Update to where are they now....

Aug 13, 2012

When last we tuned in I was struggling and had been for a long time.  What has changed...while my demons are STILL lurking around waiting, they are lying a little lower then before.  I have CHANGED.  I am MORE in control then I have been for awhile!!

1.  The little bit doesn't hurt as we deduced that = BULLSHIT.  I
 have been really good at saying NO.  In fact I had a break through, where I once started thinking that saying no to cake, etc was PUNISHING myself (you know remember when your mom told you no to a yummy piece of something the world came CRASHING down on you) and that's how I was starting to feel.  Like I was punishing myself every time I said no.  So NOWWWW for the first time in a LONG time I realize that saying no is in fact LOVING myself HUGE break though!!
2.  I have STOPPED eating in the car...which has kept the inside quite clean.  On those RARE occassions in the last 2 weeks that I have stopped and bought something, it goes in the TRUNK until I get home =)
3.  My cheat meals are still there, but they are more FAT meals and it's JUST a MEAL.  I can't and won't give up my 99c Popeyes Tuesday.  The cheat carb meals are dwindling...while yesterday at the store I PROMISE I wanted some cake, but I bought chili instead...
4.  Bored eating, now I WANT to still but it's getting less and less
5.  Ha that laying in bed is a hard one, but I think I've ONLY layed across the bed and at like 4 times in the last 3 weeks!!

I feel AMAZINGLY good about cutting down on the many "bad" habits that I had allowed to come back into myself.  Also realizing that ME not anyone else ALLOWED these things to occur.  It's always easy to blame our spouces, the children, the dog, our jobs, stress, weather, etc etc, but at the END of the day it's about US and our CHOICES.  

Now you must follow the bad (although I'm turning that frown upside down) with the good!!

1.  Mindful eating = Shut the fuck up...that shit really works!!!  But what is HELPING it work is #2.
2.  Eating ON a schedule and NOT deviating from THAT schedule.  I still need to work on that for the weekend but 90% of the time I have been on POINT.  I don't get physically hungry as I've mentioned before BUT my head hunger is a bitch and USUALLY happens ummm within 1-2 hours of my LAST meal.  So the good thing is that at 9am, when I THINK I want to eat, I just tell myself, you can hold out until 10 right?  And the same for 3pm, I can hold out until 4 RIGHT!!!  It's been working for ME!!  I still need to work on the ultimate EVENING thing but hey I think I am well on my WAY.

The scale is NOT my friend so I am thrilled that Alison is doing her weekly GOAL setting thing.  I will get back in the game.  I'm hoping to report at the very least a 5lb loss at the end of August but you know what...overcoming these demons is more important RIGHT NOW and that's all I can deal with stopping the HABITS that lead to my gain will help me to overcome and start the downward trend once again.

Weight August 1, 2012 = 222.2
Weight August 13, 2012 = 221.6

In other news I
 am currently training to complete a HALF MARATHON on October 28th.  I haven't been THIS excited about LIFE in a year and 1/2 since the regain started, so here's to my future...

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