My Weight Loss Journey!!

09/21/05 - Wednesday 9-14-2005

My co-worker JB shared his information with me from the Weight Loss Clinic in Harrisburg, PA with me and I began to think this maybe to the solution to my struggle with weight loss.  After reading the Introduction to Weight Loss Surgery.  I found myself interested in learning more about the Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch proceedure.

I spent that evening reviewing the Weight Loss Clinic website and reading testimonials from their patients and support groups.  A day later when I shared my feelings with my friends and family none of them had positive feelings about this surgery and for the most part I was overwhelmed with their fears and apprehensions and a long list of what ifs.  I quickly surmised that we have different lifestyles and thus so will be our choices and their opinions are what they are and I respect them but this is my life and I have to make decisions that are best suited for me.

09/21/05 - Thursday, 9-15-2005

I made and appointment to meet with Shanna at Weight Loss Clinic in Harrisburg, PA for a consultation.   I spent the next couple of days watching what I ate. Researching all the information I could about the surgery.  Most people seem to have the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGBP) procedure performed.  I have read so many testimonials and looked at so many before and after pictures.  Not to mention I know a pastor at a church I attend who did not make out of the hospital after this surgery. As well as a friend's grandmother, who passed on within 24 hours after being released from the hospital.  I realized that one needs a strong support team if you are going to undergo this procedure.

09/21/05 - Tuesday, 9-20-2005

I spent the entire morning reading and clicking on links and before and after pictures on this website.  Later this afternoon I met with Shanna at Weight Loss Clinic in Harrisburg, PA for a consultation today.  the consultation fee was $25.00.  I filled out the preliminary paper work.  Shanna, measured my height (5'0") and weighted (206 lbs) me.  She is not a doctor so once I met the basic qualifications for the surgery BMI over 40.  She immediately told me my insurance did not require pre-surgical nutritional counseling, dieting, referrals form my PCP doctor or attendance at support group meetings.  She did review (my homework) the Bariatric Surgery Process Checklist with me answer all of my questions and told me once they received the:

*Patient Questionnaire
*Food Diary
*Medical Records
*Evaluation request form
*Requested Blood Work

Then they will set up an appointment to meet with the doctor. Unfortunately none of the doctors at the weight loss center will perform this method.  So it looks like I will roll with the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGBP).  I am cool with that.  I will get this ball rolling ASAP because this procedure will have to be incorporated into and around my work schedule.

Wednesday, 9-21-2005

Today I had a cleaning scheduled with my dentist and this afternoon a appointment with my PCP. My PCP and her staff were supportive and eager to supply my medical history. I stopped by Quest Diagnostics to have my blood work completed and faxed and request my medical records from my previous physician in another state today.

Early this afternoon I participated with Pilates and Urban Hip Hop Dance it was so much fun and I felt so good afterwards. I immediately ran out and purchased a case of Evian, Rawlings Fitness Exercise Mat.  Some HIGH protein low fat, carbohydrates and calorie drinks (Bio-Sport ¡V flavored water, Trek-sports drink), shakes (body for life and ATKINS-Advantage).  Not to mention snack bars (Organ-Fruit Filled Bar, Kashi ¡VGo Lean Crunchy Sublime Lemon-Lim, Atkins ¡VAlmond Brownie Bar and Endulge - Mint for special occasions.)

I talked to two friends who live near by who are willing to support me after the surgery.  My mother has even agreed to come from her home in Charleston, SC to assist me for a month or so, until I can get around on my own.  While my mom is a smoker and that drives me up a wall in my home.  Begger's can't be choosey.  I need her and she is retired so she available and willing to help 24/7.

Friday, 9-23-2005

This morning I decided to call Independence BC/BS just to ask a couple questions.  I've heard so much hearsay; I decided to make some calls while I'm still in the gathering information stages.  While I was unable to speak to a nurse because I did not have an open case (meaning the doctor office has not called for pre-certification.)  However the member services associate I did speak to told they would definitely require the following information:
     ^ Height
     ^ Weight
     ^ BMI
     ^ Pictures
     ^ History of traditional methods of weight loss
     ^ History of Previous Weight Loss Surgery

I spent this evening gathering my personal records from weight watchers, the gym and various personal trainers over the years. I will send this information in with my prerequisite homework to send in on Monday.  I am somewhat anxious about my meeting with Dr. Wieger once all of my documentation is in my folder.  Anticipating what the next step will be after that meeting.

In the mean time I am still working out at the gym and I tried Tai Chi for the first time yesterday.  I read how some people seem to pig out before the surgery.  I know I need to make adjustments now by eating healthy and conscientiously considering what I consume. I'm also maintaining a journal documenting everything that I am eating.  So far; so good I'm feeling positive about my decisions thus far.

Sunday, 9-25-2005

This morning I awoke to a surprise.  Let me give you some history.  On Friday, Sept. 23rd 2005. During work at the office, I experienced lower body tenderness. I at first thought the pain was a result of a week of Yoga and Tai Chi which was brand new to me.  Hip, pelvis, waist and lower back pain, is extremely unusual for me.  On Saturday, afternoon during exercise the pain dissipated.

I have always had and irregular period.  I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.  For which the Nuva Ring was prescribed in September 2002. I developed a regular period instantly.  I enjoyed the ease of use of this contraceptive. Within 3-months I began having some of the side effects such as depression, sinus, infections and headaches.  So to my dismay, and reluctance I requested to be switched to Tri-Cyclen Lo. My doctor ran some test and agreed. Which was great. 

