Hi! I decided I would join so I could keep track of my thoughts while waiting and going through the WLS. I have chosen the BPD/DS for my surgery and it is scheduled in less than 3 weeks. I am a little nervous because I haven't had any major surgery before. My fiancee' had this surgery almost 3 yrs ago and had alot of complications. He has never been a compliant person so the restrictions got to him. Not to mention the fact we found out he was allergic to morphine after it had been given and had to be placed in the ICU. Then it was downhill from there. He had blood clots in his lung and an MI after the surgery because he was on a ventilator so long after surgery and couldn't get up to walk. That scares me to think of all the problems he has had. I know what I need to do to keep myself healthy so hopefully I won't go through the same things. He is very happy for me to get the approval, my health has been going downhill since we met over 5 yrs ago. My family on the other hand isn't so happy. My mother thinks its a mistake. I don't. Just looking at all the women on my mom's side of the family convinces me I need this surgery. All of my mom's living sisters are well over 500 pounds and those that have past were also. They died young because of their weight. I don't want that to be me. I turned 30 last year and I want children but I need to be healthy first. Hopefully this blog will give me some peace while I am waiting and afterwards I hope to see change.
Like many of you it has been a lifelong struggle to control my weight. My weight ballooned when I was in nursing school. I gained 100 pounds! Then I got divorced and lost 50 pounds and was pretty happy with that, of course I was starving myself, I barely ate and when I did it was just small things like toast or a glass of OJ. I was just dating my fiancee' at the time and he tells me he would leave to go "get gas in his SUV" but reaslly he was going for food because I starved him. I never realized because I was no longer hungry. Then when we would get something he made me eat so then I started on the roller coaster ride of gaining and dieting. I name the diet pill or program and I probaly tried it. I even gained weight during  my 6 month Dr supervised diet! I know its not all my fault, genetics plays a role and so does having PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. I am just relieved to know the struggle may soon be over. It's been over 3 years since I first started researching and finally I have my date set for surgery. 3/18/08. YIPEEEE

About Me
Xenia, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2008
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 16
7 month update
1 month surgiversary!!!!!!!
2 days post op
Tomarrow is the day!
Friday is fast approaching...
All packed and ready to go....
Anticipation is growing.......
Surgery date changed
Pre- Op Testing.... Ugh!!!!
2 weeks to go!!!!!
