I feel FAT again!

Sep 06, 2013

I was in a size 6-8 for the longest! Now its Fall of 2013 and I am at 205 lbs!!! I am JUST SICK! Diagnosed with Lupus, Fybromyalgia and both types of arthritis has really taken a toll on my weight! The medications such as prednisone has made me fat! I want to get back to 155 lbs. and wear a size 6-8 again! Any suggestions???


Single Life is GREAT!!!!

Feb 09, 2009

Hello again,
As of January 8th, 2009 my divorce was final. That was the best day of my life next to the birth of my children. I have healed from the domestic abuse, the self esteem that was lost during the weight issues and the abusive ex-husband. I have been attending domestic abuse support groups each week and it has been so great. I have enjoyed doing what I want, when I want, how I want as often as I want. No one to tell me when I can come and go, answering to anyone - especially a controlling man. Those days are GONE! WOO HOO!

Sassier Than Ever

Jan 04, 2009

What weight loss can do for a person is just amazing. I have finally got down to the goal weight of 145. I would really like to have a tummy tuck and thigh lift now. But I am so happy with the body now, and never felt more liberated than I do today. I have the confidence of a star and the sassiness of the singer Pink. LOL

I have completed my divorce of which was much needed for years. I am no longer going to EVER settle just because I think I don't deserve better. I know how special I am now and how much my friends and family love me. Unfortunately, I have suffered from Bipolar and then to go through a divorce has been tough on me. But I am a stronger woman for it. I have become involved in the community fighting against domestic violence because of my history of emotional abuse. I have so many friends now, I have turned into a social butterfly - if that is possible to be more of one than I was before, but its true.

My kids are so proud to have me as a beautiful mommy. My ten year old talks about how lucky he is to have a pretty mommy. That really makes me feel good. I will admit, I love clothes now! I love to dress in sexy, cute clothes that are also very classy. I have even been called a "school teacher" because I dress so sophisticated. I have the confidence, looks, body, confidence, hair, confidence....did I mention CONFIDENCE? Its fabulous!

Life is so much more fun. I have gone skiing, working out in a gym without shame, flont my stuff because i now can, and don't settle for just any kind of treatment. I demand respect and yet I am still the same person. I have done so well keeping to my diet. I am proud of myself for staying thin while setting a good example for others - encouraging healthy eating.

I have posted some new photos...enjoy seeing all the changes I have gone through....how great I feel today being thin and beautiful!

Single Bliss!

Nov 07, 2008

Wow, two years ago I can't imagine myself ever being 325 lbs! I am so skinny now and feel beautiful for once. Loosing the weight has helped me to realize how abusive my relationship was with my ex-husband and have gained the confidence to stop the domestic abuse. I was constantly accused of cheating, made to feel like I was never going to find happiness without him and let me tell how wrong that was! I have been so happy since I filed for divorce. I have found a whole new sense of who I am, the true Michelle can now be who she is without the guilt, shame or embarrasment.
I do not regret having my surgery at all. It has given me a sense of reality with myself and all the confidence I need to move forward in success in my life. I no longer settle for less and have high expectations for my future. My career and college is going so great, and I can thank my surgeon for all that confidence. I have gotten down to 135lbs and loving being in as size 4. I am no longer boring, frumpy or dull. I am now sassy as ever, and love being who I am seeking out opportunities to share my life with those around me.
I have a flat stomach, curves and a body that won't quit. That being said, I have no desire for a man in my life and am completely happy being single and raising my kids alone. I would like to have a little plastic surgery done to get rid of the skin, cause boy does it get on my last nerve! LOL It's like jello, and i hate that. If I could eliminate my belly skin, I would have the perfect body in my opinion.
I am not used to men hitting on me like they do. It makes me uncomfortable to a point, because  I don't know how to respond. I simply ignore them and take it as a compliment. I will not settle, because I see where that got me last time. A life of misery and abuse that took years to escape. I can do bad all by myself, let alone have a dead body drag me down to my slow death. Those days are gone!!!!
World, Here comes the real Michelle full force, ready to share my talents and experiences with those around me. Take a look at some of my recent photos, you can see the new skinny me!