In September 2004 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and it was suggested that the birth control could be the problem.  Now, that I am over 35 years old and in the high-risk group.  I immediately discontinued the use birth control and I have not had a period since. The good news is my blood pressure retuned to normal.  I talked to my new OB-GYN and she prescribed a series a test and once she got the results prescribed Glucophage HLC XR 500mg. I have been taking for five months now and this morning I awoke with what appears to be a period.  My annual is scheduled for 10.12.2005. I can't wait to share the news with my doctor.

Has for other symptoms of PCOS like hair growth - I found that VANQUA elevated my excess hair growth but it cost $75.00 a tube and that is quite expensive and my insurance does not cover this cosmetic topical cream.  However, a woman's got to do - what a woman's got to do. Thank goodness my company offers FSA health care account.  This stuff works.

Wednesday, 9/28/2005

As of today my homework is complete and I have submitted all of the necessary documents to the Weight Loss Clinic.  I hope to hear news of my appointment soon from Dr. Wieger's office.

Friday, 9/30/2005

Shanna from the Weight Loss Clinic called to schedule my appointment with Dr. Weiger. WoW! That was fast, a response in just two days.  I call back on Monday to setup the appointment after checking my schedule.

Saturday, 10/1/2005

The tour of H.O.P.E. - This morning I walked 5 miles in downtown Harrisburg, PA.  It was an easy feat and I  felt so good afterwards.

Sunday, 10/2/2005

The Personal Trainer gets a Personal Trainer.

Some of my friends are pretty freaked out about my decision to have WLS.  A very good friend of mine is fitting the expense of my personal trainer Regi.  

Regi, has revamped my workout and we will see how it goes.  I feel great but I have not weighted myself.  I keep looking at scales when I'm out shopping but I refuse to purchase one.  Regi, has measured me and the results are as follows before I began his workout.
     -neck - 14.25"
     -bicep - 14"
     -waist - 41"
     -chest - 50'
     -hips - 47"
     -thighs - 45"
     -calves - 15"

My daily workout is as follows:

      *350-500 calories - Treadmill / Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer
      *Leg Extensions - 2 sets 12-15 reps
      *Leg Curls                        "
      *Leg Presses                    "
      *350-500 calories - Treadmill / Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer
      *Dumbbell Pullovers - 2 sets 12-15 reps
      *Dumbbell Rows                 "
      *Lateral Raises (Front and Side)         "
      *Dumbbell Curls                   "
      *Reverse Grip Tricep Pressdowns        "
Tuesday & Thursday
      *640-700 calories ¡V Treadmill / Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer

Monday, 10/3/2005

I called the Weight Loss Center and spoke to Shanna she set up a appointment for me to meet with Dr. Wieger, on Wednesday, October 12th, 2005.  I spent this evening looking up vitae for the doctor I have chosen.  I checking the statistics both good and bad regarding the hospital and everyone involved in the WLS.  I have checked thier licenses in the state of PA for any malpractic or judgements as medical memberships.

I want to thank everyone who has responded to the question I posted on the OH regarding WLS and PCOS.  Thank you all for sharing your experiences.

Sunday, 10/9/2005

Well I have lost 2lbs.  Which is wonderful.  I am really watching what I eat to so I will accept any digit lower than last weeks weigh in.  I finally purchased a refrigerator so I can keep more produce and fresh foods accessible when I am at home.  Which is rearly the case. I have also purchased more personal workout equipment so my trainer can assist me in the privacy of my own home.

I like Danskin NOW products and sports wear so I purchased their 4-in-1 dumbell set. Yoga/Pilates Stretch Bands.  A 65cm. exercise ball w/pump. A sauna suit and last but not least a Health-O-Meter Body Mass Monitoring Scale.  My doctor has recommended Glucosamine Sulfate I am taking a natural supplement to circumvent pre-mature arthritis.

Wednesday, 10/12/2005

Today I met with Dr. Wieger, The meeting turned out better than I could've imagined.  I had 16 questions.  That Dr. Wieger answered thoroughly as noted below:

1. Will I have a drain tube? Yes
 -How long? The drain can be removed a few days after the surgery and usually causes no more than minor discomfort. It will be removed before I am released from the hospital
 -What is it for? Most patients have a small tube to allow drainage of any accumulated fluids.

2. How much protein should I consume post-op? 45-60 grams.

3. What is the recovery time best and worst case scenario? 2weeks ¡V2months

4. Why do some people have a problem going to the bathroom after surgery? The cause is not enough fluids and fiber. However, It is not required that WLS patients have a bowel movement before leaving the hospital.

5. Under any circumstance would you have to perform open surgery? Not likely, I have never had surgery and have no existing scar tissue.

6. What are the chances I will develop gallstones, anemia, or osteoporosis? 5- 30% chance in all weight loss surgery patients. However during open surgery the gallbladder always remove to prevent any development of future problems.

7. How long does it take for incisions to heal or close? 1-2 weeks. Of course if any infections developed they are usually lanced and antibiotics administer which will lengthen the healing process.

8. When does swallowing become a problem? After surgery one must eat slowly chew all food thoroughly.

9. What happens to the sterile solution that is used to test for leaks in the bowel how is it removed?  The doctors at the WLC uses Methylene Blue Dye via the nasogastric tube to test leakage this approach that has had the greatest and longest-lasting success in weight loss surgery patients.

10. Barium Dye IV to test connections Anatomical Leaks? This usually occurs during misfire of staples. Barium is used post-surgery and again Intra-operative testing (air or methylene blue).

11. Will I have 5 or 6 incisions? The average at the WLC is four and occasionally 5 incisions are made during the operation.

12. Will this surgery reduce my symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? Yes, patient diagnosed with PCOS are able to lose weight and take less medications post-op.

