Blood Pressure Update

Jan 07, 2010

For those who have read my blogs, you may remember all the crying, worrying, whining, bitching, moaning and groaning I did about trying to get my blood pressure under control before and after surgery.  Well today I went to the health unit at work for a H1N1 shot and I asked the nurse to take my blood pressure too.  The reading was 117/77.  I couldn't believe it.  I am so happy and RELIEVED.  I'm still on both my medications but at least now I can stop worrying about whether or not its working and if HBP will be the death of me.  For so long I took medications but still always had really high readings, so I am just thankful to finally get a normal one.  Maybe now I can work toward getting off of it all together but I will wait awhile and consult with my PCP first.  Hopefully, he will be open to coming up with a plan to get my blood pressure normal without any medication.

Thanks for reading and I'll update my overall progress next week.  It will be 7 months on Monday. WOW............time has just flown by.


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Surgery Date
Apr 14, 2009
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