1 month 2nd post op - resleeved

Apr 29, 2015

Its been a great month! Did the Re-sleeving do everything I wanted it to - no, however it made an adjustment to my head that says you will not do this again. So I will fight that head hunger, those cravings. I have lost 10 pounds, it hasn't been easy, like the first time, it's definately work, but it is coming off again and thats all that matters! I am hungry most of the day, but I just have to control that! 

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Back from Mexicali

Mar 30, 2015

Well, after doing much soul searching, I decided against the DS. I think it is great surgery, however it just wasn't for me. I am borderline anemic and have a rare blood type, and that just scared me. So I headed off to Mexicali Bariatric Center, not knowing if I could be re-sleeved, however I just trusted that if it was meant to be it would be. Well I got there and of course had the best care and Dr Campos performed a barium swallow and there were enlargements to a couple spots on my pouch so they could reduce those spots. I had surgery and am feeling wonderful! Met some great friends while I was there! I of course had 3 amazing Dr's Dr. Ungston, Beltran, and CAmpos and great nurses. I am 5 days out and feel fantastic other than stupid headaches (which I think is from caffeine). I am not sure what kind of results I will get from my resleeve however my head is at a much better place and no more sabotage. Feel free to message me about my experience!

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Revision to DS planned for March 26, 2015

Mar 09, 2015

Wow, it sure has been a long time since checking in. My weight remained stable during pregnancy. I hovered between 180 and 200, usually around 180-185. I remained this, until I started talking Cymbalta, to hopefully help with fibromylgia. Cymbalta took everything away that my surgery fixed. First month 25 lbs of weight gain, second month 20 lbs. I went off of it, however all the positives of my surgery were gone. It upsets me so greatly.. Fast forward, weight continues to rise. I would like to go for a sleeve reduction, however Mexicali are not sounding hopeful of that. They said that Dr. Aceves sleeves were usually quite small, so very few of them can be reduced. And even if it can be reduced, should I? How do I know something won't happen again. I am temporarily booked in for revision to D.S. They will be doing tests to decide what my options are. I guess time will tell, however there are so many thoughts going through my mind.


53 pounds down in 7 weeks

Dec 07, 2011

Just a quick note to check in.. I looked at Before surgery pictures and could have cried. My husband asked me yesterday if I felt any different, and really I don't feel a whole lot different, but holy cow I looked awful! Wowzers!!! Anyways.. I am plugging along, not getting near enough exercise that I would like to be getting, and I can make all the excuses in the world, but that won't help! I just need to get dedicated!  Thanks always for the ongoing support!

Luv to all!
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22 pounds down

Oct 27, 2011

It's been a while since I wrote so it will be lenghtly:

