My story

Oct 27, 2006

July 9, 2007- wow it has been a long time posting. I had my PS consult with Dr LoMonaco today. Hopefully things will be smooth there. I have an interview  tomorrow for a NICU job since I am moving back to the Houston area.  Looking at houses and getting the Longview house ready to sell. Ron got a job at MD Anderson and has been there since the first of June. He likes it, which is great. My weight has remained stable (up and down 6 pounds) and I am maintaining rather easily.

April 17, 2007-Well well well a lot of time has passed and I decided to come back and update this. I am hanging at the same weight and seem to have stopped losing. I didn't reach my goal but I bypassed my surgeons. We are getting the pool and the Seadoo's ready for summer.   Matthew turns 14 soon. We are going to Baytown to spend some time with him. He has gotten into skateboarding. So that is what he wants for his BD. Renee' is about done with her first year in college. She is having some trouble with her A&P 2 course. Like her mom did. LOL So, life is good but could always be better. I am maintaining my weight. Hoping to get Ron to start an exercise program with me. I will have to work harder it seems.

February 5, 2007-I still maintain the weight of 139-141. Not a problem here I just wish I could lose 10 more pounds. Went to the WLS seminar in Dallas a couple of weeks ago and learned a lot. Met Dr Lomonico whom I will use for my plastics. He explained the surgeries I might want or need.
January 12, 2007-Saw Dr Suits today for my 1 year  checkup. My labs were excellent and no needs to change any of my vitamins. I feel good except for the tummy problems I have had now for several days. I ate some bad pizza the other night and ever since I have been ill when I eat. Hope everyone has a great day and week. I got my daughter set up for her second semester of college the other day so that was fun too.

January 10, 2007-One year today. My weight fluctuates from 139-145. I guess the loss has stopped and this is where my body is comfy. I am cool with that. My total loss is 125 pounds. I have lost a bunch of inches. We are working on the house in Baytown and Ron took me out to dinner to celebrate. Sounds funny but that's what we did. 

December 13, 2006-OK I am writing my confession. I have been bad. I am having problems controlling my hunger and what I eat. I have gained 3 pounds and am beside myself. I posted in the TMB and I am hoping for some good suggestions. Everyone always keeps me on track when I admit I am in the ditch and not on the road. My goal is to get the sugar out of my system and control the eating and get back to my exercise program. I will do this. I can do this.

December 3, 2006-I have finally gotten under 140. I weigh 139.5 today!!!!! Only 9.5 pounds till I reach my goal. I am so excited I am wearing a size 6 jeans and a small in ski pants. I died when I got them on and they aren't tight. I actually saw light between my thighs. Any of you who have done this understands. LOL I laughed and giggled for days. This is a total of 125.5 pounds lost.

November 30, 2006-Today I am down to 141 pounds. That makes a total of 124 pounds lost!!!!! My BMI is totally MORMAL at 25!!!!! What a surprise and pleasure this journey has been.  Yesterday we went ski pants shopping for our Christmas skiing and the medium size pants were too big. I didn't try the smalls on because I was afraid they wouldn't fit. So I enjoy the thought that these are loose. LOL I will have added layers under them so I figured I don't have to worry about losing my pants on the mountain. *grins* But that could be fun. LOL

November 27,  2006-I weighed this morning because the steroids keep me hungry. I fight and fight it but seldom do I win the battle or even the war. *sighs* But my weight this morning is 142.5 so I made a small improvement. *claps* My body looks like it has been run through the mill or over by a truck. The spots are still there and itching a great deal but I am hopeful they will lessen soon. I am supposed to work tomorrow but we shall see how it goes.

November 26, 2006-I went to an emergency care out patient place this morning. They gave me another shot of steroids and a new pack and dosage of PO steroids. He said we would have to start all  over and get this taken care of. My blood sugars remain off the wall and are very hard to control at this time. Which is to be expected. Ron went yesterday to get his taken care of and got a shot and PO steroids. He looks better. Matthew went this afternoon as well and got a shot and PO steroids. Jean 's doesn't appear to be near as bad and she is getting rid of  hers with just creme for itching. Thank goodness one of us didn't break out bad,

November 25, 2006-managed to work the whole day barely. I am going to the doctor again in the morning to see what they can do about this not clearing up. I feel drugged and out of it most of the time. Weight goes up and down. MY thighs and arms and neck are bruised from me scratching. That has been very hard to control.

November 23, 2006-I am at work and having a miserable day. Any heat sets my itching off and running. I have been taking Benedryl and Claritan for itching and I am taking by far too many. The breakouts are still occuring with breakthrough itching. I am miserable. WAAAAAAAAAA Gained a couple of pounds with the steroids.

November 22, 2006-so far no relief, I am going into another doctor for a shot of steroids. I did receive a shot and orders to finish the remaining PO doses.

November 21, 2006- I got a dose of Prednison for 5 days and we will see what happens. I am afraid I will gain weight, Funny huh.

