One year and 7 months later!

Mar 21, 2009

Okey dokey now....
it's almost 2 years since the GB thing and I am telling you
I am  on a non-stop ride
I have not posted in so long I didnt realize that OH changed the site!!
Well im still sliding down the long  sliding board of life and boy I can tell you It is fun!!!!
Im maintaining the weight..I stay between 136 and 142 I do not weigh everyday I can tell by the way my clothes fit ..what is going on with me.... I am wearing a 4 sometimes a 2 (I swear the cut of clothes are bigger)
I can eat anything I want, in MODERATION!!!... That is the key!!! I try to eat breakfast everyday...and lunch during the weekday.And since the weather is nice RUNNING again!! Bought a Wii fit that was fun ....for awhile I need to get back in the gym I found that I need varietyI tend to get bored quick (I love exercising)...hmmm I didnt just say that did I
I do enjoy eating regular food  going out and having a mojito now and again.
i re-connected with a special friend after 18 years (I never would have tried finding her if I did not have GB) She only remembered me thin so when I showed her the before and after pictures all she could say was WOW!!! I am used to that . That's the normal response when I show that pic and by the way it is not to often that I want to show it..  Still shopping ...traveling going to school and now prepping to be an empty nester . My baby is going to college this fall
All in all everyting is fine mon
Life is good!!!
Especially this chapter........ 

9 months and feeling Fabulous!!!

Apr 21, 2008

Wow this has been an incredible journey...that will never end
I totally forgot how fun it is to LIVE again...there's so much out here that I was missing by staying home and letting LIFE pass me by....I am so thankful for this new tool and Thank God everyday That I made the only decision that would save me from drowning in a sea of depression masked by the face of "I'm alright"and I'm fine" but not really. To finally come to the realization that food will NOT control me that I control it ....that  I am divorced from food ...we have a cordial relationship and I still love it but I'm not in love with it and I do respect it I always will but we can NO longer live together anymore.(not in a literal sense) It's a unusual situation but it works for me...

6 months and counting

Jan 23, 2008

Havent posted in awhile...been really busy doing what is the question...hmm maybe (shopping)
Had my six month check-up last wednesday doing fine... they tell me I've lost 61% of my body weight....yea!!! still anemic though I take a prescription iron I guess that'll be for a while so I better get used to it. Wearing a size 10 now  WoW never thought I'd see the day...... size 5-6 underwear from the flags I use to wear and a medium in Victoria's Secret...HUH? no way energy is off the roof people would swear I'm on speed or something it's crazy..slacked off some from the holidays .....sweets cheesecake  Oh my..still lost weight though  too weird.... i slacked off from the gym too ....I don't like that! Promised myself to get back on track ...I have a physical job though so I'm constantly moving I wear my pedometer and i get in over 10,000 steps per day so im still active...Celebrated my 44th birthday yesterday I feel half of that with the wisdom of a woman in her 40's. I actually like what I see in the mirror now!!It's been a LONG time since i could say that Been shopping like a mad woman...regular clothes in the regular section struggled with that for awhile i shopped in the plus section so long i kept going back to that section...still thought if i went to the regular part people would think why is she in this section ....weird huh
The other day I noticed that my favorite Lane Bryant was going out of business so everything was 80% off then when you took your stuff to the register they would take 50% off off that  OMG I went in and a lady said to me Why are you in here it's nothing here that'll fit you... she said this is a store for plus size did you know that? I kindly said yes i'm familiar with what Lane Bryant sold she kept on and on...finally i said i had GB and then she really went on and on ...very complimentary..asked a bunch of questions (I feel like a walking ad for Barix)...... the Barix clinic sent me these "gift certificates "to give out to people with my name imprinted on them for a free consult....I keep them in my bag but I've never given any away........ Food wise i can eat anything I want the only exceptions are apple juice I lLOVE apple juice but it makes me feel weird....and orange juice ..havent had and alcoholic drink yet....I'll wait ......Went to the Cheesecake factory and was really tempted to get this peachy-raspberry slushy drink my son's girlfriend ordered it ..I wanted one sooooo bad but my hubby and son said NO! still got a sip from Naija's drink and believe me that was the greatest sip ever!! Supplement wise.....I am still taking multi vitamins twice a day... prescription Iron(Repliva) B-100 B-12 sublingual I was taking calcium 600 mg chewable  twice a day i HATE chewables so I just drink milk..I find the liquid protein and the protein bars make my stomach gripe and normally at the wrong time so I don't do them I rather get my protein from eggs meat cheese beans etc... So that's it in a nutshell I am planning to upload more pics and i'll update soon bye bye
Oh P.S. Was 255 at the start of this journey and now I weigh 164... no longer morbidly obese that's how I was classified now I'm slightly overweight... BMI was 45 now it's 31....believe me I am NOT complaining

