I'm 38 years old, married to a wonderful husband and we have and adoreable 8 year old daughter! THEY are the LOVES of my life...My reasons to go on-

Every since I can remember, even as a child, I was "overweight"..Not severely until I was like a pre-teen. Then I was becomming more overweight for my age/size..I did diets,execised,ect and would lose some weight. Eventually, I would regain what I had lost and even add more pound to it! In school I was a mis-fit, due to being overweight. Kids called me names, said I smelled, and wanted nothing to do with me.

Even as an adult, I have never been Miss Popular..kinda sitting in a back corner, cringing as everyone else did their own thing and I sat alone. I didn't do alot of dating because I was overweight. I did marry a nice man in 1991 who accepted me as I was. He later passed away- (Long story) Then I was already friends with Ray, my husband now. We began dating in late 99 and had our daughter in 2001..With my pregnancy, I got Gestational Diabetes. It stayed after my daughter was born. I have been diabetic every since then! We got married in 2003!

I have MANY health issues right now!! High BP/Cholesterol, Diabetes-on insulin, Sleep Apnea with a Bi-Pap Machine, Neuropothy in my legs/feet, Arthritis in my back, ect. Most of these thing will go away after surgery or get better. I am doing WLS so I can be healthy again and be able to run outside with my daughter. I want to be a more active wife and Mom..and be able to do more for my family.

IF the diet and all my tests go well, and I get approval..My surgery should be in NOV or DEC 2009..Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

About Me
winterville, NC
Jan 05, 2009
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