What is my story?  I've struggled with weight all my life.  I wasn't an obese kid, but I was larger than my friends.  I felt out of place at times, yet for some reason, I was confident.  Go figure!

My journey to becoming obese starting with the Air Force.  I was enlisted in the USAF and had weight management issues.  The Air Force is strict (pretty much like the Marines) when it comes to weight loss policy.  This is where the yo-yo dieting began.  I would take diet pills (Ephedra..and other "natural" caffeine supplements) in trying to acheive the "standard".  It was a struggle.  

When 9/11 happened, it went into overdrive.  I wanted out of the military.  I was tired of starving myself, taking diet pills, drinking nothing but Slim Fast....and working out.  Because I forced to hit the gym it felt like chore.  Once I stopped giving a damn, I went from 170 to 190 to 210 lbs by the time I was discharged!  

It was downhill from there!  I moved to Killa Cali to have a better direction for life and to be with my mom.  If it didn't hit me how large I had become, it was quite clear there!!  I felt so inadequate living in So Cal.  Soo many beautiful women (of all races) to compete with.  NO ONE looked my way (except for the creeps).  And of course, I still had the emotional attachment to food........so from there my weight became heavier.  Finally fed up (so I thought) I jumped right back into the yo-yo dieting.  By this time my weight was 230.  (For those who are wondering, my height is 5'4...this is considered morbid obesity due to my height).  I've even tried vegetarian diets to get this weight off me.  For a while it worked, along with me attending the gym.  It didn't last long.  I grew tired of limited selections you have, not to mention it could be quite expensive.  

My weight tipped at 265, and it's been there ever since.............

June 25, 2007!  I had Roun-en Y Gastric Bypass Procedure on this date!  I've only been post-op 1 week, but I already feel the difference.  I have stepped on a scale since recovering, but I don't believe it(LOL).  I'd rather weigh in at my first post-op visit with Dr. Bina @ Neweigh.

Well... this is the short of my story.  I'll update as things progress.

Until next time.........

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1
