The journey is on.

Jan 15, 2010

I'm here because I need your support. [Edit Post]
11 hours ago
For the past 1 1/2 years, I have had severe knee pain, well, I've been told that I must have bi-lateral knee replacement at the age of 46.  If you didn't know, this surgery is normally given to people in the 60's.  I was overweight until I was 39 years old, at that time, I had lost 120 lbs, with RNY, and went on to lose another 53 lbs by my 18 month anniversary. 

Well, due to the damaged caused by carrying so much weight those many years, I know find myself in need of knee surgery.  I have to lose 70-80 pounds to be at the optimal weight for my surgery.  We all know that losing weight is difficult.  I'm asking for your support to help me reach my goal.  I plan on having surgery in November, 2010 and would like to have the weight off by then. 

Well, I will update you as the journey progressing and best of luck to you, as you journey onto your goals.

Ardyss-Body Magic
It really works.

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I visit the site often, but I have not updated in a year. I had to find more of me, the "new" me, and become comfortable. Guess what? I'm happy with what I have found. It has been 2 years and 7 months since having surgery. My life has completly changed. I'm comfortable with the person I see each morning and find that I laugh a lot more and I'm enjoying life a lot more. My family has been the best support and they are all happy that I'm healthy and no longer sick with asthma and other breathing problems. I sleep through the night now and enjoy each day more.

I'm looking forward to working out in 2005, and getting even stronger for additional plastic surgery work that must be completed. I had over 12 pounds removed for my tummy tuck and had breast implants to combat the loose and fallen skin around my chest area. I'm very content with what I see today.

I just wanted to update you and let you know that I'm find. For those of you looking to have plastic surgery, make sure that your doctor uses a post-op pain pump reliever named, ON-Q. Look at their website at This pump saved me many days of discomfort and pain. You need to find someone who knows how to use the most valuable equipment.

Lastly take care and good luck to you as you continue on your journey.


Most likely this will be the last entry for 2003. This has been a year filled with ups and downs. I'm most please with my weight loss. I have lost a total from surgery of 155lbs, a whole human, can you believe it. I feel different, look different and act different. I'm a more secure and confident person. I even found myself to be more gentle. I do not have such an edge on my attitude. Life is good. I was sharing with someone, and stated that I thought the weight loss surgery would open doors for me. I have found that people are more accepting of me, but I have learned to be more accepting of all people. My eyes have been truly open to see people where they are and to accept them as they come, without expecations and reservations. I remember always being judged on my first apperance. I thought about how much I did not appreciate it, and I no longer look to others based on outer, or even, inner appearances. People should not be so hard on each other. I'm learning to embrace all people. Love unconditionally and to find the best in everyone I meet.

I think being freed up from the weight has help me to shed many of my own prejudices and find the best in all. Life is rough enough without putting labels and things on each other.

I know that we are suppose to share our stories of weight lost on this site, but in losing the weight I feel I have gained insight that is more important to me than the extra 30lbs I still need to lose. If I do not make my goal by my 2nd anniversary, I will continue try to lose the rest of the weight. I will help others lose weight, by surgery or other methods, I will become the best adverstiment for healthy living I can be, and I will not give up on me. God has been so good to me this year and insight is just one of the gifts I have received. I share my thoughts with you to encourage and help you to think. I do hope that you see you are not in this thing alone. Together, we will be the best we can be.

Happy Holidays. Looking forward and not behind, For the BEST IS YET TO COME!!! Bring on 2004 - I'm ready are you. Losing More In 2004.


Hello all! I am having a ball. I love to work out and because of that I'm so much firmer than without. I work out 3-4 days a week. Some people think that I've lost my mind, but I know that it is right for me. I spend 3-4 hours a week doing cardio and 5-7 hours on strength training. I look at the time spent a productive and not just being idle.

I have become a power shopper. Because I'm still losing, I do not want to spend a lot of money on clothes, so I go to the discount places and find NICE clothes for a little of nothing. I think I like shopping best of all. I never thought that I could go to the mall and walk up and select something off the rack, try it on, and IT FIT, and take it home. It is truly the best feeling.

