June 28, 2008

Jun 28, 2008

Okay,  I am at 254.5 lbs.  I am just trying to make it until July 11th.  I do not feel as if I have a band at all.  My full sensation does not exist at all and that concerns me.  I can't wait to see Dr. Moazzez to get my first fill and to see what is going on.  I had my 43rd birthday on the 25th.   I have been so stressed about personal issues and marriage problems that I am trying not to over eat due to being stressed and an emotional wreck due to marriage issues.  I pray to stay on track and to be focused no matter what goes on around me.   I give myself a pat on the back for not drowning myself in food as I have done in the past.   I am now wondering how much of my weight gain has been due to just being totally unhappy.  Excuse me for being so open, but for me I find just being straight forward and up front therapeudic.   

I have eaten somethings that I shouldn't have this week.  I  hope by the time I post an update next week, I have a loss.  I am determined to continue my weightloss journey.  

I did go to the doctor last week because I was feeling tired and listless.  Come to find out my anemia is back so I am now back on iron tablets for the 10th  time in my life I guess.   I knew something was wrong by the way I felt.  I would like to add that my cholesterol is now in normal range which is a good thing.  All other items were normal. This was all good news considering I am alway monitoring my blood sugar.  Both of my parents and siblings suffer from diabetes.   I praise God for the good report.

Until my next post.... be well!

June 20, 2008

Jun 20, 2008

It's been about a week since my last post.  I am trying to do them regularly to chart my progress and to make sure I visit the website to keep me on track.  I now weigh 257.5 lbs as of this morning.  Is not dropping as fast as I would like, but I am still losing.  I was really off track for a while. I cannot wait for my fill so July 11th cannot get here fast enough.  I hope to lose 60lbs by September.... not sure if I'm going to make it considering how slow things are going but I'm sure going to try hard.  Until next time....


Jun 13, 2008

On 6/6/08 I was unable to make my first appointment for my fill due to my youngest son's graduation and celebration.  I was torn between the two and decided that my place was with my son at his graduation.  I could not imagine the look on his face if I were to leave or not be present.  Hey, these things do not happen that often, right?  I was somewhat disappointed, because my doctor is only at my local location once a month.  I have asked that he considers twice a month at the least.  No word as of yet.   With that said, I now have to wait until July 11th for a fill.  At the moment,  my full sensation is not present, which bothers me.   I believe I am still in the process of re-programming my mind, my eyes and my stomach and it helps to have that full sensation to stay in line.  I get hungry quickly and I fear having to go almost another month to see my doctor.  I am doing my best not to gain weight, but it's not dropping like it was before.  I refuse to have gone through this process for nothing, so every day I fight to stay on track.  

Since my last blog, I went home, down south, twice and fell off the wagon each time.  I'm now at the point that I am considering staying away for my own health.   I have a mother there to check on so it's really impossible to stay away.   As mentioned earlier in one of my previous posts,  food is the way of life down there in a way.  I'm always offered food, invited to dinner, tasting at family gathers, and eating southern dishes. Most gatherings are centered around food, unhealthy food.  Sometimes not eating can be an insult considering everyone knows I was always down for a good southern cooked meal.   I don't want to go into my medical or surgery history by explaining why I am not eating or indulging.  I will say that during each visit,  I did go to the walking trak to walk 8 laps and I managed to get two sisters and a friend to walk with me without going to Hardees or McDonalds afterwards like we have done in the past.  They thought I was really being weird, but  at the same time they did notice my little weightloss and tried to understand.

As of today,  I weigh 161.5 lbs.  No big loss.  I will now try to lose more without a fill or anything, which really scares me and bothers me.    I am trying so hard to get to at least 150 lbs.  That is my small short term goal.   Keep me in your prayers. 

Until next time.


5/2/08 - 6 WeeK Post-Op

May 11, 2008

I weighed in at 266 lbs. I also discovered that I was not drinking enough water which was causing the constipation.   I am currently dealing with a lot of what is called "head hunger" .  I now realize how much I was really eating before the surgery.  I am so used to snacking and eating.  I am having some difficulty being around food and I have cheated.   I have a five year old and a fifteen year old that I cook for and they like the typical junk food items.  I am gradually changing the way they eat as well, but without them realizing it.   It has not been easy.  I realize I have to do this for everyones health.  

I am not satisfied with my current weightloss, but I realize it is progress and I have to keep going.  I have set a goal to be 60 lbs lighter by September 2008.  I am setting small goals at a time.  My ultimate goal is to wear a size 10  but I am not going to focus on that too much right now.. I am scheduled to receive my first fill onl 6/6/08.  I hope I am at least 10-12 lbs lighter by that time as well.  Until next time.....

3/20/2008 - Surgery Date

May 11, 2008

Starting weight 288 lbs. I was nervous about the surgery, but after waiting so long and dealing with the change of my health insureance there was no way I would not go through with it..  Just to explain briefly, my first insurance approved me immediately, but I  could not get scheduled quick enough for the surgery once I found out that my employer was going to change insurance plans.  My new insurance forced me to go through a six month weight management/monitoring.  I was devistated and cried, but once I got it together I was more determined than ever to follow through and not give up.  

As far as the surgery was concerned, all went well except for the fact that I was dehydrated and that made it difficult to find my veins and I was stuck about 3 times in an effort to find my veins. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 21, 2006
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 5
June 28, 2008
June 20, 2008
5/2/08 - 6 WeeK Post-Op
3/20/2008 - Surgery Date
