down some more

Jan 05, 2012

well i finally made it i am under 200 i went to the dr for the year check up and  my weight was 196 that is so great i feel so much better and i don't have any problems with food i do still eat small about of food if it soft i eat alittle more but mostly i eat small amounts i would do it again  if i had to this was the best thing that i could havve done for my body


May 08, 2011

well i am now down to 248lbs and felling great i still having a hard time to get all on my protien in but i am getting better about it my hair is coming out not not to bad yet  i am taking some biotin and am going to get that nioxin shampoo for it my feet don't hurt as bad as they did and i can do a lot more than i had been


Mar 06, 2011

well i have lost downto 274 but i am finding it hard to get all of my protien in and i need to do a lot of excerise  does anyone have have any suggestion any thing will help  thanks


Jan 24, 2011

well i have lost 8 lbs so  i am down  66 lbs  i fell pretty good i am off my blood pressure med  but still hard to get all of my protien in i get all my liquids  so i am working hard have started walking alot i have to go back to the dr for my month checkup on thur  had blood drawn on mon so hopefully everything goes well


Jan 09, 2011

well i had surgery in dec 23 2010 and everything went well it has been 2 weeks now i have lost a total of 52 lbs i had lost  37lbs before surgery and 15 afer surgery i get all my liquids in but can't get all my protien in i do not like the shakes they make me want to throwup so i eat eggs  tuna  yogart and drink buttermilk but everything goes good no complaints yet
1 comment


Nov 16, 2010

well it has been awhile  but finally i got a date it is dec 23 2010  it is my christmas present to me  i can hardly wait but also a little nervous  but i know that it will work it self out 


Sep 17, 2010

well i called my insurance on friday the 17 and they said that i was approved the insurance lady at deaconess fax my paper work to my insurance on friday the 10  so now i have to get a egg and then hopeful i will get to see the surgon and then maybe i will get my surgery by the last of oct


test back

Aug 23, 2010

well i got my stress test back everything was ok good to go so now i have to wait for them to send it to insurance and then wait for the insurance to give the ok i really do not know how long it will be but i hope it is in the next  two weeks because i am ready

almost there

Aug 07, 2010

i thought i was going good but my ekg came abnormal so i have to have a stress test i realy don't know about this alittle worried i have never had anyhting wrong with my heart so i am going to see the heart doctor on aug the 10 i have done my physt test and i have to go aug the 9 for the result i guess i was in to big hurry i have lost 23 lbs so far will let you know what happens now

working on it

Jun 27, 2010

well i just got finish with the dietary classes got bloodwork and ekg and chest xray done and now i have to wait till aug 2 to see phycologist then i guess i will get a surgery date i hope so so far i have lost 20 lbs it has been hard to give up stuff but i know that i will have to anyway so till next time

About Me
Nortonville, KY
Mar 29, 2010
Member Since

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