People a still amazed to see me. They all respond differently. Many want to know my secret, and others just are floored. I try to encourage as many people as I can to make whatever changes in the their lives to lose the weight. I share my story and pictures with complete strangers and many are inspired to get information on WLS.

This life is new and I thank God for such an awesome life today. Everything is not what I would have it to be, but not being overweight has helped me to deal with everything else a little better.

Please follow the plan and make it work for you. Get your protein. Drink your water. Take your vitamins. Remember to exercise a least 30 minutes a day, or in my care more. Lastly, be realistic on the weight you will lose. Don't expect to lose 160 lbs in 6 months. Please remember it took a lifetime to put it on and will take some time to get it all off.

If you are wondering, I have lost a total of 150 lbs since April 2003. But I have lost a total of 168lbs from my heaviest weight. It has taken me 19 months to lose 150lbs, and I still have 30 more pounds to lose and plastic surgery to correct the entire sagging skin issue. It's not over yet, but the best is yet to come.

Stay encouraged until next time.


Hi, I'm in Flordia today visting with my cousin. I've taken a new photo and it should be downloaded in a few days. I've finally started looking at myself differently. I see myself as happy, healthy and setting different goals to succeed. My trainer has truly helped me. Devverick you are the best!!! and I love you!!! Thanks to him I'm fitting clothes that have been sitting in my closet all summer.

I feel better about how I look and how much my health has improved. Weight loss is a wonderful thing. I don't always have great days, but feeling sick is not something that happens every week now.

My cousin Zirl is the best, she has lost 75 lbs and is doing great. She is inspiring me to do better with my excerise and eating also. We are doing this together to live happier and healthier lives.

I do hope to lose the additional 40 lbs by April of 2004. Then I will start to look into plastic surgery. I never thought I would be trying so hard to lose these last few pounds, after losing so much weight so easily in the beginning.

Those of you who are just starting out, do everything possible to lose as much of the weight in the 1st 10 months. Follow the plan, drink your water, eat your protein, take your vitiams, and excerise your butt off. You will then be successful.

I will update in a few weeks. Good luck to everyone and take care. Please email me if you need help. I'm here to help you on your journey.

Hello and hope all is well with each of you. I have been a little busy lately. I have joined the health club and have been excerising my brains out. I have gone from 15 minutes cardio to 1 hr - 3 times a week, and doing 1 1/2 - 1 & 45 minutes strenght training for each session. I have a total of 45 lbs more pounds to loose. I would like to weight 175 - 180, and wear a size 12. My mother believes I'm a good size now, but we all know about loose skin and just not feeling like we have accomplished our goal yet.

Oh, something funny happen to me last weekend. I visited with my family, some who haven't seen me since I started losing the weight, and many of them just spoke and walked away. My cousin, who lives in France, came up to me about a hour later and said he did not even know who I was and we had carried on a conversation for 5 minutes earlier that evening. It's funny to me that people do not recognize me. But, I pull out my pictures and took a good look and said, No, I wouldn't know me either.

I'm much happier with my size now, but I will be happiest when I'm at goal.

I currently weigh 218 lbs and wear a 14 top and 16 bottom. I used to wear a 30/32 all over. I have lost a shoe size and gain so much self-esteem. My friends tell me that the new me is so out-going and they loved the old me, but really enjoy the new person I have become.

I will update later so, take care and keep up the good work.

Well it only been a couple of weeks, but I wanted to let you know that I have a new job. I believe if I was still overweight I would not have been offered the job. The weight lost has helped me in so many ways. I am so grateful to have lost 144 lbs. This has helped my health, happiness and heart. I will never be the same. I still have about 50 lbs to lose. I am determined to reach this goal by the end of April 2004. That will be 2 years out. I will then have all of the necessary surgeries to tuck and tone, but hopefully through working out, I will not need to much surgery. Just thought you would like to know how I'm doing. I"M DOING GREAT!!!

Hello it me...I just added my new picture to my profile and it should be online soon. I hope that you will rejoice with me. I feel great and I am in the best health ever. I still have 40 to 50 more pounds to lose, so the journey continues. I asked my doctor if I could have a tummy tuck and he said yes, but in 6 to 12 months. That gives me enough time to get the rest of the weight off. I will really try to make the last few pounds shed in that time. I'm still getting used to all the stares and comments. I'm doing so much better with that now. I know this is not over and the toughest part if just beginning. I will keep you all updated and thank you for cheering for me.