On Oct 18 we drove to Mexicalli with my sleeve sister and her mom - wonderful people, so glad to have them there. We got lab work and chest x-ray done and met with the anesthelogist and NUT - Dr. Campos both wonderful men. I told the ana that I really got sick after anethestic and he told me they would give me 2 rounds of drugs and had a back up drug in case I was sick. Went to the hotel and it was GORGEOUS!!! We had supper which was AMAZING - best steak I think I have ever had!!! The next morning we went to the hospital unsure who was going first. Dr. Aceves come in and what a wonderful, nice man answered any questions we had. The internist also came in and said that everything was good to go, my cholestrol was slightly elevated but nothing to be concerned about. My sleeve sister went first. I think they came for me around 11:30 or 12:00 - slightly fuzzed. I went to the OR and Sergio the nurse held my hand which made me feel like a little kid - at the same time nice and comforted while the ana put in my IV. He said he would try to do a spinal - which must not have happened, I have tried to have one before and never worked either. Thats the last thing I remember. I woke up NOT SICK and pretty sedated! I remember coming in and out for that day and night. The next morning I made myself get up and walk. I then fell in and out of sleep. They brought the 6 cups of smurf juice - it was very bitter, but do able!! That was good, so I got some fluids by mouth. My drain really hurt - that was the worst. Kept trying to walk! Didn't sleep much that night. The next day I had the fluroscopy, which scared me, but was a breeze - the liquid wasn't horrible, it wasn't tasty, but again doable! Everything good there. I met the ladies that got sleeved the next day, they were doing really good and were very nice to visit with. I also had a wide hiatal hernia repaired which caused a lot of back pain. The IV was pulled. I probably would have been ready to go that day, I was starting to get antzy! The next morning come and so did the airport. I stayed on top of my pain meds on the way home and made a world of difference. We had 2 flights and they were both really turbulent which wasn't the best. Didn't sleep much the night before or that night. Drove 3 hours to get home - how exciting to be home and see my son - my husband picked me up. The next 2 days were uneventful and went really well. Day 5 and 6 weren't good, I really had a hard time getting my fluids in and just felt blah. My drain incision was slightly affected. I e-mailed the doctor and they got back to me within hours to say watch my incision and upped my Nexium to once in the morning and once at night. Day 7 was a bit better. I lost 15 pounds during my pre -op diet, gained 5 from IV fluids and this morning which is day 8 I lost those 5 plus another 5. So I am down 22 pounds. It really really makes everything that hurt or discouraging just disappear. I have seen 340's in so long and its only going to get better!!! Every 10 pounds is an accomplishment.
What I have learned:
I wish I would have tried to learn more spanish before going. I had read that most of the day nurses could speak English and the nights couldn't. They must have got a new batch because no one spoke English. It was quite frustrating at times. They could point and we could communicate that way but it was frustrating. Clarisse who is a new assistant was there most days so when she come around she would translate.
When you get discouraged and you will - just think about long term and really how fast time goes. The liquid diet sucks and gets old fast, but once again time flies and its 1 week out of the rest of your life..

So I am so excited and couldn't have asked for more - already. I have 2 people who are seriously considering going for this, and I think the tread - at least I hope will just keep spreading!!
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Surgery Journey

Oct 16, 2011

Well tomorrow morning I start my surgery journey. We start at 4:00 am. I am so excited! It was really hard leaving my son and husband. My husbands goodbye words were, there is nothing to worry about, be excited you are going to come back healthier.. I will keep repeating these to myself! My surgery is not until Wednesday, but it will fly by. I think we are going to hit up either Sea World or the Zoo in San Diego. YAY!
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9 pounds down

Oct 08, 2011

The pre-op diet must be working... all protein low carb! I weighed myself on Tuesday and since then I have lost 9 pounds. It feels great! I had a brief thought for a moment that said man I bet I could do this myself, followed by you tried and lost - and put all the weight back on plus a lot more! So I am happy now that this will forsure have a end in sight - this is forever! I know that I am having a lot of help from God - and thank him everyday as I haven't craved carbs what so ever, and I am sure I will, but for now it has been so easy!!1
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2 weeks from today....

Oct 05, 2011

I will be sleeved. What emotions are running - calm is not one of them, thats for sure. I started my high protein preop diet. I am trying not to feel queasy, but oh man do I feel it. Not sure why, and hunger oh many am I hungry. I know it will pass and I will conquer it! I think I am really going to dislike Thanksgiving this year, I love potatoes! I am not trying to be a downer, believe me I am excited, but first days of change are always the hardest!

Just checking in

Sep 25, 2011

I love this website.. it has been so great for support and uplifting! I actually think I may be addicted to the sight. I went yesterday and bought a whole bunch of fabric for my nieces blankets for Christmas. I make rag quilts, so I am going to sew it all together and then while I am resting and I can to my hearts content - this way my hands are busy and they're not eating.. I also went to GNC and bought protein powder - haven't tried it yet, bought greek yogurt - it is ok, not terrible but not fantastic, protein milk - haven't tried that and liquid protein.. I know my taste buds will change but I thought it would be a start!
Not much else new.. counting down the days - 24.. holy moly!!!

Surgery Date Scheduled

Sep 20, 2011

Well after many years of wanting to do this I finally am going to! I was enrolled in the program in Regina to have RNY, but just didn't feel the surgery was right for me. With limited resources in Canada I decided that self pay would be the way to go. I contacted Dr. Aceves as he has been recommended to me and I had great help! So after a few weeks I scheduled my date yesterday for October 19th, which means that is less than 1 month away.. oh boy. My sister is going with me and this morning we booked our flights... YAY!! I am excited to join the support group on here and can't wait to get more involved!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2011
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