We have a surgery date!!!

Feb 18, 2015

Finally after starting this process, we are going to have surgery!  Got te call yesterday to schedule all my dates!  I still can't believe it but I am so ready!   I have been dropping some weght but then turn around and it comes back.  Time to get my act together and just get this done...

They say that good things come to those who wait- I have been waiting for this for a while.  Got cleared from diet person on 11/18 and didn't hear any more till I called the office 

in January.  Had my scope done and doc found some erosion and put me on omeprosal.  Also, we are finally getting out of the hotel and moving to a house...we have been in the hotel since 8/2013 and I am so ready for that too!  


Another hurtle jumped over...

Oct 24, 2014

Psych consult done!  Even with having to do a follow up!  One step closer!



still on my quest..

Oct 22, 2014

Looks lke I will be on my own for this quest.  I was hoping to have the hubby with me but due to slow doctors to give results of tests and his other doctors (nephorlogy) saying that he can't do it due to dialysis concerns.

Can't let that get me down- I have to press on for a new me.  My latest issue to pop up is my feet.  I am having pain in my heels and can't walk that far.  Seems like it is always something.  Anyway, I have an appt to see a podiarist in the morning, and 2nd appt with nutrionist in the afternoon.  On friday of this week, I have a follow up appt with psychologist.  I needed to work on my cooping skills.  Book read, now hit me baby!  (Would love to see these people travel the road that I have for the past 2 years and then tell me about my coping skills...)

Anyway- on to exercise appt on Monday- so wish I could get this done this year but think our flex dollars will run out by then.  If the insurance will play ball at all- BSBC- not the easiest to work with!  Thanks for reading and any hints along the way would be appreciated.  Sorry my spelling isn't perfect- but at least I am trying...


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Update to original post!

Aug 28, 2014

Here we are in 2014 and now I am 50 and considering once again weight loss surgary.  I had to have my gall bladder removed in March of 2013 and have since lost 80 pounds but that is just not enough. I am tired all the time and just have no energy.  Plus I am embarrassed to go out for anything.  I had a consult a couple of days ago and things sound like they would fall into place.  The concerns that I have are the job that the hubby has isn't a secure job because they have been bought by another company and there are others that are knocking on the door.  His health isn't the best either- he is only 52 and has to do PD dialysis every night.  He can't get a transplant till he looses 40 pounds.  He has an appt next week for the same doctor, so we shall see what hapens.  In the summer of 2012, he was laid off and 4 months later found a contract job making 25,000 less.  Did  I mention that we are living in a Hotel?  yeah, life isn't the best right now...



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Matthews, NC
Aug 11, 2007
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