Well Hello, it's been 4 months since I last updated. I have been busy helping others with their weight loss surgery. I have received so many calls to give my story and advice about surgery. I have had 2 cousins and one friend have surgery during 4 month time. One of my cousins came all the way from Florida to have Dr. Cahill do the surgery. My girlfriend also had her surgery with Dr. Cahill. My other cousin had her surgery at Rush in Chicago. So see I just wasn't updating I was busy trying to help others.

Now onto what's happening with me. I have lost a total of 141 lbs. I am a little over 1 yr out and doing o.k. The funniest things are how people who have not seen me in a long time react when they first see me. I have had people run away, scream, cry and just continue to tell me how great I look. It's still strange and I'm trying to get used to the reactions, but sometimes it's a little overwhelming. I wanted to lose the weight because of the health issues, and just wanted to blend into society. I did not want to stand out as someone strange. Maybe some of you know what I mean, but it is just difficult for me to accept all of the compliments from people. I'm learning to deal with it and let people be happy with the new me.

I want to take just a little moment to thank the best support group in the world. My support group at Little Company of Mary Hospital is the BEST. They care about you and many of these people have become my very dear friends. I would like to recongize Tony Romeo, he is over the support program and is also on the surgical team with Dr. Cahill. I believe that Tony cares about each and every person who has come to the information meetings and to support group. Tony, thanks for everything. To my other friends in support, Lisa, Liz, Jennifer, Becky, Brian, Barb, and all the others, I thank you and LOVE you. You are the greatest people in the world and I would not have made it without you.

Well, time to go. I will do better and update more regulary. Good luck on you journey. Until next time.


I have been overweight for the majority of my life. So I decdided to make a change. WLS was not my first choice, but after years of yo-yo dieting, I decided it would be my final choice. I contacted BTC and made an appointment. My appointment was Jan. 25th. Boy, did that seem along way away, but I waited and researched while I waited.

I contacted my insurance company today, and was informed that they would only pay 70% of the total bill, due to the fact that BTC was outside of the network. Great! Now what. Well I went onto and found a seminar at Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park IL. I emailed the Support Group Coordinator and made arrangements to attend the meeting on 2/12/02.

Well, I attended the seminar and it was the greatest informational seminar I have ever attended. Tony Romeo, the coordinator, explained the program and Dr. Cahill, the surgeon, attended the meeting. Both provided tons of information. I stayed for the support group meeting and found it to be very helpful.

Tony, was at the support group meeting leader, and he was just great. He is very knowledgeable about these procedures and has assisted in over 2000 WLS surgeries. I know that he cares and he is so up-front with you. He will tell you what need to do to make this work for you.

Also, there were past WLS paitients there. They shared their stories and weight loss. Some of them had loss over 100lbs and other had lost 45lbs in as little as 1 month post-op. Well, to tell you that after attending the meeting, I was completley sold and had an appointment for the very next Monday.

I had my personal meeting with Dr. Cahill. (please read comments below) He told me everything I wanted to know. He provided an in-depth examination and offer more information to aid in my decision. He stressed that this surgery is a tool and I must do everything I'm told to succeed. After leaving the appointment and after meeting with him one-on-one, I knew this would be the right way to go. Now, I just have to wait to be approved.

Now waiting for approval. Spoke to the doctor's office today and was told it would take approximately 6-8 weeks for approval. I will not make it that long, but wait I must.

OH HAPPY DAY!!! I'M APPROVED!!! How you may ask only after a few days. Remember BTC...well, their paperwork was submitted 2/4/02 and the insurance company called to tell me that I had been approved under BTC. While speaking to them I asked if I could change to an in-network provider and they say YES. Well, I was able to change to Dr. Cahill and be approved in a matter of 2 weeks. GOD IS SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!

I have also joined a support group on-line and I just love them too much. They are a Christian group of women who have or plan to have WLS. AIMSK, they are under Yahoo groups. If you are looking for a great support group to join, please check them out.