13. What will my out of pocket expense be for the surgery? This will depend on my insurance (Independence Blue Cross - IBX) company.

14. What is a surgical bleed? This usually occurs if a blood vessel is cut.  In this instance the surgeon will administer a unit of blood.

15. Is bad breath a common among weight lose surgery patients? Ketosis means your body has burned a large amount of fat in response to the fact that it didn't have sufficient glucose available for energy needs. Under everyday conditions, the carbohydrates you eat are converted to glucose, which is the body's primary source of energy. Whenever your intake of carbohydrates is limited to a certain range, for a long enough period of time, you'll reach a point where your body draws on its alternate energy system, fat stores, for fuel  One of side effect of this is bad breath.

16. Will my hair fall out? This is common among diabetics.

I felt very comfortable and not discouraged in the least.   My vitals we were blood pressure 112/80, Resting HB 60, and I actually lost 6#s Whoop There it is! I was asked to take a test for hyperthyroidism.  I did had the blood work completed before I left Londonderry Rd in Harrisburg. I meet with Dr. DiMarco on October 24th 2005 and I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, 10/16/2005

Patients of Dr. DiMarco, Jennifer W. and her husband contacted me to tell me of their experience with doctor and their weight loss journey.  I appreciate them taking time out to be encouraging and sharing their experiences.   This afternoon, I also tried a new exercise called BUDOKON (a combination of yoga and martial arts) high energy and lots of fun.  I felt so good afterward.


Monday, 10/24/2005

This morning my I visited my PCP confirmed that she would complete my medical evaluation once my pre-certification process of the WLS has been approved by independence blue cross/blue shield. 

Today I met Dr DiMarco, he recommend two surgery options for me The Lap-Band or the Roux en Y Gastric Bypass.  I did mention my first interest was Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch. However, Dr. DiMarco stated the results of this surgery would be too drastic.  If, I were 600lbs, he would have no problem performing this surgery but since I did not have that much weight to lose.  It is not an option for consideration.  I chose to go with the Roux-en-Y. The benefits of this surgery according to my doctors are as follows:

- I won't lose too much weight
- I won't get addicted to sweets because of Dumping Syndrome (cramps & pains due to undigested carbs and sweets)
- This surgery forces good eating habits
- Limits deviation in eating habits

Dr DiMarco drew a picture on a white board to outline the surgery and answered every question.  He did not rush me; which only reassured me of his focus.  (Simply because I knew he still had 2 two other patients waiting to see him after me, I left office it was 5:30pm.) He says his major concerns or worries are the High Risk factors of:

- Leaks
- Bleeding
- Drainage tubes

We spoke of my co-morbid conditions PCOS, current medications and how WLS would benefit my oveall health.  Dr. DiMarco explained to me the term "Center of Excellence" regarding the Bariatric Wing at Community General Osteopathic Hospital.  There are 18-beds in this observation wing where I'll will stay during my 3-4 days of my immediate recovery. I also found out the Methane Blue will be excreted via urination and or defecation.  After surgery Dr. DiMarco stated, I will awake to the following:

- A catheter in my bladder
- An oxygen tube in my nose
- Compression stockings
- An IV

My diet will consist of:

- 3 days of clear fluids
- 10-days full liquids
-  3 months of soft foods.  (No bread for at least 3 months.)
- After 90-days I should be able to eat smaller portions of what I normally eat.
           *40 ¡V60 grams of protein daily
           *Less sugar and carbohydrates

We conversed about the healing process, which should take about a total of two weeks and the possibility of developing a hernia or gallstones. Both are indeed a possibility with no real way to avoid.  I also asked if the (RNYGB) will be the first of many surgeries.  Meaning, will I need plastic or reconstructive surgery.  Both Dr. DiMarco and Dr. Wieger felt I would not need a tummy tuck or any other additional work done to my body because of the elasticity of my skin.  However, I will have the choice of elect additional surgery options.
Good News! Before I left Dr. DiMarco's office he let me know my thyroid test came back negative.  So there was no need for concern. We could move forward.  He also mentioned if I had the time it would probably be beneficial for me to attend at least one of the monthly support meetings at the hospital.  He let me know attending the support group was optional.  Just as a reminder he noted while IBX does not require prerequisite diets, nutrition counseling or psychological evaluations.  During the pre-certification process the nurse reviewing my case my impart any of these stipulations for b/4 approving WLS.

I felt even more comfortable about my decision to have WLS. I am still losing weight and down 9lbs from my first visit.  Dr. DiMarco's assistant will be sending my information for the insurance approval process.  I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Yesterday, I returned from vacation in Hawaii and the most fantastic part was I indulged and enjoyed myself and exercised and did not gain any weight.  Whoohoo!!!

I also return home to find my OBGYN had e-mailed me to report that my insulin level is now normal (came back at 12, normal is <17).  Your hormone ranges for the FSH & LH were both OK, as well IV I can stay at current Glucophage dose (one a day).  I can't wait until the surgery.  I'll be able to give it up completely.  Per Dr. DiMarco and Wieger at the Weight Loss Clinic.  My PAP was also normal so all is going my way.

Friday, 11/11/2005

This morning I called IBX pre-certification. I spoke with Karen.  She was very nice and informative.  I found out that my documents had been submitted for review but had not been reviewed by a nurse as of yet.  Dr. DiMarco's office tentatively scheduled my surgery for Thursday, December 29th, 2005.  It is the policy at IBX for nurses will review cases based on the proximity of the surgery date.  I hope to hear something in the next week or two.  As of this time no news is good news and I am still very positive.

