still movin in the right direction

Sep 28, 2009

Its been a little over a year and still learning. When I started out I weighed a little more then 400 pounds.I am now at 265, it has not been easy but so worth the fight of obesity. I have since come to realize that you must MUST not only watch what you eat but you must MUST also move on a regular basis. Movement that has to raise your heart beat, and keep it raised for over 45 minutes or more doesn't matter what you do to raise it just do something thats going to keep it up for a while, dancing walking jumping rope with the kids,playing wii just move and the weight will drop. I have found for me three times a week works good. I hope everyone finds out what works for them.hopefully it won,t take you as long as it has taken me. LOVE LIFE and live it to the fullest;-).


9 months out..

Apr 12, 2009

Well its been almost nine months out and I have lost about 110 pounds. I have started working out with some of my coworkers,  and feel so much better.I am so BLESSED to have been given a new chance at life and plan on making the best of  it.. I have since got a tatoo which is a butterfly that says still I rise. the butterfly represents change in my life still I rise speaks for its self. I know I have lost weight but it still seems like I am the samm person when I look in the mirroor,  well a little bit smaller just not 100 pounds smaller I guess all will come in due time.  So for all my OH family STAY STRONG BE BLESSED AND SPREAD THE JOY OF OUR FATHER. And til later luv  you guys.
1 comment


Jan 27, 2009

well its been a little more then 6 months and I am down 87 pounds and feeling great. I started working out more and that helps with my weight loss. It is still taking me a while to see my self as being a smaller person but people seem to think I look so much differnt, I will put up some new pictures and you be the judge. I am now in size 22 and can't wait till I no longer have to shop at plus size stores;)  thats all for now .God opens doors we just have to have the faith to walk through.

I am back

Dec 28, 2008

we,ll it has been a while since I have wrote so here it is. It's been 5 months since my WLS I have lost about 78 pounds and I feel great. I still need to kick up my work-out but I am so pleased with the progress I have made so far. I need to find a work-out plan that helps to tighten up loose skin, befor it gets out of hand. I you have some helpful hints give me a holler I need all the help I can get. I know God has a plan for me and I am re  ady to do what ever I can.

Time Flies

Nov 12, 2008

Well it will be four months soon and I have lost a total of 66pounds since my W-L-S  everyday I am feeling better and enjoying life so much more, less weight less effort in getting around, less pressure on your feet .   Seems everyone thinks I look  a lot slimmer but I can not see a big change, I know my clothes are getting loose but I still have the same image of myself in my mind . Does any one else have that problem with self image?  I would like to loose 13 pounds by December 7th which is my 47th birthday,time will tell. I hope everyone is doing well and using thier tool to the fullest. LOVE LIFE AND LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST. BE BLESSED AND BLESS SOME ONE.

September 23rd two months and counting.

Sep 22, 2008

Well its been two months and I have lost 43 pounds. my clothes are getting big but I will not waste money to buy a lot of clothes when I will be changing sizes soon. I started out a size 30 I am down to a size 26, insted of geting that size I went to a consiignment shop and bought size 24  jeans hoping to fit them in a few weeks, I work in a warehouse so I wear a lot of sweats,and tee,s which allow me to hold off of buying work clothes for now. My famly and friends have been so helpful and supportive. I have been told a few times by my kids that they are not the ones who got the W-L-S and to get a grip. But I will make sure that they don't have to get w-l-s in the future. I have been so BLESSED BY GOD to have had a second chance  to do my life better  and I will be the best I can be, I will stay possitive and try to be a blessing to all I come in contact with. The people I have met on this site have been so helpful and I would like to say THANKS for comming in my life  

6 weeks out

Sep 06, 2008

Well its been 6 weeks already' I am down 346 from 379on the day of surgery. I realize that when you work-out you feel much better then when you don't. Life does get easier as time goes  on as long as I don't weigh my self daily and allow myself to get discouraged if the scale does not move for a week. I still feel that GOD has blessed me with this gift and tool I have to make the best of the new and improved ME. I will take some new pictures and post them soon.Have a Blessed day and be a blessing to someone today.


Aug 15, 2008

hi Everyone  Went to my 3 week check up alls going well still get sick not as much I have lost another 5 pounds and feeling better my only problem now is I have headaches but that too shall pass.I get to start working out and I can't wait ,I love to play tennis and I,m sure my game will get better with less weight to carrie around . My girls better watch out I may not be SERENA WILLIAMS but this baby got game Hope every-one is doing well  BE BLESSED AND BLESS SOME-ONE.


Aug 06, 2008

-Hello to my OH family,

  As of July 23rd. I am now official on the looser side. The day of surgery my weight was 379 and now I am at 358 as of last thursday (31st of July). When I got to the hospital I arrived around 5:30am. As soon as I arrived they took me straight to where I needed to be. When I first got there they took me to the pre-op room. They started my IV's, and gave me medication. Dr. Myers (my doctor) came in ,and while my sisters and husband were there, he explained the surgery. He then prayed with us before he prep'd for surgery. My surgery took about 2 hours. After the surgery he stopped by, to tell my husband and family that everything went well. They then took me to my room. I woke up with this tube in m abdomen. It was called "ON-Q." that was my best friend. It's a new procedure that they use to manage pain. It drips medicine into the abdomen through the tube, which stays for about 4 days. once ths medicines gone and the ball looks like an apple core, then you slowly pull the tubes out. My husband did the honors of pulling the tube out, how the doctor instructed him. we then realized it was around 8 inches long and as the name says it was on Q...sorry i got side tracked...but that ball was the shizznit..I stayed 3 days in the hospital.
Day 1: I slept most of the day. In between my naps, I was awaken by my proffesionally yet annoying nurses. But they were just doing there jobs to keep me up and about to prevent blood clots.
Day 2: I was able to eat ice chips,not  without throwing up. And I was still being visited by those annoying-ass nurses (ok,ok they were just doing there jobs)and they were really a blessing. 
Day 3: I was ready to go home. the chicken broth stayed down today, but none of my meds.
Week one at home was a period of adjustment. I was finding liquids that stayed down. the hard part was getting all of my protein in, only because the things I liked befor I no longer liked. After a week I had my first Doctors visit and already lost 21 pounds, and my healing is going well. No pain form surgery. What i use to think was pain was just gas. And im not longer on blood pressure medicine. while at the doctors office they wrote my a perscrpition for nausea medicine. which was truley needed because i scarred my poor husband with a barrage of dry-heaves on the way home
Today is August 6, and im alot better, and I am no longer throwing up. i can take short walks to meet my chld at the bus stop, everyday. My Doctor says I can start exercising next week, and I am so ready. i will update more frequently now that that i can sit at the computer without throwing up. I want to say thanks to my OH family, who kept me in thier PRAYERS 


Jul 16, 2008

HELLO EVERYONE Tomorrow I go to the doctor to get ready fo next week.I know my timing is off but of course I have a bad head-cold I hope I,ll start feeling better soon. I am so blessed to have this oppertunity to change my life.,as of December I no longer have a best friend name Debbie had to let her go you might know her by her other name LITTLE-DEBBIE why she stay little that ain,t right  ,had to let her cousin donald go too those golden arches was a  u-turn to hell, I'm not that far from the dairy queen so I thought if I walked instead of drove that would help with the extra calories something didn't add up,or was I suppose to be getting a small cone,what about those GRIPPOES chips I did not realize they took a gripp to your hipps so thoes are out too. It took me 46 years to figure out why the call it POUND-CAKE. ok-ok I get it .SO HERES TO MAKING BETTER CHOICES

About Me
Apr 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 12
Time Flies
September 23rd two months and counting.
6 weeks out
