New Year Updates!~

Jan 10, 2009

I am so so sorry that I haven't been around!! I almost forgot about this website until I started looking for some advice on some tummy tuck post of questions I have. Since my gastric Bypass in Feb 2008 my life has changed. I am so much smaller after losing a whole other person, not to mention a hell of a lot healthier.

I got down to 152 pounds very fast! I mean it still has only been 11 months since my surgery and I was down to 152 pounds within 6 months. Well I gained 26 pounds back but was still happy with my weight! So since I was stable on my weight I decided to look into getting my abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) done. My insurace sent me to a surgeon in Columbus, GA (I now live in Enterprise, AL) which is 2.5 hours from my house. Instantly he agreed, took some pics and sent them to the insurance company.

They approved it within 10 days and they set my surgery date for January 7th, 2009. Since I am going to school to be a surgical nurse I wasn't nervous at all. Surgery day came and it was a long wait! A hour here, and hour there, I just wanted to get in surgery and get it over with. I got to the hospital at 9:30 and my surgery started at 12:30. Normally they keep you awake in the room for like 10 minutes while they set up and I love this part. But I was asleep within 5 minutes of entering the room which was kind of a bummer.

Surgery was 2.5 hours long, woke up in recovery sore, they gave me some medicine, and because I was coming off of a 5 year addiction to Tramadol he wanted to keep me over night, normally they send you home that same day. So I was taken up to my room and there it all began. :)

The next day I ate breakfast, my surgeon came in, changed my bandages, and said your free to go. I got 30 5 MG Percocets (which are very weak for me as I have a high tolerance) and went home. I noticed when I came out of surgery that I had two drains coming out of me. One on each side. These are such a pain but I am still glad that they are there. I'm walking around the house fine and doing light activities. I go back on the 14th of January for my check-up and hopefully the take out these drains!

Oh yea, I also got rid of my boyfriend of 5 years. He had really changed me, I was mad at the world, always down, very lazy, and overall just didn't care. I broke up with him in October when I met a very nice man. Plus I lived in AL and he still lived in OK. So I am going back to being a happy, pill-less me. I am covering up all my tattoos that are hate symbols and moving on!

Feel free to message me about anything you need to! I love and all the sweet members!


Awesome Website

Nov 28, 2007

This is an awesome website! I definately like finding places where i feel at home. I have been a part of gaming community forums for like 3 years now. This is something different where i can talk about more personal things and there are tons of people who know exactly what your going through.

Thanks!!! It was brought up at the Information Seminar and it stuck in my head im so glad it did! Thanks for letting me in this great community of support!


Nov 28, 2007

I was told last year that I was borderline diabetic right? Well the past week my legs have been killing me sooooo badly! They just throb and im no good at telling if they are swollen but i am guessing that they are. I tryed all i could to get to sleep but i just laid and cryed because it hurts sooooo bad. Im totally thinking that it is most likely Full Blown Type 2 Diabetes. 

I want to get my blood checked. I'm just not Too worried because i know that when i get the RNY that it is know to solve problems like this. Hopefully it also helps with my Hypertension and my Asthma.

Soooooooooo excited!

Sleep Study

Nov 28, 2007

So I have to do a sleep study this Saturday. I am so dead scared only because I really don't want to find out I have sleep apnea. That makes me think it would hold things back. I have never really had problems sleeping, just sometimes getting to sleep. But doesnt everyone? So im hoping all goes well. I got a really good sleep aid to take so i know that it will help. I sleep good anywhere so being in a strange place doesnt worry me any.

I asked my boyfriend if he notices anything when i sleep he said all you do is snore, i think you will be ok. Hope he is right.

About Me
Enterprise, AL
Surgery Date
Nov 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 4
Awesome Website
Sleep Study
