what a journey this has been

Aug 10, 2010

this has been one heck of a year... i have made it to my goal weight, what an amazing transformation it has been.  After having my bypass surgery i was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, i was back under the knife 2 months after the bypass surgery, they removed my thyroid and all of my parathyroids, in doing so it really messed with my calcium retention...as you know having the bypass surgery you don't absorb as well as before..now that i have they parathyroids gone it really screws with my system...1 year later and they are still trying to get my levels regulated...none the less, i am feeling better....the numbness has lessened...i don't have the bathroom trots..and i am not draggy ass tired....
I have lost a whole person, i love the way my body feels., except for the saggy skin..i can deal with that.....i am not out of breath when i walk, i am off all my blood pressure medication....i can actually jog some now...amazing..ha ha ...anyways..i am thankful to all out there for their guidance and support....and to those thinking about this surgery....just remember it is life changing...and you still have to be dedicated to yourself to make it work.....

only 24 lbs to go

Feb 10, 2010

I can't believe that in approx 6 weeks it will have been a year since this wonderful journey.  I only have 24 more lbs to go before i reach my goal weight of 135, it is coming off slower now, but it is coming off, i don't stress about it because i know i am going to get there plus i am so very pleased with my results so far. I feel better, no more blood pressure medication, i have more energy, my legs don't swell up, i am not tired all the time....it is wonderful to feel so good.  There are many things i can't eat, but i don't actually care, i use to love ice cream, but can't tolerate it now, i get so sick even if i take one small bite..so i don't even bother now and i really don't miss it...go figure....i love salads..can't get enough of the greens...pasta and breads that i really enjoyed before are on the back burner, i don't care about that stuff now... anyways..i am very happy with my progress and how things are now..even if my body is saggy baggy..ha ha ...rather have saggy baggy then being sick all the time....happy, happy days....

down 60 lbs and feeling great

Jul 20, 2009

Well i am now on the count down for going back to work, thursday is the day as long as i can get the all clear from my Dr at my thursday morning appointment, i do not forsee any problems.... i am feeling good, my calcium is starting to climb, not up to where it should be but it is slowly getting there.  I still have problems with eating, somedays i can eat something with no problem, next day i try it and i get sick..what is up with that, it is all trial and error i guess but all in all i am coming along, learning new things about myself each day and thanking god and all my family and friends for helping me through my cancer ordeal. I am on the other side of the fence now and not looking back.


Jul 03, 2009

well things have been moving right along since i had my thyroid surgery, i am happy to announce they got all of the cancer out, thank goodness.  Now it time for healing, it has been bumpy because my calcium levels have been off since surgery.  trying to get enough in has been a battle, they have me on 12 calcium pills a day, earlier this week i was sent to the hospital for calcium infusion, they put 2 bottles in me by intravenous, i was as the hospital for 7 hours, that was a royal pain in the butt sittling there all that time but it was worth it in the long run as i feel better.  I don't have the whole body tingles and numbness, or the brain fog that i had before, now i can think clear.  On the 13th i go in for my first injection for radiation treatment, i will be glad when that part is over and i can get back to work.  As far as my weight loss is going good, i am down 52 lbs from start, what a difference i feel in myself, every day is a challange trying to get food down to stay though, one day someting will work then next day i throw it up, it is a day to day trial..but it is getting better.

surgery date

May 08, 2009

Well i got the surgery date to remove my thyroid, it is May 19th....i will be glad to get this over with..so i can get back to normal...not that things really haven't been normal...just the anticipation of waiting and wondering what was /is going to happen with me...
I not going to have the surgery at the same hospital that i had the bypass...i will be at St. Agnes Medical Center..which is another fantastic hospital... I still don't know how long i will be off work exactly, i guess he will let me know after the surgery... with high hopes i will be back to work in a few weeks... fingers crossed.
My weight loss has been doing pretty good, i have a bit of trouble trying to get my water down, i did find that i do much better with liquids that are icy cold rather than warm...seems to slide down better... I have been eating Beef Jerky for protein...that is working out good to, i thought that with it being dry that it would be harder to swallow and get down..but in reality it isn't ...i chew, chew, chew... and poof .  i still can't eat eggs..it doesn't matter how they are cooked... my body just doesn't like them at all... course i really wasn't a egg fan anyways... i really push the protein first...then the veggies and fruits..but not much fruit..sometimes they make me sick... Salad is working pretty good...more like the spinach leaves in the salad slide down good...carrots are not a happy veggie..i really like carrots to...maybe later. 
well all in all i am a happy camper...very happy that i made the live changing decision to have bypass surgery... it is a fantastic tool....and it is a tool for sure... you still have to watch out for your bad habits... and nip them in the bud...

