Nine days until surgery and counting

Jan 26, 2007

Waiting is never been my strong suit; but this is the big one. I hope all goes well. It seems as if it has taken me forever to get this far. 
I do appreciate all the friends and fellow want to be losers support on this site. My husband is trying his best to be helpful and supportive to. I know he has his fears as well. It just seems like why do we all have to have things get to hear. There never has been an easy solution to any problem for me. I choose this to go all the way with gaining my health and control once more! Looking in the mirror is difficult now; but I anticipate in the future it will be more of a pleasure than a dread! One day at a time.. Yes, I will celebrate this! 
Thanks for friendship and support of all who help me. Judy R.

What lies ahead?

Jan 25, 2007

Well can I survive my minds tricks? I get frustrated and short on patients when I am hungry. Liquid diets are not my thing. I hope there is a real higher purpose to this. 
I know, what makes me think I can do this later if it is diffcult now. I think if we are all honest it will get to you at times; but after I have surgery I don't see it as a problem. By then I will be used to this; and I hear your not that hungery. My stomach was making enough noises today to wake the dead. LOL
I am a little worried how my body will react to all the new changes I will be facing. Going for the gold whatever it takes. Judy R.

Wow, liquid diet works.

Jan 24, 2007

Hey everyone,
    Presurgery liquid diet is making me the lowest weight I have been in 3 years; already since dec. down 21 pounds. Wish it were sooner to surgery; this is very difficult. Today had ultrasound due to enlarged liver. What is up with that? Hope it will not post pone my surgery. More blood work too. Has anyone else heard of this? 
Will things shrink back to normal after surgery and weight loss? Thanks for input. T.T.F.N. Judy


Jan 23, 2007

Hi everyone, 
     I don't understand it but I am already becoming way to emotional. I letting things bother me that I would usually write off without much thought. Is this normal? I know I am ready for this change! Is it just my fears getting the best of me. And I thought food was my only Demon. I will take a deep breathe and regain control. Maybe that is the larger picture and issue; I am not a fan of not being in total control of things that effect my being. LOL + guess I better get used to it. Revive.. Judy R.

Just learning

Jan 23, 2007

Well, we all begin with the small steps. Now I have began my 2 week presurgery liquid diet. At night is the worst for me, it is then my hunger goes into overdrive. Keep telling myself the ends will justify the means. Surgery date is Feb. 05, coming soon. I am still working while on my liquid diet; and that is more difficult. I work at a florist and co-workers are always eating and sharing food. And then my job is labor intensive so I run out of energy fast now! I think I will be taking off the last couple days before surgery. Not telling any of them details; to many judgements to deal with. Hoping by summer I can walk and bike with my husband and family. This will be the year for me! Sincerely, Judy R.


Jan 02, 2007

Hello to you all, 
    Well I am a newbie. My surgery is sheduled for Feb. 5th; and to say I am nervous is an understatement. I am doing the lap bypass. Any encouragement or helpful hints are welcomed. I hope this journey will bring me back to my health. I was also recently diaignosed with diabetes; I am wondering if this will make my surgery more difficult from a healing and nutrition stand point? And once I begin to lose the weight will I lose the diabetes? Thanks .. one nervous but excited ozlady

Still vuneralbe wanting privacy!

    I am still struggling with keeping my surgery private; my husband says why. Here are my
reasons: (only those in the trenches know).
1. People without knowledge of the difficulty or sacrafies are judgemental with no clue.They say it is the easy way out! Anything but!!!
2. There are some people around me that I just do not feel have earned the privilage for me to share this with; and I even fear them using this to hurt me! 
3. It is difficult enough to go through this, without having to deal with others constant input or judgements. 
4. I say who and when, or if! I keep it small so I trust very few. I am not afraid of sharing with thoose who are in my same boat. 
5. I am waiting to get stronger in everyway.
   So if it is wrong to others that I have not shared it with them it is on them and not me! After all I am the one who has had to endure the pain, sacarfies, and difficulties. Supportiveness is what I am greatly in need of right now; and not judgement or questions. I have done this for my health! I just want others to know it is normal to feel this way.. Journey's to the soul are often filled with side roads, and pitt falls. Just me, Judy

Still vuneralbe wanting privacy!

    I am still struggling with keeping my surgery private; my husband says why. Here are my reasons: (only those in the trenches know).
1. People without knowledge of the difficulty or sacrafies are judgemental with no clue.They say it is the easy way out! Anything but!!!
2. There are some people around me that I just do not feel have earned the privilage for me to share this with; and I even fear them using this to hurt me! 
3. It is difficult enough to go through this, without having to deal with others constant input or judgements. 
4. I say who and when, or if! I keep it small so I trust very few. I am not afraid of sharing with thoose who are in my same boat. 
5. I am waiting to get stronger in everyway.
   So if it is wrong to others that I have not shared it with them it is on them and not me! After all I am the one who has had to endure the pain, sacarfies, and difficulties. Supportiveness is what I am greatly in need of right now; and not judgement or questions. I have done this for my health! I just want others to know it is normal to feel this way.. Journey's to the soul are often filled with side roads, and pitt falls. Just me, Judy

Still vuneralbe wanting privacy!

    I am still struggling with keeping my surgery private; my husband says why. Here are my reasons: (only those in the trenches know).
1. People without knowledge of the difficulty or sacrafies are judgemental with no clue.They say it is the easy way out! Anything but!!!
2. There are some people around me that I just do not feel have earned the privilage for me to share this with; and I even fear them using this to hurt me! 
3. It is difficult enough to go through this, without having to deal with others constant input or judgements. 
4. I say who and when, or if! I keep it small so I trust very few. I am not afraid of sharing with thoose who are in my same boat. 
5. I am waiting to get stronger in everyway.
   So if it is wrong to others that I have not shared it with them it is on them and not me! After all I am the one who has had to endure the pain, sacarfies, and difficulties. Supportiveness is what I am greatly in need of right now; and not judgement or questions. I have done this for my health! I just want others to know it is normal to feel this way.. Journey's to the soul are often filled with side roads, and pitt falls. Just me, Judy

Still vuneralbe wanting privacy!

    I am still struggling with keeping my surgery private; my husband says why. Here are my
reasons: (only those in the trenches know).
1. People without knowledge of the difficulty or sacrafies are judgemental with no clue.They say it is the easy way out! Anything but!!!
2. There are some people around me that I just do not feel have earned the privilage for me to share this with; and I even fear them using this to hurt me! 
3. It is difficult enough to go through this, without having to deal with others constant input or judgements. 
4. I say who and when, or if! I keep it small so I trust very few. I am not afraid of sharing with thoose who are in my same boat. 
5. I am waiting to get stronger in everyway.
   So if it is wrong to others that I have not shared it with them it is on them and not me! After all I am the one who has had to endure the pain, sacarfies, and difficulties. Supportiveness is what I am greatly in need of right now; and not judgement or questions. I have done this for my health! I just want others to know it is normal to feel this way.. Journey's to the soul are often filled with side roads, and pitt falls. Just me, Judy

About Me
Davison, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 43

Latest Blog 31
Dropping out of Sight but not really!
Big Expectations!
My Summer of Changes!
Vacation to a ONELANDER
What Strange thoughts I have
Not a magic wand!
Gave away the old comfort clothes
New Bathing Suit Summer!
