I am 28 years old and have considered weight loss surgery for many years. Initially I was going to have this done about five years ago. I heard some bad things about the surgeon I was considering and changed my mind. I kind of put WLS on the backburner for a long time after that. Five years later, it is apparent that the surgery is my only option.

A little background info on me..I have always been big. I remember weighing in at 100 lbs when I was only 7 years old. Being big was just something I became used to. Around the time I was in college I gained some confidence in myself. I started to truly love myself despite my weight. I am still that same fat chick who loves herself now, but I want to be a healthy person as well. I don't want to end up being diabetic like my mother. I want to get off of the blood pressure medication I am currently taking. Last time I weighed myself I was 396 lbs. I told my doctor that I had been considering weight loss surgery and that I need to come in and get the pre-surgery testing required. He told me to just let him know what I needed and they could get that started for me.

I am so ready to do this. I have nothing to lose...but a LOT of weight.

About Me
Greensboro, NC
Jan 08, 2008
Member Since

Friends 20
