And so my journey begins...

Oct 04, 2016


My life is about to change. My body is about to change. I AM about to change! I'm going to be so cute! Wait, what about Taco Bell though? WHAT IN THE HECK IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN? These are just some of the thoughts running through my mind the last few days. I am equal parts excited and afraid. Regardless of the current schizophrenic state of my brain, I will be getting on a plane to have gastric sleeve surgery on 11/02/2016 with Dr. Quinones in Tijuana. 

At first, the thought of going to Tijuana for weight loss surgery sounded insane. I had visions of being wheeled on a gurney into some dudes backyard "clinic". Maybe some chickens running around...which now makes me feel so ignorant and elitist. After doing some research (ok, obsessively scouring the Internet for any and all information on the subject), I have learned that SO many people have done this. Normal, sane people just like me, with overwhelmingly positive experiences. I found a surgeon, Dr Quinones with Pompeii Surgical center. He has a 0 percent mortality rate (no one has ever died) and a 1.17 percent rate of complications. 4 in 1000 of his patients end up with a leak. He has impressive credentials and I am sold. So after easily securing finance through United Medical and his in house financing, I have a date just 1 month away. Here we go...






About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 04, 2016
Member Since

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