November 19, 2006-Today I got into a bunch of POison Ivy and we burned it and I am starting to itch and scratch. Dang it. My weight is at 145 still.

November 7, 2006-I am 3 days from my 10 month anniversary and I am very  happy with my results so far. Today I am at 145 and my total loss is 120 pounds. I am wearing a size 8 Levi's and most everything else as well. My BMI is almost normal!!! It is 25.7 today. I am on the border of overweight and normal now and I hope to lose another 15 pounds. Our ski trip for christmas is scheduled and the kids are excited about it.

October 30, 2006-As of the 28th poast I am off my plateau!!! I have lost 4 more pounds since then. I am at 146 today and I am so excited. My size 10 jeans are too big and I am down to wearing a belt which I haven't done in way too many years to remember. My loss is a total of 119 pounds since January 10, 2006. Way to go MEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I wanted to share with ya'll.

October 28, 2006-OK I am stuck at this weight. I am down t0 150 and I fluctuate from 153-150. I am between sizes, my 10 Levi's are too loose and the next size is probably too tight. *sighs* the woes of WLS. LOL Just kidding I love it!!!! I am thinking my body has "chosen" my appropriate weight and size now. I had wished to lose 20 more pounds but I am happy here. Once I am able to have PS I think I will feel much better. My tummy is horrible and my inner thighs have wrinkles!!! OUCH!!! My legs have always been my best asset. Now my boobs are gone. Flat as a board laying down, nothing but skin left. With a good bra I have the illusion of boobs. LOL I am almost at a normal BMI. *clapping* 

October 8, 2006-Today I finally lost a few more pounds. I have been on a big stall but I think it is because of what I am eating. Problems and traveling seem to have thrown me for a loop these past couple of weeks. I am 21.5 pounds from my goal. I wonder if I will ever get there. I am happy at this weight (151.5) but would love to have a cushion in case I gain some over the years. 150 and adding a few pounds isn't much of a cushion IMO. I am excited at how well I have done. However I am getting tired of buying clothes. Don't get me wrong I love to shop now but I keep growing out of them. I bought 2 new pairs of Levi jeans a couple of weeks ago. A 12 and a 10 and now they are both too loose in the waist. That is where I have lost most of my inches. Have a great week.

September 11, 2006-5 year anniversary to the worst day of life for the USA. I remember and have all day. Makes me realize how my problems, in the grand scheme of things, are tiny in comparison. My thoughts out to all affected personally and for those who are also in remembrance.
On another note I seem to be stuck. I think this may be my 2nd ever plateau. I am down to 157 and I keep going up and down with the same 4 pounds. This is driving me insane!!!! I have increased my protein to unheard of amounts for me and my water has been good. My exercise program has been so much better. I do it very day now instead of every other day. I wonder if my body is saying "OK this is it my friend, this is where you stay". I am happy with this weight and size but I would like to lose down to 130. Time will tell I guess.  Monday we leave for the last hurrah with the Seadoos this year. We are going to Arkansas. We should have a great time.

August 30, 2006-Today I am down to 158.5 a total of 106.5 pounds down. My next goal is 155 and it ends on Sept 15th.  My daughter started college on Monday. I can't believe I have a college kid. Man I am getting old. I feel old. I am still waiting patiently for my surge of energy to come after this surgery. It hasn't happened yet. I have heard from some folks that it takes a bit before the energy levels go up. So when will it happen. I am beginning to feel the loss more each day. I feel skinny sometimes even though I will never be skinny. I have bones I wasn't even aware that I have. We are off to Dallas today to pick up a new trailer for the PWC's .

August 20, 2006-It is Sunday and I am feeling pretty ill. It started Friday morning. yesterday was bad too. Today I feel a bit better. My weight now is 161.5 a total of 103.5 pounds in 7 months and 1 week. I am wearing a size 12 misses now. I feel so much better these days and my blood sugars are more under control. My blood pressure the other day was back to my normal which is 120/60. I am able to work my 12 hour shifts without my legs hurting and swelling. People I know that haven't seen me in awhile don't recognize me anymore. I think that is hilarious. Some men that knew me before have been saying, "man you are HOT". Now I am not sure why but that bothers me a great deal. What I wasn't hot before??? *shaking head* And they think that is a compliment. I guess in a way it is from them. Everyone have a great week.

August 7, 2006-Today I have lost a total of 100 pounds!!!! I am now in the century club. I am doing better with my exercise and protein and water. I slacked off for a bit and hit a plateau for a couple of weeks. We spent the last week at Lake Possum Kingdom and Lake Whitney, we had a blast. Back home today and Ron is taking me out on a date to celebrate. We are going to the movies.

