Update 5 1/2 years

Jan 26, 2013

I came here to update my profile.  I had written a long blog when I started this journey.  I guess it was deleted when OH changed their look.  I wish I had a hard copy of it.  I don't know why I didn't print it.

Just a little bit about me:  I was never overweight until I hit 30.  I started Elavil for depression and shot up from 135 to 228 in just a couple of years.  I had an insatiable urge for sweets.  I was miserable and embarassed.  I thought about gastric bypass for years before finally looking into it.  I was so depressed I couldn't make myself call surgeons or check around about it.  When I hit 50 I decided I couldn't live like that any longer.  I was fat and unhealthy.  I was on blood pressure medication and having numerous other problems.

At that time I had gallbladder surgery.  There was a brochure at the front desk of my surgeon's office about gastric bypass.  Another surgeon in the practice was performing it.  I asked my gallbladder surgeon, who was also a personal friend, about the surgery.  He told me that the surgeon performing it was excellent and had performed many surgeries at that time.  I called and made an appt.

That appt. is one of the best things I've ever done for myself.  It took a long time to get approved.  At first I was denied by my insurance company.  We appealed and it was approved.  

After weight loss surgery I was able to quit my blood pressure and cholesterol medications immediately.  I got down to 126 lbs.  My goal was 135, and I felt like 126 was too low for me.  I maintained at 135 for a long time.  A year ago I started a new medication, Abilify, and gained 20 lbs. in about six months.  I had an increased appetite for snacks and sweets.  I've now lost 4 1/2 lbs. and hope I can lose more.

One of the most frustrating parts of the weight gain is that I've gone up two sizes.  I was a size 6 and am now a size 10.  I can't wear any of my clothes.  I doubt I'll ever be able to wear a size Small again so gave all of my tops to my niece.  I'm not sure what I'll do with my size 6's.  My niece is actually a size 2 - 4 and an XS to S.  I'm keeping my 6's for a while but will be happy of I can get down to an 8.  It's a real struggle to lose this weight gain.

I'll try to keep coming back here and updating this.  I think it helps to actually have to write it down and be accountable to myself.



About Me
Knoxville, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 25, 2006
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
My Journey
