Starting the process

Feb 18, 2013

Hi all,

I am new here and have been reading a lot of your post, especially those related to VSG the procedure that I have selected.  I guess I am like most of you were in the beginning, scared!!  I am excited but scared to wits end about undergoing a major operation of this type.  But I am severely obese and know that I am a walking time bomb if I don't make changes now.  I have already added one person who is in a very similar situation as myself and I am hoping that we can help each other through this process.  I have taken the beginning steps to achieving my goal.  Had my initial consult with my surgeon on Feb. 15th, attended my required support group meeting on Feb. 16th, collected my three year history documenting my obesity, scheduled my appointment with the nearby sleep center, and made arrangements for my psych evaluation.  Now just have to complete all that I have going to finalize the deal.  I read a post from someone earlier that stated he or she were so scared they had the thought to run as fast as possible to get away from the surgery.  I am terrified.  I have never had any type of surgery so I don't have anything to compare this surgery too.  Thanks for listening to me ramble because I have to overcome these fears because I know if I do not have this surgery I will not live many more years.


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Feb 18, 2013
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