This evening I was invited and attended a Velvet Teddy Bear Party (BHM) at STRIKES BOWLING LOUNGE in Philadelphia, PA.  I had a ball.  It was worth the 1.5  hour drive.  I work and live in Lebanon, PA and usually have to travel at least an hour half for fun and diversity on the weekends.  This support group was friendly and welcomes everyone.  We focused on socializing, bowling, dinner, playing pool and dancing.  The DJ was awesome.  I got home around 5:30 am.

Wednesday, 11/16/2005

Becca from the WLC called me as that I call Dr. DiMarco's office.  Since I go to lunch at the same time the WLC odice staff does. I left a message and then phoned IBX to find out that my pre-certification for WLS surgery had been returned for additional information.  I was told to call my doctors office.

Friday, 11/18/2005

I spoke to Becca from the Weight Loss Clinic who confirmed IBX want me to go on a supervised 3-month diet.  The good news is the weight loss clinic agreed to begin my three-month period from my second visit on October 12th, 2005.  Which means I am still looking good for the end of January perhaps for the surgery.  This is not bad new at all; because I really have some extensive Christmas vacation plans that the December 29th date was going to interfere with.  I am still psyched about the surgery.

Wednesday, 11/23/2005

This evening I weighed in at 193 pounds.  Down 13 pounds ¡V Happy Dance Time! Headed to Virginia Beach to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family in the morning.

I have been lying low for the last month. Working hard and preparing for the holidays.   Here is an update:

Wednesday, 11/30/2005

I had an appointment with Jess the nutritionist at the Weight Loss Clinic.  The Medical Weight Management Program uses a comprehensive approach involving: Diet & Nutrition, Regular Physical Exercise, Behavioral and lifestyle changes and Education.  The exchanges were a little difficult for me to understand.  So Jess agreed that I use the measurement of counting calories and grams.  I am analytical and that just works best for me. 

My Plan/Goals

     1. Increase Protein, meat intake each day
     2. Control Portion Sizes
     3. Increase water to 64 oz.  a day
     4. Each meal should consist of Starch/Protein/Fat
     5. 3 meals a day (No Snacking)

     1. Continue aerobic exercise 30 min 4-5x p/week

     1. Count calories in place of exchange diet
     2. 60grams of protein p/day
     3. Keep food logs

Rx Goal
 To maintain or loose 1-2 lbs by next visit on 12/21/2005

The co-worker I mention at the beginning of my Weight Loss Journal JB has been denied for GBPS by our insurance company and he did not meet our corporate guidelines.  He is currently appealing this decision.  We began this process around the same time so I am a little nervous.  I'm hoping this Weight Loss Management program will be what I need to be approved.

This appointment was 15 minutes only which as great.  I was seen promptly and in and out.

Wednesday 12/21/2005

Today I went into the Weight Loss Clinic to see Jess.  As I explained to Jess the hardest part was documenting my daily intake on a food log.  Sometimes you just want to eat and relax; Not write a paragraph about it. But I did it anyway.  I exceeded my goal and lost 3lbs and did a thorough job of documenting on my Food Diary.  Shanna is going to resubmit my paper work to IBX.  I'm going to enjoy the holidays and keep my fingers crossed.  I would love to begin the new year change.


     1. Continue to increase water intake
     2. Egg Whites on salads (boiled), in soups or in the form of an omelets

     1. Continue Yoga, Pilates, Free Weights 30 -60 minutes 5 -7x p/week

      1. Continue to document on Food Diary


Tuesday, 1/3/ 2006

I had a celebrated a wonderful Christmas and New Years in Charleston, SC with family and friends and the weather was marvelous. 

I had hoped when I arrived home I would receive some good news about my RNYGB. I am now down to 191 pounds.  I am still working out and keeping a food diary.  The first thing I did this morning was to call IBX pre-certification to check on the status of my weight loss surgery approval.  I found that the weight loss clinic did not re-submit my paper work.  The following morning I call the Weight Loss Clinic and spoke to Becca.  I told her I was just attempting to get an update since I was told by Shanna that she would be submitting my progress and completion of a doctor supervised diet to IBX on 12/21/2005. As it turned out I think my file slipped through the crack.   Becca told me Shanna had a note in my file she called IBX yesterday and was waiting for someone to get back to her. 

Wednedsay, 1/4/2006 Waiting on Shanna to get back to me.  Out of pocket expense to date 9/14/2005 - 1/8/2005- $50.00 {for physician (office visit) Co-Pay that exceeded FSA for 2005.}  This year I have allocated $1000.00 to cover any out of pocket expenses for this surgery, scripts and etc.

Tuesday, 1/10/2006 Roshawn Smith - IBX

Pre-certification is on file however, a nurse has not reviewed my case but will contact WLC as soon as it is reviewed. I have tentative Surgery Date of 2/6/2005.

I have a busy week a head of me. I will be working out of our Sarasota, FL office this week so I will follow-up on 1/16/2006 if I don't hear from the IBX or the Weight Loss Clinic before then.

Tuedsay, 1/17/2006

This afternoon I found out that I had been promoted to a Regional Management position in with offices in Sarasota & Miami.  If my WLS surgery is approved in the next couple of days; I'll re-invent myself.

My WLS - APPROVED!  1/19/2006

Monday, 1/23/2006

When it rains; It pours!  Becca of the Weight Loss Clinic confirmed that I had been approved for surgery. She would be faxing over a medical clearance physical form for my PCP to complete.  I was scheduled 1/26/2005 for an EGD at some far away hospital (Susquehanna Valley Surgical Center) without an exact time.  Armed ewith the instructions, that I would receive a call the day before with a time and I could not eat after midnight.

