Four Months...

Sep 07, 2010

A warm hello to my faithful reader. 

It's now been four months since my trip to Mexico to have my surgery.  I'm still kind of in awe of the fact that I had the nards to do that, but I'm so glad I did.  I've said it before, but I really do think that I found the best surgeon I could have hoped for.  I wish he were here.  

I still haven't had a single complication.  Nothing has ever become stuck.  I've never vomited.  I don't have acid reflux.  I think these are all due to the skill of Dr. Horacio Guajardo and his team.  These are mechanical issues.  The size and shape of my pouch must be right.  The stoma healed perfectly and must be just the right size.  I have restriction, but not stricture.

I've been able to work out... and it feels GREAT!  I'm not just saying that, either.  It really does feel good.  Today, I had to make a trip to a grocery store that is part of a strip mall.  I purposely parked on the side of the lot opposite of the grocery store and enjoyed the walk to and from the store.  Did you catch that word?  I ENJOYED the walk.  OK, ok... so that's not the most impressive example.  That's no great distance.

So, how about this?  I can ride a recumbant bike for half an hour (or an eliptical for 15 minutes... seriously, those things are like simultaneously your butt's best friend and worst enemy), and then do weight training for half an hour and THEN walk a mile to cool down.  The mile is leisurely and the whole workout totals a full 90 minutes.  And while I'm walking that mile, I feel like skipping... or dancing... I have tons of energy left over.  I never would have guessed I'd feel like that four months out.

Want numbers?

OK... It's been four months and two days.  I've lost 77 pounds and 32 inches! 

I love the idea that I'm less than 25 pounds away from having lost 100 pounds.  

My family, friends, and coworkers are really noticing the change now.  They're ridiculously interested in what I have for lunch every day.  I think they're mostly fascinated by the fact that it's fairly normal.  It's not baby food.  It's salsa chicken and quinoa.  Or it's teriyaki chicken (homemade, no sugar).  Or it's a chef's salad.  Or it's a bowl of chili with cheese. 

I'm bad about eating breakfast.  It usually only happens on the weekends.  Bad me, I know.  But, when I do eat it, it's usually an egg of some preparation atop a piece of wheat toast.  I've recently learned to poach eggs.  Love it!  

Oh, what else to talk about?  Clothes?  All baggy!  I try really hard not to complain because losing weight is a blessing.  Complaining about the petty things that come along with it is just insulting to those who are still struggling.  But, let's just say that my wardrobe goes through phases of being very limited to being more than adequate as I pass through the sizes I have.

What else?  Attention from the opposite sex?  Improving!  My desire to act on any of it.  Still the same.  Blahhhhhhh... I was a busy girl before and now I'm just an even busier girl with energy to back it up.  I just don't have time.  I have goals that I think are incongruent with romance right now.  Anyone interested in dating me would have to have life of his own.  He would have to be that very busy type who understands tight schedules and appreciates the time we'd have together, no matter how small or rare.  Turns out that guy is really hard to find.  Know why?  Because we're both busy doing other things!  Figures.

Everything else is still peachy, as always.  Stress free.  That's me!  :dance:


About Me
Garland, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2005
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 25
