Cant seem to lose!

Dec 09, 2007

Well i havent lost anything and i am just about to scream! I had my surgeon consult and couldnt get weighed in on there scale,my scale at home says i gained and the scale at curves says i lost 1 pound,I have no idea what to go by and i wanna just throw them all out the window! Dr.B said if i gain he will not do my surgery,,,I have been somewhat good,Trying to get back into the swing of things since my dad passed away! I drink my slim fast in the am and my yogurt and fruit at lunch time and then dinner,,,,yes i still get hungry and to top it off i just finished baking cookies and no i havent gorged!,,Just 2 to taste them,,,,,,,I think i may go on a liquid diet early and then see what happens,,,I am scared to gain any, I put in a call to get my pre admit testing done for my scope test and had to leave a messege,!

Father passed away!

Nov 25, 2007

  Well I thought i could  cope but reality set in today when i got our local paper and there it was,,,My father passed away friday and I kinda knew it was coming and The whole family was basically prepared,We went to the funeral home to help my step mom get everything all prepared and still it didnt hit me,We did get to see him then and it was hard,But today I went to get the paper and there it was the end,the I wont see him anymore,the obit,and then i lost it,,,,My kids are at school my hubby at work my mom lives in texas and i am here alone crying my eyes out but I had to snap out of it,so i sat and talked to his photo and i got the feeling he wouldnt want me doing this to myself so I took a deep breath kissed his photo and i feel better alittle! He was proud of me for making my surgery  choice and i know he will still be with me thru out the whole thing so knowing his spirit is with me i know everything will be ok!


Nov 23, 2007

I had my surgeon consult today,Dr.B is so nice and so helpful,he answered all my questions and concerns,I have to hear from manny on monday to make my edg appt and then wait to submit my insurance approval, Dr.B says i have to have my gall bladder and appendix removed,seems I have gall stones,(gee i had no idea,) I also have a fatty liver,(and i am not even a drinker go figure) And the good part is I dont have to lose before sugery but i also cant gain,,I am going to do my best to lose as much as possible so i dont mess anything up,,,Prayers are needed for insurance approval!


Nov 13, 2007

Well went to curves last night for my monthly weight and measurement day!oh yeah thats just so much fun! By their scale i lost 5 pounds,,I think i may just go by Dr.B s scale,that would mean i lost 2 pounds,I know with all the eating out we have been doing lately with my dad being in the hospital more than a month i thought i would have gained about 10 pounds,guess taking home a doggie bag helped!
           Anyway,the measurments,i dispise this part,,I lost a few inches in my chest,(my hubby already wants me to get bigger boobs NOT!!!) And a few in  my middle,but Guess where it all went?????   IN MY BUTT!!! oh no you didnt~~~~~I have no butt to begin with and now its all going down there,,,UGH!!! cant wait to see Dr.B on the 23 of this month!!!

I'm Not Crazy!!!!

Nov 01, 2007

Today was another day up bright and early,I had my physc consult @8am and my Nutrtion consult soon after,wow got that all done now in about an hour i will be at my physical therapist appt and then i am done till i see DR.B on the 23 of this month,,yippeeee i am not looney,,,,
         I learned alot about my eating habits with ann foley,,i guess skipping meals will have to be a thing of the past once i am switched!!! I got weighed in and didnt loose squat,but i also didnt gain anything either!!! 
   come on nov 23 already!!!!!!!

I had my tests done today!

Oct 23, 2007

Today was the day for me to be a pin cushion,Started my day at 645am ,had my abdomen ultra sound,then off to xray,(those lovely little pasties with the metal tips are just too funny),then off to my pcp for blood work and ekg,I was poked 7 times,gee they couldnt understand why i didnt have any water?Well Duh! the blood tests are to be done with no food or water after midnight the night before,,,,anywhoo ,its all done,now i have nutt visit and nutrtionist and physical therapist and i am done,stil a long road ahead i think!

Nurse Consult

Oct 08, 2007

I had my consult with Paula Beam today!!( yeah finally got the ball rolling!)
  Boy Do I have my work cut out for me! Lots and Lots of tests to be scheduled,and to try and do it and not lose work will be the kicker!!!
 I have my first appt with Dr.B on the 23rd of November and i guess i wont be eating to much thanksgiving dinner!  I got on the scale and i am down 6 pounds yeah for me,I guess slim fast for breakfast ,yogurt for lunch and a regular dinner along with going to curves 3 times a week is helping! I will keep ya posted!!!


Sep 13, 2007

Went to the seminar at abington hospital on Tuesday night,9/11 and it was so informative,I really enjoyed hearing from paula beam she seems so nice,and she looks wonderful,I couldnt wait to get my appointment to see her personally,So here i sit till october 8th and at 3pm i hopefully begin my new road to thinness//,

About Me
pottstown, PA
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2007
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