The other documents would be mailed to me the blood work and EKG, Chest X-Ray and Gall Bladder Ultrasound scripts.

Monday - 1/23/2006

This afternoon I faxed to my PCP the MEDICAL CLEARANCE PHYSICAL FORM for completion.

Tuesday 1/24/2006

This afternoon Kim my PCP - PA called to tell me the Dr. Long had completed the Medical Clearance Physical Form.  When arrived home his evening the rest of the documents and scripts Becca mailed were waiting for me. Well I have a birthday party to attend at Bennehanna's.  When I returned home I immediately did my homework.  Where could I get the labs, x-rays and ultrasound completed in one day.  Well that was not looking to good.  Especially the Ultrasound every place I checked I needed an appointment.  But I have narrowed my search to two Radiology centers. I'll make some calls in the morning and figure out which office will best suit my needs.

Wednesday, 1/25/2006

I arrived to work at 7:45 am and the first office I called on GSH Outpatient Radiology Center Lebanon, PA. The Outpatient facility offers the availability of testing outside the hospital environment.  They provide Diagnostic radiographs including fluoroscopy, Mammography, Ultrasound, CT Services, pre-admission testing, lab, and EKG.  The good news is no appointment is necessary; except for the ultrasounds.  I needed an appointment for my Gallblader, Liver and Pancreas to be scanned and photographed. The receptionist made the appointment for the Gall Bladder Ultrasound for next Tuesday, 1/31/2006. In less than 1.5 hours all of my testing was complete the ultrasound technician even did the gall bladder ultrasound since I was already there. The staff was absolutely great and super friendly.

When I returned to work I contacted the Shanna of the weight loss clinic to let her know.  That while I was approved for the WLS surgery I would be relocating with my firm to Miami area.  I would really like to have Dr. Dimarco do my surgery but I need a timeline for his schedule because I would need the surgery completed by February17th, 2006 in order to meet my company planned relocation deadline.  Shanna seemed shocked but I had this conversation with Becca on Monday, 1/23/2006.  I asked if Dr. DiMarco schedule was not accommodating is there a chance one of the other doctors in the practice could perform the surgery.  I am now waiting for Shanna to get back to me.  I know I will have to find a doctor in Miami for aftercare.  So I will begin that search now.  If I move to Miami IBX (my insurance company) as I will have to start this process all over again.  I will probably place a question on the message board for recommendations for after care of bar iatric patients so I can have my progress monitored correctly.

Dr. DiMarco has agreed to perform the surgery on February 3rd, 2006 or before.  Shanna will get me in on Monday to have the finally meeting with the nutritionist Jess and doctor Wieger.  I have to pay all co-pays up-front witch amounted to $192.25. This breaks down to $22.90 for an EGD and $169.35 for Roux-en-Y procedure.  I submitted my co-pay to my FSA provider immediately for re-imbursement.

Base on this information I began to process my short-term disability claim and FMLA for precautionary reasons and faxed those documents to Dr. DiMarco at the Weight Loss Clinic.

Thursday, 1/26/2006

This morning at 6:30am I was scheduled for Esophagus Endoscopy EGD. At the Susquehanna Valley Surgery Center in Harrisburg.  Please note I have never been patient in the hospital before.  I just want to know who came up with the IV sedation in the back of the hand.  OUCH!  Oxygen, GAG, numbing spray, monitors, sticky patches, blood pressure cuff, nurses, and Dr. DiMarco.  Well I was pretty nervous and I actually thought to myself "I want my mommy."But then something happened.  I know I never mentioned Dr. Dimarco is so handsome, the sight of his face and subtle smile calmed my fears and well before I knew it was all over and I awoke just in time to tell the nurse in the recovery room how to give my girlfriend instructions to the diagnostic center to pick me up.  I then rolled over and read my chart.  Dr. Dimarco found a small Hiatal Hernia near the esophagus and Duodenitis an irritation of the first part of the small intestine. I was curious to see if a biopsy was necessary.  It was not.  It was not.  I'd been cleared for surgery. ;-)  My blood pressed was low so I asked the nurse why she said I was on Mellow Juice.  I asked if I could take some home and she laughed.

I thought to myself this is easy.  Not so bad at all.  I feel good. Then I remembered I will have more tubes connected to me after RNYGB.  Then I exhaled and let it all go!

I stopped at the Weight Loss Clinic which was right across the street from the Bloom Diagnostic -Surgery Center.  I  paid my co-pay for the surgery.  I checked to see if my FMLA papers and short-term disability authorization had been received.   Kelsey said they were and she would fax them in to my firms HR office when the documents were completed.

On my ride home Kelsey called me to say that she had faxed the document and would send me a copy vial snail mail.

It is now 8:00pm and I feel great.  I just had something to eat.  So far I must say very positive experience so far.  Because I thought I was going to get some spray in my mouth and a tube down my throat.  If this is any indication of my hospital stay then I'm ready!

Friday, 1/27/2006

Shanna from the Weight Loss Clinic called me to get the number of the radiology center where I got the EKG and gall bladder ultrasound.  She called in and was able to get the results.  Shanna also faxed a letter into my HR office for my short-term disability claim.  So I only need to use 5 vacation days and then short-term disability will kick in at 100% for the next 6 weeks.

Monday 1/30/2006

This morning was my last visit to the WLC before my surgery scheduled for Friday.  I lost another 3 lbs.  I was given a SURGERY Kit from Pinnacle Health.  We discussed so many things to day with the most important be post surgery nutrition.  If you are not prepared and haven¡¦t taken the time to research the RNYGB thoroughly; this session could be very overwhelming.  I knew I was on board when I could complete the dietitian sentences.

