hope they appreciate the time I took to get it all together! LOL Anywho, I go Wed and hope to gett a good discussion on this plus 3 refs...one to a shrink, one to Dr. Lindsay, and one to the nutritionist so I can get this ball rolling as I do not think we will be on medicaid long. I would appreciate any prayers. I have never even had to HOPE to even THINK of this surgery so now that I do have that small glimpse of hope I am bound determined to take adantage of it while I can. More later....


July, 2003: 336 lbs Well, I have put on here some pretty depressing stuff and though I am still depressed I am glad I found this site again so I can take off that other junk I wrote. Anywho, I recently got on medicaid as hubby is on his own again biz wise so I JUST called a doc on franklin, IN (Dr. Lindsay) and they are sending info to me on how to get approved for this surgery while on medicaid. I do not expect to be on medicaid long but I figure, hey, I paid taxes and worked my butt off for years and years, I can do this! Ya know? ANywho, If ya wanna know more about me then visit my website. I guess that is it. I will keep this updated while I learn about the medicaid. It was impossible to get on insurance of any kind before as two reason held me back, one, they never accepted me because I am so fat and two, it is too expensive to buy outright. **sigh** Anywho, I am FiNALLY getting some hope here...though just a litte it is better than what I DID have! LOL

About Me
Edinburgh, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 21, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
right before surgery...wearing a 5X
378 lbslbs
Lost 200 lbs in a year and a half! I now wear a 12! Yeah!
178 lbslbs

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