July 26, 2006-We got back from Lake Texoma yesterday after a couple of days on the lake. It was so rough, the wind was 20MPH and the waves were almost as tall as my Seadoo. LOL I did have a lot of fun jumping the waves and coming out of the water. I almost lost it one time. The Seadoo went right and I went left but, I managed to stay on. I am so sore now like you wouldn't believe. I am working on getting back on track. All the good people in the Texas room here on OH are such good supporters. They inspire me. 

July 16, 2006-The kids are still here. We have been having an excellent time. Loads of fun and things to do. We went to the Balloon Festival this weekend in Longview and the food was almost too difficult to refuse. I ate a few bites of a corn dog to see how it would sit. I did well with it. The Balloons were beautiful as usual. Ron has said he would take me back to Albuquerque for their festival this year. Yeahhhhhhhh I loved it. I am working on having him take me somewhere just us. No one else. So far no go. LOL H hates to spend money. My weight is 169 today. I am very happy with that. A total of 96 pounds in 6 months 1 week.

July 7, 2006-I went for my 6 month checkup today and my HGBA1C was 6.2. That's the lowest it has ever been!!!! All my vitamin levels are great and there is no need for any changes. My next appointment will be in 6 months. Having some trouble eating. My loss is down to 91 pounds. I am excited. 9 more to go before I hit the century club.

July 2 2006-The kids came to town for a week or so and it is so good to see them. I need to get ready to take my 6 month picture as my date is coming quickly. The 10th actually. My total loss today is 88.5 lbs. I started at 265 and I am now 176.5. I made myself a goal but I keep changing it. My doc never gave me one. I am aiming for 130-140 so that I have a small window if I gain a few lbs. I am not sure if I will ever get that small, we will just have to wait and see.

June 16, 2006- I have had a stomach bug for the past week and let me tell you it sucks!!! I haven't been able to eat more then a few bites since last Friday. I haven't lost a pound as a matter of fact I am now on a stall. No problem, once I feel better I will begin my exercise program again. I have no energy since I haven't eaten. Today was my first almost normal day. I went back to soft food and easily tolerated food. It worked. I am back in Ketosis as well and have been out not for a month or so. I think I will begin to see more loss soon. I met my next goal of 184 pounds, total loss of 81 pounds. So I am happy with that. That's all for now. Our kids came for a short 2 day visit this week and it was wonderful having them here.

June 1, 2006-I am almost at my 5 month mark and I feel so much better. I actually got called "skinny" today at my doctors office by his staff. That was a big WOW moment for me. My total loss is 78.5 pounds and I weigh 187.5 now. I didn't make my goal by the date I chose of May 31 to weigh 184 pounds. No biggie I will add a couple of weeks to the date and make the goal smaller next time since the weight has slowed a bit.

May 27, 2006-Today my daughter graduated high school!!! We are so proud of her. She was 63 in a class of 450. She starts college in Baytown this Fall and she wants to be a nurse like mom. I asked her what area she wanted and she said the preemie babies like you. Isn't that sweet?

May 19th-I am down to 191.5 today and I am almost at my next goal which is 184. I strive each day to make it there. I am banned from exercising until my tendinitis settles down in my hip. The pain is almost gone but still there. I miss the exercising. I know that sounds funny but it is that way today. I have been laying out by the pool for the last 2 hours and I am amazed. I can feel my stomach has flattened. When I stand it is there however. LOL My boobs have gone south for the winter and they are so loose. The skin i mean. TMI. I am sorry.

May 13, 2206 I am down to 194 pounds. I bought some new clothes in a size 18. I am so excited. I have a couple of new pictures with a new outfit i got. I wanted to share. My life is good.

May 2, 2006-I am in Onederland today!!! 199 pounds. 66 pounds total. 6 is my lucky number. *grins* My BMI is now 35 it was 46. Yippee.

4-26-2006 Today i weigh 200. I am 1 pound from Onederland!!!! Total of 65 pounds. I am back on the exercise program i have been on but slacked off due to a lot of traveling and outside influences. I have been feeling rather poorly not sure why. Probably because the exercise and vitamins and protein have been not so good the past 2 weeks. I am doing better however with those things now.

wooooooowhooooo* I am now down 63.5 pounds and i weigh 201.5 LBS Yippee Almost in Onederland!!!!

4-24-2006  My meds haven't been going in. My water was maybe 20 ounces a day. My eating has been almost non existent. I know., I know but it just wasn't enough time. It is the eating drinking thing that got me down. I either got to eat or not. We are home and I am exhausted. Headed to bed soon, maybe i can get some rest finally. I had lost another 3 pounds while gone. Yippee for me.

2-24-2006 It seems sometimes that i really have to work to eat and other times i want to eat all the time. I guess that's how it goes. I have been over weight most of my adult life. I still find myself saying,"this won't work for me etc". It seems to be so far. I get discouraged at times and think my body is betraying me, but then see the pictures of my 2 month anniversary and realize i am looking good. And feeling even better. The exercising is so much easier now. Finally.

About Me
Baytown, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2006
Member Since

Friends 24

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My story