Jess reviewed every expectation, possible complication and Rules of the Tools.  She walked me step by step from admission to the hospital b/4 surgery through 6 months post-op.  I purchased Prodiet Supplement Sampler Bag, Whey Protein, Multi-vitamin wafer and B12 pllls.  I need protein, Protein, PROtein, and more PROTEIN for a total of 60 grams daily for the first three months. I must slowly, chew food thoroughly.  Re-introduce exercise in week two.  Keep to the same pre-op goals.

Dr. Wieger came into speak too me for a moment.  He said all was well.  He checked so out some of the post-op edibles I purchased from WalMart and said they were okay.  But he does not want me to drink any thing over 80 calories per serving. 

1. How will the hiatal hernia affect my surgery?  Will I still be able to have laparoscopic surgery? 
      «     Yes, laparoscopic surgery will be performed and Dr. DiMarco will place 2-3 sutures in the diaphragm of the esophagus to repair the hernia.

2. What is duodentis?
     « It is irration of the upper intestine from acid in the stomach.

3. Is it possible for me to have a visiting nurse during the recovery period since I live alone?
     « I will have to ask Dr. DiMarco before he begins the surgery.

4. Will I be constipated?  How can I avoid this?
     « This is common after surgery.  Use chewable benifiber.

5. Is there anyway I can be admitted to the hospital the night before for early morning surgery?
     « N/A I don't need to do a bowel cleansing. I've been advised to eat as normal.

6. Are Whey, Solgar and Soy proteins good sources and which is better?
     « Yes they are all great and recommended 45 - 60 grams daily post-op

7. Which types of Vitamins should I be taking after surgery?
          ~ Chewable Multi-vitamin
          ~ Chewable Calcium
          ~ Iron
          ~ B12
          ~ Fish Oil (jelly cap)
          ~ Biotin

I found out today I must take my last blood test for pregnancy.  Why? I thought to myself.  Okay let's get'er done!  Which was ok I only had on last drop of blood to give. LoL!  Negative-No Doubt.  On Thursday the hospital will call me to let me know what time my surgery is scheduled for.  Dr. DiMarco's office will not tell you in advance.

My Surgery 2/3/2006

Good Morning Everyone!  I want to thank everyone for thier kind thought and blessings as this day neared.   I am so excited today is the big day and I have been doing so well on my diet I decided to move the bar to a goal of 115 lbs for frame. I weighed

Yesterday I purchased a new car a Chrysler 300 Limited

I am so excited I cannot sleep.  It is 1:35 am and I have to be to the hospital at 5:45 am.  I'm going to attempt to get some rest now.

CYah on the losing side!  Most of all keep me in your prayers.

Tuesday, 2/7/2006
I just wanted to thank you everyone for being so supportive.  My RYNGB was last Friday morning 2/3/2006 and was a success.   I had no complications and was the hospital two days. Dr. DiMarco and his team were wonderful.  I was walking laps (3 to be exact) around the bariatric wing the same evening of my surgery.  I have read so many agonizing stories prior to having my surgery I expected the worst.  My pain has been miniamal.  I guess the old saying is correct most people only remember the bad things and we take the good for granted.  Right now I am home on my last day of clear liquids to which I am already adding soy protein.  I have not experienced any nausea since the operation.  Currently I am on pain medication that I take only when I need it as well as and vitamins which I take daily.
Again thanks so much for your support and I will no longer be going in to a detailed explanation of the events over the next year.  However, I will continue to post updates and milestones as they occur both positive and negative.

I welcome your questions and many thanks again for your support.

Friday, 2/10/2005

I received some good news this morning I was contacted by Dr. Thomas Patrick Fitzgerald from the Weight Management Treatment Program – in Sarasota, FL.  He will be taking me on as a patient for aftercare and follow-up.  I will also be attending the Weight Loss Management Treatment A comprehensive program which will cost me $850.00 for the entire program to see the dietitian and maintenance program.  Dr. Fitzpatrick has requested my entire Bariatric file which Dr. DiMarco has agreed to send to him once they have included my O.R. Report and initial one week post-surgery follow-up assessment and notes.  One less thing to worry about when  move on 2/19/2006.

I have been on full liquids for a couple of days now and I feel great.  *I use a 2 ounce I Love Philly shot glass to measure my meals.*  I actually went back to work today for a stayed for the entire day.  I could not believe how well I am doing.  Most people say they can tell I have lost weight.  I will wait until Monday when I meet with my doctor to document for sure.  I wont lie I have been weighing myself and the numbers look positive. I can’t say enough how important is for me:

• Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. (Your stomach will be too small to hold large meals.)

• Chew all foods slowly and thoroughly. (It may take you up to an hour to complete your meals and snacks.)

• Drink fluids 30 minutes after your meal. Be sure to drink in sips. Do not drink fluids with your meals or 30 minutes before your meals. Your new, smaller stomach may not be large enough to hold fluids and food at the same time.

• Eat fewer fried, added-fat, and high-fat fast foods (including chips, candy or cookies).

• Eat only canned or very tender, well-cooked fruits and vegetables.

I keep reminding myself not to eat anything on the following list so I don’t forget.

• Do not eat or drink the following:

     -- Beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or chocolate

     --Citrus food or juices such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, or lime

     --Carbonated beverages

     --Sugar and sweeteners such as dextrose, fructose, mannitol, sorbitol, white sugar, brown sugar, syrup, molasses, candy, jelly, desserts, jams, or preserves


     --Sweetened beverages, including pop, coolers, drink mixes, KoolAid, fruit punch, or undiluted fruit juice

    --No dried fruits or potatoe skins

    --Do not eat any raw fruits or vegetables, except bananas.

