Still Celebrating...

Sep 27, 2012

my birthday month. Even though I cant enjoy cake and ice cream this year, I have had so many ah ha moments this month I  really don't mind. For the first time I can see my own weight loss in a picture. I finally realize I do look a person who has lost weight. I took a picture in a football jersey that I couldn't fit last year when I bought it. It is very loose in the top area. Around the tummy area it fits a little snug but not tight. Speaking of tummy, mines is starting to slim down . The bad news is that it is hanging so low that I am going to need plastic surgery. I thought I could work around it ( I really didn't want to go through another surgery next year), but it's hanging so low it swings; which throws my balance off. Plus I am having rash issues so i am not pleased. It feels like the amount that can be cut off weights at least 25lbs. Plus I know I would be able to fit smaller clothes which means shopping time. I am enjoying physical therapy, which is slowly building up my strength. I can stand a little longer without pain, but my walking is still limited. Hubby and I recently went to VA Beach for a getaway to celebrate my birthday. I was so happy because in previous trips we never sat on the beach because we cant roll a wheelchair on sand. This time hubby rolled my chair to the edge of the sand, and I was able to walk a nice distance on the beach where we could watch the water up close. Hubby even went and put his feet in the edge of the water (he love it)!!! I was also so proud of myself for going to the gym to ride the stationary bike...something I have never done.My therapist would have been proud to see me, but I was proud of myself . I am caring more about my health, even while grocery shopping. Less junk food gets purchased and more fruits and veggies come in the house. . I have developed a habit of snacking...but my snack of choice is sunflower seeds. I don't know why I am so hooked on them, but better them than sweets. I even went 2 weeks without getting sick;but I'm still learning about what my new tummy does and doesn't tolerate. The only thing I struggle with now is seeing foods I cant have on menus. For example when went to Sonic in VA there are so many things on that menu I love to eat....but I have to consider my health and remember that I am feeling better. I cant do everything I would like to do yet (like taking walks around the neighborhood), but I am getting there. Plus I am loving all of the compliments and encouragement I have received lately. I;'m starting to get my sexy back!! Soon hubby might have to buy a shotgun to keep the men Until next time....OH family keep getting and staying healthy


About Me
Waldorf, MD
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2008
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