Well I had my Pysch evaluation today. I was nervous at first, but calmed down the more I talked. I had the pyscholgist laughing out loud at me. I told him that everyone is my immediate family is overweight, and when our dog was alive, so was she. He just laughed at me and continue to ask more and more questions. I finished the evaluation in 45 mins. Glad that is the pulmonologist.

I took my measurements tonight. This will be my starting point. Surgery is in a month so let see what happens over the next few months.

Body Measurements 3/9/02
Upper Chest - 51
Upper Arm - Left- 16
Upper Arm - Right- 17
Bust - 58 4/8
Diaphragm - 51
Waist - 51 2/8
Hips - 53 4/8
Abodemn - 57
Buttocks - 65
Upper Thigh - Left - 35 4/8
Upper Thigh - Right - 35
Middle thigh - Left - 34
Middle Thigh - Right - 32
Upper Knee - Left - 23
Upper Knee - Right - 21 6/8
Calf - Left - 19 2/8
Calf - Right - 17 4/8
Ankle - Left - 10
Ankle - Right - 9 6/8

I plan on measuring again on 4/8/02, it will be the day before WLS.

Met with the pulmonologist today and passed with flying colors. I will have to use a CPAP machine for a while. I was dignosed with Sleep Apena. I know that surgery can help get rid of the Sleep Apena and I look forward to that with the weight loss.

Well, I contacted the doctor's office today to find out about the next step in the process. PRE-OP TESTING...While speaking to the office I was told that my surgery date could be changed to 4-9-02. I told them I WANT THE DATE. So now, I will have surgery on April 9th. Approximately 4 months from when I first made contact with BTC. Iam so ready and so excited. I have so much to do prior to surgery. I hope I will not lose my mind before I have surgery. I understand that they will not operate if you are crazy. So I must keep things together.

Pre-Op Testing will be next, Wednesday. I understand that this is a all-day process. So, I'm trying to get mentally prepared. I am required to have the test in 2 weeks before surgery. I trust GOD that everything will be OK.

I been busy since checking in last time. I have gone to dinner with some of the beautiful ladies of AIMSK, another one of my support groups. I met some WLS people and they look great and the stories were so encouraging. I also met some people who will be having their surgergy soon. There's Vivian, Yolanda, Lizette, and Lisa. All of these ladies are ready to move to the next step. My best friend Linda attended the dinner with me. She is one of my support people. I really love her for that, becuase she is not in full agreement with me having surgery. But after being with the AIMSK ladies she seens to be doing better. One thing, if you are not in a support group, you need to find one. They help you in so many ways, and are there to answer everyone of your questions. I'm so glad to have two groups and both are great.

Pre-op Test Day. Can you say...tired? I have never been so tired from walking and taking tests, but it was all good. My tests were all fine and I can proceed with surgery. The BEST NEWS IS I"VE LOST 10 LBS!!! and I am so glad about that. On top of that all the test were easy. I had a gallbladder test, chest x-ray, arterial bloodwork, EKG, extensive pulmonary testing and by the time I got home I tested out the couch to see if it could rest as well as my bed, and guess what...IT PASSED. I slept for 3 hours. I'm glad to know that is finished, and now all I am waiting for is my actual surgery. April 9th seems so far away. I'm ready to move forward. I just can't wait.

What a difference a few days make. Something happened today, that has made me very sad and very scared. One of the ladies that I had dinner with, just a week ago, has died. Lizette died this morning. She had surgery yesterday, she had a cold and had been on antibotics all week and she had serious lung problems. It is believe that Lizette's lungs collasped. They are in the process of investigating this now.

Lizette's death has really shaken me and I'm very upset. I will speak with my support group people and make a decision from there on what to do next. One of my support group people is GOD. I will pray and see what HE says more than anyone else. I'm on my way to church for service I will let you know later what my final decision is.

Spoke to several of my support people and God, they are all behind me in whatever my decision will be. If I'm going to proceed with surgery or not. I'm still seeking the right answer on what to do next. My surgery is in 2 weeks, so I know I will need to make a final decision soon. I will speak to Tony and see what information he can provide to calm my nerves. I'm not trying to scare anyone, but we all know that there are risks with surgery and the morbidally obese person. We know that everyone will not have the problems that Lizette had. We know we are all different and can have different outcomes. I pray that I will be fine and recover from this surgery with flying colors. Please stay encouraged and I will keep you informed.