    --Do not eat the skins of any cooked vegetables or fruit.

Yesterday, I took off all of my bandages after taking my first shower to day.  It was nice to get beyond the birdbath.

This week - Tee asked me the flowing questions:  Remember this is my personal experience only.  Follow the advice of your doctor always.
1. What do you mean by the EGD? It is the endoscope the same procedure you had last Thursday. 
Drinking a gallon of water had been on of my daily dietary goals since October.  So it was never brought up on my last visit before the surgery.

2. Did you take any medication right after surgery? I was on glucophage before surgery only. I was told not to any medications the morning of the surgery and I was informed not to take Glucophage after surgery.  When I left the hospital I was prescribed Celebrex = Inflammation I take my last pill this evening.  Prilosec= antacid I will take this for thirty days.  Once I begin my regular diet I will no longer take this medication.  Last but not least Vicadin= for pain when needed I have not take this medication in the past two days because I have not been in pain.  I can feel the internal healing of the area where the drain was located.

3. What did you wrap yourself in to take a shower? I used Saran wrap.

4. Is it hard to take care of the impacted incision?  I have no impacted incisions. All 5 of my incisions are all closed with the exception of one  additional incision in which I had the drain.  The drain was not uncomfortable at all and removed on my second day in the hospital. I was told it would take the longest to heal. That is the only are I have to cover when I shower.  It is really not hard work at all.

5. Do you ever tire of moving? No, I don't if I did the lived in the same place, interacted with the same people and did the same work day in, and day out I would be bored out of my mind.  There is some much in life to do and see and I try to enjoy as much of it as I can.

Monday, 2/13/2006

Today I had my follow-up appointment with Dr. DiMarco.  It went very well.  I lost 13 pounds since my surgery.  Already I can see my clothes hanging off of me.  Even my friends are telling me they can see I lost weight in my face.  I have seven pairs of pants I can no longer wear. 

My sutures are healing well and none are infected.  I was told I no longer need a cover it with a bandage.   We spoke of my diet and since I will begin stage III - eating soft foods.  Dr. DiMarco has directed me to eat slowly no more than ¼ cup of food at on serving.  He assured me that my stomach will not hold more that this amount and to wait 45 minutes before drinking.  I was told to avoid chicken breast and steak for now. 

I can now begin to workout again walking 20-30 minutes while pumping my arms vigorously seven days a week.

Last night for the first time since my Roux-N-Y procedure I had a bowel moment.   I called several friends to share the news.  They all just laugh.  Remember the toughest part of healing is sneezing.

Thursday, 2/16/2005

All is going very well.  Today I began stage III of my eatong plan -Soft foods.  I had one scramble egg to which I added soy protein, It was great and tasty no sickness.  Later that day I went shopping at Arrundle Mills.  Dinner at Dave and Busters I ordered the Huli Huli Salmon (the meal included a large piece of salmon, blanched string beans and white rice.) I could not possibly eat all of it. But I ate enough to fill satisfied.  It was delicious.  I brought the rest home.  I also had a couple of sips of T-N-Tea (better know as a Long Island Ice Tea.)  Then we went bowling.  The entire day was a workout.  I’m moving and must have my final good-byes with my family and friends.  In the past two day I’ve been to Baltimore, New York and New Jersey.  I feel like I am on tour.  I’m having a ball.  The movers come to pack up my home in the morning.  Saturday morning I am on my way to Florida.  I have a stop in Charlotte, NC, and Charleston, SC.  I’ll write again when I am in the Sunshine State.

Sunday, 4/16/2006

Wow it has been 2 months since I updated my profile.  I have been enjoying life.  I love my new neighborhood and home.  This is the first weekend where I have had some down time.  Not t mention, the first weekend I’ve spend in my new home.  I’ve been working, traveling and partying.  That absolutely takes up 7-days of the week.  Thing are going very well.  I am down 50 pounds and I look sensational. I have had no complications.  I eat out most of the time.  If it is not business meeting; it is company sponsored events.  Discipline is the key for.   I eat in moderation. Just say no to all the other appetizing goodies around me or family and friends visiting the area.  There is nothing I cannot eat or tolerate. Filet Mignon, Sushi, Chicken Breast, King Crab legs all the stuff I love I still enjoy in smaller portions.  I make it my mission to get my protein in day.  Everywhere I dine bread is served before the main course.  Sometimes I will pinch a piece with salted butter. Most times I won’t even touch the since it tends to expand in the stomach.  I can still do crackers, cheese and peanut butter. Pasta, Hamburgers, Lobster, Shrimp Cocktail and Lettuce (my doctor told me to wait 6 months on leafy raw veggies) I have not attempted eat only because I am usually in the presence of other professionals where a bad experience would be uncouth.  I eat what I can handle.  What I don’t seem to have a taste for is leftovers.  My taste buds are different now once I place my napkin on my plate the rest has to go in the garbage.

Fast food is no longer an option since I have to east slowly it is usually cold and dry before I can eat it.  I’m working out and I find time to wash my car by hand which is a tremendous feat for me. 

The weight is coming off at a nice pace.  I can see some muscle definition in my arms and legs.  I have no hanging skin.  And the incisions…..  What incisions?  They are hardly noticeable.

I am even able to enjoy coca cola and martinis on occasion.  Moderation is the key.  I don’t deprive myself of anything I want.

“Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.” -Dwight D Eisenhower

I’m so glad I took charge of myself life and decided to have this surgery when I did and I want to thank my family and friends for supporting my decision.  I’m down from a size 18 - to size 10.