Weight Bliss @ a Skinny 140 LBS

Sep 19, 2008

I can hardly believe its been almost 2 years since my life changing surgery. I have had great and bad experiences, but mostly great. People I run into after not seeing them in years don't even recognize me & their mouths drop when I tell them who I am. I love that shock affect! LOL

I have gone from a size 20-30W to an astonishing size 4! I never thought people would consider me skinny and even call me that! I am so much more confident and loving who I am each moment of the day. I have really come a long way and encourage anyone who is considering this surgery to think hard about it. It is a life decision. I don't miss fried foods, soda or sweets. I actually get sick to the stomach when I smell fried foods. Very weird! I am now just waiting to find a good plastic surgeon to get this belly skin removed! :-)

160 Lbs & Size 8/10!!!

Nov 13, 2007

I can hardly believe it! To think I used to wear a size 28/30 pants to a size 8 pants is a miracle!!! I am a completely different person. People do not believe me when I tell them I used to weight 289lbs last year. They think I have always been this small. Did you hear that??? I am small!!! I AM petite! And finally the day has come where I actually feel small. What a great feeling!!! 

Now, only 25 more lbs to go!


How Time Flies!! Holy Cow!

Oct 18, 2007

I can hardly believe it has been almost a year since my surgery! I feel so wonderful! I can't hardly explain it. I finally feel like the sexy sassy woman that I truly am. My confidence and goals in life are constantly increasing and it radiates on my face. I have had so much fun with hearing the compliments and seeing the look on friend's faces when they haven't seen me in a while. The shocked look is the best, next to being completely speechless! LOL
My husband has started to adjust with my body changes. He is really enjoying being able to pick me up and throw me. Before at the 287 lbs I was before surgery, he would have broke his back, LITERALLY!

I have noticed that the perception people have of me is more positive and I don't get stares anymore like I did when I was HUGE! I look at my pictures, and I just get sick! It is my incentive to not eat the wrong things. I could have used my panties as curtains! YIKES!

I have nothing but great things to say about my surgery decision. I heard so many negative opinions when I signed up for the surgery. I am actually surprised I haven't had any complications. I can eat bread now (not a lot), some sugar but try to stay away from it. It seems like a piece of chocolate is ok one day and not the next. So its a gamble! I am only 30lbs from my goal weight of 140lbs. My old boss called me a "Super Model". Which I had to laugh, because the image of my hanging belly entered my mind and I was laugh hysterically!  I can't wait for the tummy tuck. I am trying to find a job where I can get hired on full-time to have great benefits. Hopefully I will in the next year, because my belly is actually keeping me from wearing my clothes comfortable. 

I do have one question though...has anyone ever had problems with feeling hungry all the time after surgery? I am struggling with that. Not to mention the grazing is starting to come back! YIKES!!!

Ten Months Out! WOW!

Sep 20, 2007

I can't hardly believe it has been almost a year since my surgery. I have had my ups and downs with taking my vitamins, calcium and protein intake. however, ever since I discovered the ISOPURE drinks, I have done really well. The fruity Snapple like drink is more my kind of drink rather than that milky crap!!! 

I started out at 287 lbs and now I am at 178 lbs. That is such an awesome accomplishment, I can't hardly express my gratitude for the new me! I love my new look and feel. I am much sassier than I have ever been and feel great! I have a level of confidence out of this world. I hope to loose a total of 33 more lbs before my 18 months target. I think 145 lbs is a good healthy weight for a short lil woman like myself. :-) I am only 5'3. My shoe size has shrunk, my bra size has shrunk and so has my underwear! Cool beans!!! No more curtain DRAWLS!!! WOO HOO!!!! Ha-ha!

I can tell I am going to really need the tummy tuck and thigh lift. However, That is not the ONLY thing needing work. My boobs look like a dairy cow with utters and my arms have some SERIOUS bat wings!!! Its really sad! I hate it all. So guess what, plastic surgery here I come!!!  :-)

I need to do better about my daily exercise routine, because I have been so busy with work and school, I kind of forgot all about it. Maybe I should just take that one hour lunch and walk the stairs at work to get that cardio work out and maybe my flappy legs with get hard....HA! NOT! :-) Worth a try though, huh?