Update 3 month surgiversary

Oct 13, 2007

It's been awhile since I posted and things are going pretty well for the most part ...I'm 60 lbs down ...yea!!!!! clap clap ...I am really HAPPY about that. I went from a size 20 to a 14 -16 now .....I am not Mad. I get comments all the time now treat me differently  ..... I love going out  again(I didnt before) It's amazing how you're looks can keep you from doing things you used to do. Hubby is loving it ....and he was the one who did'nt want me to get WLS.....  I can wear heels again.... I no longer snore and wear that stupid C-Pap machine.....I exercise and LIKE it....I can eat and tolerate sugar (yes I tried it ) but i don't desire it like I did before.....knees don't hurt..... I feel pretty again..... I can wear my 7 inch bracelets that I have'nt worn in many many many years and have room for them to dangle....go figure. Doctor wants me to lose at least 40lbs by December  I'm going for 50....wish me luck cause I'm going to need it.....

A WOW moment!! 8/20/2007

Aug 20, 2007

Okay I'm bitchin that I havent lost weight this week ...I'm like WTF I need to step it up No problem So I'm looking for some shorts that's part of one of my swimsuits cause Imma goin swimming @ the gym and I notice a couple of things in my closet that I refused to give away "just in case i lose weight "I want to  be able to wear it  kind of deals... and it's been hanging in my closet for at least 3 years tags still on it and everything paid good $$ for this wool blazer in navy I try it on and it's too damn big i mean really big it was a time i couldnt get it around my hips yet alone button it hence the tags still being on it ....I was shocked. So I dug for more stuff size 16' pants and jeans OMG this is unbelievable they fit with room ... I'm screaming and happy as a clam cause I feel lighter and I'm actually starting to see it but WOW! to know I went down in size  actually two sizes that's too much... I love it though...... Another Wow moment My hubby says  babe you need to get some underwear cause the ones you got ain't cuttin it well my size 8's are baggy as hell I woulnt think that he would notice but then again he can't keep his hands off of me.......wink wink

What is going on? 8/17/2007

Aug 18, 2007

Alright I'm at a stand still and i get it and i don't get it .I've lost 21% of my body weight and I want it to be more. I didnt measure inches but i know I lost some...I started my weight training swimming laps and doing the treadmill I actually feel great but the scale is not moving...Is'nt it funny i never owned a scale before and now I'm addicted to it Dr. says don't worry about the scale it's the inches that count....the protein stuff still grappling with it ....70 gr per day is a bit much but I know it's extremely important.. i made it a couple of times but I usually miss my of my OH friends sent some tips for weight loss and I'm so glad she did she is doing so good she's six months out and near or at goal so any tips from her is definitely appreciated!! I'll keep you posted.....

Okay Dokey Den! Aug 3 2007

Aug 03, 2007

Alright I got on the scale today and it said 218...What ? This is crazy I started this journey@ 255 now I'm down 37 lbs I feel great!! I cannot imagine how this is going to be in a years time......The problem I was having was the protein intake 70 grams a day for me the PD especially the one you mix with milk taste good but milk and me ....deadly combo  and the one u mix with juice makes me feel weird ...didn't do the protein thing for a while then discovered the protein u mix with juice is good mixed with my spring water and googobs of ice and viola  it's actually refreshing ...weight loss was at a stand still until I got back on track with the make sure you get that protein in.......

July 19 2007

Jul 18, 2007

So far it's been two weeks since my surgery and I don't feel 100% of myself i am extremely tired I attribute that fact to the anemia. But who's complaining?
When I started this journey I knew it wouldn't be easy But who said life is easy sometimes it is sometimes it ain't Yesterday i went for my two week checkup  still painful on the left side Dr. Pupkova said that should stop in a couple more weeks...I started out at 255 consult...243 pre-op 250 post-op
day of discharge 249 ...two week check-up 234...I'll take it I'm ready to go to the gym get my excercise on so this fat can jump off me

About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
NFL Here I come!! Me @ 255 6-20-2008
Wow I05 lb transformation..Thank you God! 7-18-2008

Friends 36

Latest Blog 8
9 months and feeling Fabulous!!!
6 months and counting
Update 3 month surgiversary
A WOW moment!! 8/20/2007
What is going on? 8/17/2007
Okay Dokey Den! Aug 3 2007
July 19 2007