All ready my friends and family are asking me when will I stop losing weight well her is an analysis:

Your BMI and Goal Weight Results

Your weight is 206 pounds.  Your ideal body weight is 118 pounds.  Thus, this means your "excess" weight is about 88 pounds.  Bariatric surgery might help you lose 70% of this excess weight,  meaning you might lose 62 pounds.

If you lost 62 pounds, then you would end up weighing 144 pounds. 144 pounds would thus be your "goal weight" for bariatric surgery.

Typically bariatric surgery patients lose this amount over the course of 12 to 15 months, with slight fluctuations and possibly slight regain after that. 

Current Measurements

      neck - 13"
      bicep - 11"
      waist – 33.5"
      chest – 39”
      hips - 42"
      thighs - 38"
      Calves - 14"

I’ll keep you posted after my three-month post-op blood test come back from the lab and my visit to the doctor.

Memorial Day
Monday, May 29, 2006

At the end of this week I will be 4 months post-op and I feel great!  I have lost a total of 60 lbs.  My doctor’s are amazed.  Most people can’t fathom that WLS was implemented into life and this is the results.  I look fabulous!  No hanging skin, cellulite, or stretch marks.  My incisions are so small they are barely visible.  I have not been sick and I am full of energy.  My blood work at 3 months post-op was good.  I need to add iron, folic acid and biotin to my diet.  While my hair is growing like crazy.  I have noticed some excess shedding.  So I cut down on the super hold hair spray.  Dr. Fitzgerald and my dietitian cannot believe it I’m eating steak without complication. While I do eat out a lot; On several occasions I’ve experiencing a loss of appetite.  But I make sure I get my daily protein.   I am wearing a size 9 Juniors.  The attention never stops and my dates and lunch associates are so understanding to the fact that I end up wasting food.  I eat what I can and that is it.  Left overs are no longer appealing to me.

It is official!  I've lost 70% of my excess body wieght and achieved the goal set for me by my doctor.  Now to exceed this goal and reach my personal weight loss goals.

Medical Weight Loss Goal Achieved

My current measurements are as follows:

      neck - 12.75"
      bicept - 10"
      waist – 31.50"
      chest – 38”
      hips - 40"
      thighs - 37"
      Calves - 13.5"

Friday, June 10th, 2006

This week I returned home to NYC and visited friends and family.  I had a nice time.  Everyone love my new look.  I'm a size 8 now.  Five pant sizes in 4 months.  I feel great.  While I had a good time at home.  I can't weight to get back to Florida; It is my home now.

Of course I stopped by previous office to see some of the folks who keep in touch they could not believe my transformation but were very happy for me.

Currently I am taking the following supplements and seeing positive results as recommended by my nutritionist:

          ~ Chewable Multi-vitamin - 2X's daily
          ~ Citracal Calcium Caltrate Petites - 400mg 2X's daily
          ~ Feosol Iron 65mg - 1X daily
          ~ Subingual B12 - 1X p/week
          ~    Folic Acid 400mcg - 1X daily
          ~    Biotin 1000mcg - 1X daily

Sunday, July 2, 2006

FIVE (5) Months post op tomorrow.....

WoW!  I'm wearing a two piece bathing suit and looking great.  Only 20lbs to go to achieve my personal goal!

Sunday, July 6th, 2006

I am down to 132lbs.  As discussed with my doctor my plateaus are long in duration and weight loss is slow. However, the inches are still coming off and I feel great at 6 months post op.

      neck - 12"
      bicep - 10"
      waist – 29"
      chest – 37”
      hips - 36.5"
      thighs - 38"
      Calves - 13"

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

One Hundred - twenty-five pounds (125).  Only, 10lbs from my goal weight.  It has been wonderful journey.  My doctor had plenty of kudos and hats of to Dr. DiMarco.  Dr. Fitzgerald wishes he could've taken credit for my surgery.  I can't say enough as I state the Weight Loss Surgery Team did a great job.  As far as my blood work is concerned everything is on the level. Dr. Fitzgerald recommends I keep doing I am doing.  This has been an awesome experience for me.  I'm a size 8 and life is great!

 Saturday, August 4th 2007

 Look  @ Me!!!

A size 5 "juniors" @ 18 months post op I am.   Feeling and looking good; I am down to 123lbs.  Eating right and exercising at home mostly yoga and Pilates.  I don't have excess skin but I find 400 crunches a day keeps the tummy away! I have not been under a doctor's care in relation to surgery since my February 20th 2007.  I was cleared and given a clean bill of health.    My measurements are as follows:
     neck - 11.5"
      bicep - 11"
      waist – 29"
      chest – 36”
      hips - 36"
      thighs - 34"
      Calves - 12.75"
Daily Vitamin Regime is as follows:
~ Chewable Multi-vitamin - 2X's daily
~ Calcium Caltrate Chewables - 600mg 2X's daily ~ Feosol Iron 65mg - 1X daily
~ 2500mcg Subingual B12 - 1X p/week
~ Folic Acid 800mcg - 1X daily
~ Biotin 5000mcg - 1X daily ~ Vitamin D 1000IU 1X daily ~ Vitamin C 500mg 2X daily ~ Benefiber 3X daily
Thanks to eveyone one on that supported me.  I hope my story inspires may to follows their hearts.  I had never has surgery before and was not sure this surgery was one of my best notions but it turns out I made the right decisions and now I am able to enjoy my life even more.   Good Luck to everyone!!

M Modern
O Overwhelming
N Noisy
I Industrious
Q Quaint
U Unnatural
E Exciting
R Rounded
E Edgy
N Neglected
E Enchanting
E Easy



About Me
Orlanod, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2005
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 2
Hello My Friends
Loss 82 pounds and I feel great!