Eight Months Out

Jul 09, 2007

WOW! I can hardly believe its been eight months since I had my surgery. I feel great! I can't believe the difference the weight made on my life before and then after. I went on an airline for the first time in my life and was able to cross my legs in the seat. I was able to buckle the seatbelt without an extension! And better yet, I didn't take up room in the seat next to me. That is the best feeling in the world. I can also sit in booths! I haven't been able to do that comfortably for a long time! I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago to find out that I was down to 197 from the original 281. Since then, I am now down to 189! WOW! I am finally back on that track to loosing more weight. I want to get all the way down to 145lbs. I think that is a healthy weight and I will finally feel 100% good about myself. I am looking forward to getting a tummy tuck and a thigh lift. I am thinking about getting my boobs and arms lifted too. My boobs sack terribly!!! No one warned me about that!!! Yikes, its like a tennis ball in a tube sock! Ha-ha!
I still can't eat bread, potatoes or pork. But that is a good thing. I eat mostly salads and fish. I also like to eat tacos. They are high in protein if you have lots of meat and cheese. So I buy the lowfat hamburger that way there isn't so much fat. I miss eating steak! WOW! That was my favorite food. I miss sherbert ice cream too. Even after all this, I would highly recommend the surgery to others. I haven't had hardly any complications. Things have been very smooth for me. Now off I go to loose the other 45 lbs!

Five Months Out

May 01, 2007

WOW! I can't hardly believe it has been five months since I went into surgery. I have had my ups and downs with the surgery complications. Well, I can't say complications. They were poor food decisions really. I tried bread and got sick for a straight 36 hours of not being able to eat or drink. I was throwing up in controlably, and eventually started to throw up blood. But now I am doing better. I can't eat bread, or pork. It makes me really sick. However, I am now able to eat chicken. My hair has fall out a little bit, but I wanted it to! I have sooooo much hair, I wanted to loose some. But it hasn't fall out in clumps. Just in sperts and is usually after a shower. 

I am down to 206 lbs! Yeah! Much better thant eh 281 that I used to be. There are many differences I have noticed about my body. For one, I actually lost weight in my vagina! I didn't know that could happen!!! No one told me that! So that was a shock. I am feeling bones I never knew existed. So that is a great feeling. My boobs, arms, inner legs, and stomach are sagging terribly! I hate it! I think the most devisating of them all is my boobs! I thought they would never go away. But I was way wrong! I used to be a size 44DD and now a size 36C. And they seem to continue to shrink. So I might be going in for a breast lift and maybe even inserts. We'll have to see. :-)

I am now in a size 14/16 pants and dresses. I am in a 8/10 top and size 7 panties! WOOHOO! No more curtain drawls! I look in the mirror and actually like myself looking back! I have even been told I look like a model. I am not so sure about that, but I will take the compliment any day. Sure beats the fat-so remarks I used to get. 

I am able to bend over without my head popping off, and I actually walk without my legs rubbing together. That is a cool feeling. But the BEST thing is I can CROSS MY LEGS! YEAH! I have NEVER been able to do that. Even as a teenage, I couldn't. My ring size has gone down to a size 6.5 and no longer a 9 like it used to be. My shoes are no longer wide, I can fit into a regular 7.5 and not an 8. There are so many reasons I love having the surgery. The compliments are just great! And to see the faces of people who never saw you huge and to know you the size you are is a great feeling. They are in shock when you tell them just five months ago you were a cow. Ha-ha! 

Well, I will keep you posted as my progress continues, but I hope to be at 145lbs by the end of it all. But I am really just happy with getting under the 200 mark and to be considered overweight and not obese.

About Me
Rigby, ID
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 11

Latest Blog 19
Single Bliss!
Weight Bliss @ a Skinny 140 LBS
160 Lbs & Size 8/10!!!
How Time Flies!! Holy Cow!
Ten Months Out! WOW!
Eight Months Out
Five Months Out