Attended Lizette's services today. They were good and we talked about our feelings and fear. After meeting meeting with the others I decided to have surgery. I'm so glad to have my support group people around me. Tony and Angela both, have made my decision easier.

Boy, I'm really blessed. They have moved my date up one day. I'm now having surgery on the 8th. I'm so excited and busy. I will try to keep you updated on the next steps. Surgery is Monday, so I will update you all at that time.

It 12:15 A.M. and the day of my surgery. I'm so ready for the "Lighter Side". I will be having surgery at 10:30 a.m. I'm calm and packed and ready to go. I'm looking to have a surgery without problems and a speedy recovery. I know that I will come out fine. I will update once I return home from the hospital. Until then, please keep me in your prayers and may God bless you and keep you until I email you again.

Well, it's been a long time. I ended up staying an additional 2 1/2 days more in the hospital due to complications of pnuemonia and a minor collapse of my right lung. You know when I was told my lung had collapsed, I could not helped but to reflect on my friend Lizette, who did not make it through her recovery process. I feel that I am so very blessed. The staff and moreover my doctors were great and did everything to make sure I was on the road to good health. I did have to continue with antibotics at home to fight the pnuemonia. I will go to the doctor's office on tomorrow and have it removed. I will post after my visit. Thank you all who have been praying for me in all the areas of strenght and recovery. God Bless You.

I went to the doctor yesterday, and he removed the PICC line and he cared for my incision. It is draining something horrible, but that's a good thing. It is coming out and not setting up an infection. I am to go back to the doctor on Monday. I'm excited about that because, this will be the first time I will have an official weight total. The last weight total was on 3/20 and I weighed in at 355.4 lbs. I just want to see how much weight I have lost in 4 weeks. I will make sure to post the results.

I was exicited to go to the doctor for my 2 week check-up. I was eager to find out how much weight I had lost in the short period. Drum roll.......I lost a total of 27 lbs in 2 weeks. I could have scream from joy. I'm looking forward to see what the next trip to the doctor will reveal. I hope to lose 40-50 lbs this month, but if I do not lose another pound till next month, I really feel like I have accomplished alot. Thanks for all of the support.

It's been a while since I've updated, but here goes. I have lost a total of 60 lbs. and I'm feeling great. My friends and family can't get over how well I look. I'm getting used to my new body, and I'm starting to enjoy wearing a size 26 or 30/32.
I have not yet started to excerise, like I should, but I'm please with everything.

Hello all! I'm busy and doing great. I've lost 70 lbs and feel great. The weight is coming off a little slower now, but I'm still glad. I do not have any clothes, but some of the people in the support group has been giving me some of their to big clothes. I'm really appreciative to the support group. If you are not in one, I would suggest finding one today. I attend one from the hospital, Little Company of Mary, in Evergreen Park, IL. They are great. Tony Romeo is our Coordinator. Many of the people in my group are getting busy promoting the program. We will have a newsletter and a walk-a-thon and other events to keep the support group fun. I really enjoy all of the people who are in my group.

It's been a month and I have starting working out at Curves for Women. I really do enjoy the 30 minute workout and believe me, it's a workout. If you do not have a lot of time this is the idea place for a good workout. I have been going for approximately 3 weeks and have lost another 10 lbs., total lost to date 80 lbs. and I down to a size 22 top and 24 bottom. Life is truly grand. I'm looking forward to reaching my goal of 200 lbs lost. Once I get to the 100 pound lost mark I will send in a new picture and let you see the results. I'm almost there, hopefully by the end of October I will reach 100 lbs. lost. I will update you soon.

Hello again. It's been a few weeks since I updated. Life is busy and I'm adjusting to my new body. I have been on this journey now for approximately 6 months.

To say the least, this has been a great battle and I'm winning at losing. I have had plateaus and some food challenges along the way, but everything has basically worked out. Oct. 8th will mark my six-month anniversary. Currently I have lost 95lbs. Can you believe I have lost so much weigth in such a short time? I truly thank God for this has radically changed my life.