doing well

May 07, 2009

I haven't update lately...things have been going well, i am now down 32lbs..and feeling pretty good... once in a while i forget to not eat fast or drink fast....but that is the only issue i have...need to pay attention and slow down.
I got my surgery date for the Total Thyroidectomy to remove the cancer, it is May 19th... i will be glad when it is over and it is all behind me... other than that everything is great...i am getting into my smaller clothes and co-workers and friends really see a difference in me... expecially my face...i always seem to loose it there first...why the can't it be the butt or tummy that goes first..ha ha
well got to scoot...back to work i go.. high, ho, high, ho.


24 days post op

Apr 16, 2009

Well i am 24 days post op, and down 22 lbs from surgery date weight, i lost a whopping 4 lbs prior to surgery so i have actually lost 26 lbs...whooo hooo.   I saw the surgeon today, he said i am doing great, but my biopsy on my thyroid  came back positive for cancer.  sooo looks like another surgery is in store for me shortly, my Dr referred me to a surgeon who specializes in thyroid surgery, i should be hearing from him shortly to find out when they are going to schedule me.... All in all i feel great, i also feel that if i didn't go for my bypass surgery they probably would not  found the thyroid cancer so soon...   so i am actually pleased with everything.   Next follow up visit with my Dr will be in June...

March 26th I am home

Mar 26, 2009

I first want to say thank you for all the kind words and support given by my OH Friends, really a great big thank you to all, you don't know how much it means.
Well i got home from the hospital about 2 hours ago, almost didn't think i was going to get to come home today, but the Dr said i was doing great with my fluid intake, and my nausea was down to nothing, so he felt it was save to send me home.  I must say Dr Nimeri is a wonderful man, kind and considerate, a good listener, he really takes in all that you are saying to him, i am glad i chose him as my surgeon. 
I will write about my little surgery escape later, right now i am a bit to tired to think, you don't get much rest in the hospital..ha ha ... i need try and find me a comfy position to lay in so i can get some needed sleep.  thanks again everyone for your support.

surgery tomorrow

Mar 22, 2009

Well, tomorrow is surgery day, i am very excited, the day seems to be dragging on.  My sister arrived from Washington State last night, she is so supportive of me and my decision, i love her very much. 
Today has been my all liquid day, i figured i would have a difficult time with this but it hasn't been bad at all, when i have felt hungry, i just drink some juice or crystal light, then the hunger pangs subside.  it is tomorrow i am concerned with, nothing to drink after midnight tonight and my surgery isn't until 1:30 pm, just hoping i won't get a headache like i had when i had my colonoscopy, course i felt pretty darn good when they hooked me up to the IV.  Anyways, i am excited and i am mentally and physically ready to go to the hospital and begin my new journey, only 20 1/2 hours to go..whoo hoo..
1 comment

next Monday the 23rd

Mar 16, 2009

Time is just flying by, next week at this time 9:30 am I will be at the hospital checking in.  I am so excited i can hardly contain myself, i can't believe that i am almost at the top of the hill, getting ready to descend down the other side, it is such a wonderful feeling, just to think that i will have a tool that is going to change my life, i will be able to start walking again, climb stairs, ride my bike with out my butt cheeks swallowing up the seat  ha ha .. alleviate the difficulty of being hygienic, (as you know it is hard to get to those certain places when your big), to bend over and tie my shoes and not have the bow to the inside of the shoe, to be able to wear a button pair of pants...soo tired of stretchies.  It is so pleasant to think about maybe, just maybe i will be off all of my blood pressure meds and my cholesterol level will hopefully come down to the normal rage...what a nice thought.
My family is on pins and needles...they want me to be on the other side of this mountain i have been climbing for so long.  I am glad to have my family at my side.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 17, 2008
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