One of the best things happen to me a couple of weeks ago, I saw my friend, who I hadn't seen in 4 months, and she was so amazed by the transformation, she started to cry. She stated that, "She is so proud of my accomplishments." That really encouraged me.But, you know it's hard for many people to accept me being thinner. See, I still weigh 270lbs, but I'm so much smaller than I used to be. Many people just stare and then say me name, as if it was chinese. That is strange, but I just laught and make them comfortable with me all over again.

You know, I really do not see myself as small. I need to get out of the 20's dress sizes, then, maybe then, I would feel smaller. If you were wondering I still on the exercise kick. I still working out at Curves and I just love it. I have been there 2 months now and have lost 23lbs and 12inches. If I continue, I will lose another 30-35 lbs by year end.

I have set small goals for myself for my 9-month anniversay. I pray that I can lose another 35 pounds by 12/31. That way, I would have lost 130lbs by 12/31, and I just might be at a size 18 come January. I do hope to keep losing this weight.

For those of you who are new to the program or are considerig surgery, please take advantage of your window of opportunity, that's the first 9-12 months post-op. If you do, you will more than reach your goal. I know that I'm trying to make the most of my tool and this time.

Well, take care and I look forward to updating you all soon.

I just wanted to update you to let you know that I have lost 100 lbs. at my 6-month date. I am so happy, and still have a ways to go. I have a total of 113 lbs more to lose. The journery is a lot harder now, because I can basically eat anything. So control and choices are now the issue. You have to make the right choices for your food sources and control how much you intake. You still think you can eat the entire turkey, but reality kicks in, and you find you can only eat 1/8 of a thigh. I am in the process of re-teaching myself about food choices and understanding how food works with your body.

I will keep you updated as I learn what to eat and how it works with my body. Until later...

Well, hello there!!! I have had alot happen to me since I last updated. Since updating last, I have had 3 deaths that hit me very hard. During that time I feel like I didnt make the best food choices. I spoke to my support group and they really encouraged me to follow the plan. Water, excerise, eating correctly and finding an outlet for my stress and lost. If you do not attend support group meetings you are really missing out. They really helped me during this super stressful time. Thanks Liz, Lisa and Peter. You all really helped me through.

Well, I guess it's time to update you on my lost...well, I have lost in 8 months, a total of 125 lbs. I'm wearing a size 18. I used to wear a size 30-32. I love the way I feel and look. I'm still dealing with the fact I weigh 240 lbs., but it all seems to be coming together. My goal for 9 months is a lost to135-140. I do hope I reach my goal. I'm planning on kicking my excerise into overdrive. So for the next month I will be working out quite a bit. Others in the group have also pumped up their excerise routine and have had great results. So let's see if it will work for me as well, Well, that's all for now. I will update later.


365 lbs
There has to be a better way!

Now this is the good life. A new person...147 lbs lost 17 months

Hospital Reviews
  • (Evergreen Park, IL) - Little Company of Mary

    Member Interests:
  • Bodybuilding & Weightlifting - I've started this to help me lose the last few pounds.
  • Movies - This helps me to relax and I love action films

    Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: Gerald A. Cahill M.D.
    Dr. Cahill is great. He is very imformative and willing to provide whatever information you request. He emphasized aftercare discipline. He discussed all aspects of the surgery including risks that are associated with this type of surgery. He desires that you are comfortable with this surgery, the program, and with your decision for a permanant lifestyle change. What I appreciated the most was the sturctured pre and post aftercare program. The program is designed to help you achieve your goals. You will meet with several professionals on his staff, who will assist you on your journey. What makes this program exciting, is that they are there your entire process from beginning to end. There is a nutritionist, psychologist and pulmonary specialist. Again making this program ideal over any other I have research. I would rate Dr. Cahill as excellent. I am confident that he will provide the best possible service. Also, I believe that anyone looking for a doctor should consider Dr. Cahill and his staff.
    Insurer Info:
    United HealthCare, PPO
    It was very easy dealing with them. It took no time at all. I was glad when they called me and have already scheduled a date for surgery. My particular plan I would recommend to anyone.


About Me
Chicago, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
There has to be a better way!
365 lbslbs
Now this is the good life. A new person...147 lbs lost 17 months

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