Yup, It's been awhile....

Feb 19, 2007

Yup, time to add to this thing again.  Well, let's see, where to begin.  

I am down to a size 12, 5 lbs from goal with a total of 112 lbs lost.  My goal was revised up ten lbs because of extra skin.  If/when I have it removed, I would lose the ten lbs.

Issues:  Water.  I have a VERY hard time getting in my 64 oz each day.  I try and try, seems like the only way I can do it is to carry a bottle with me at all times.  This past weekend, my DH and I went for a ride, both days.  Saturday I got 2 bottles in, and Sunday only one.  NOT GOOD.  It is very hard to drink water on the back of a Harley going 90 to nuthin down the interstate.  Today, I am paying for it, woke up with a headache, knew what it was from and drank a bottle of water before I even had a cup of joe.  Yea me.  lol.

Unwanted Attention:  I have been having a problem with this for about a while now.  I find it very difficult when I run into people who have not seen me in a year and they are shocked.  Shocked in a good way, but shocked none the less.  It is especially difficult when it comes from males.  I feel better now, I have more confidence, I have better self image and I know I look better, but geezo people, this IS NOT a reason to put the moves on me. Makes me very uncomfortable when that happens.

Menopause:  This IS NOT a result of the surgery.  I am 49 years old, it is a natural occurance.  I did have a hysterectomy in '93, so I only have one ovary, but I am still having some symptoms.  The doc put me on Premarin, and that helps with the flashes.  The latest thing I'm having is anxiety.  Have tried two different things, and neither has worked.  Going back to the doc today.  We will see.

Hehehe, Size 16!

Nov 03, 2006

This is soOoOoOOoo  cool!  I have not worn a size 16 since I can't remember when.  It's been at least 25 years.  I bought a size 16 pant yesterday, and wore them to a friends wedding reception last night, OMG... they fit so good!  

It is amazing to me how far I have come in just a few short months.   Six months ago, I was not in a good place.  My weight was getting more and more out of control, and I knew that if I did not do something about it NOW, it would continue to get worse.  Thank you, Dr. Hausemann, for giving me the gift of a new lease on life!  You will never be able to comprehend the magnatude of what you have done for me.  This is the most amazing tool, and I'm going to continue to work it, baby!!

User's and Loser's

Oct 16, 2006

I was just sitting here, thinking ( I know, this is dangerous territory) and it occured to me that we have two types of people here at OH.  We have both User's and Loser's.  Now, before you go off on a tangent about it, let me explain.  

The User's are the ones that are 18 mos or further out, they have learned how to use their chosen tool to the best of it's advantage and are able to maintain their wieight or continue losing at a slower pace.   

The Loser's are the ones that are in the early stages, pre-the one year mark, so to speak.  That is the time when losing is at the optimum, the weight pretty much just falls off for the first six or so months, and after that, you have to do a little more work, but it basically continues to come off.  Yes, I know, it's at a much slower rate.  I am experiencing this myself right now.  I am six months out and have been losing about 2 lbs per week for the last month.  I am by no means complaining.  As far as I am concerned, as long as it keeps coming off, I don't care if its slow or fast, just come off baby!! 

I am down 88 lbs now, feeling wonderful and really looking forward to meeting everyone at Lexi.  I cannot wait to go!! 

Suicide Awareness

Oct 13, 2006

This is something that is very near and dear to my heart.  My middle son, Ronald, completed suicide on August 27, 2004.  In his name, I would like to make everyone aware of the desperate measures that teenagers will go through just to get their point across.   

OMG!!! I Cannot Believe It!!!!

Oct 12, 2006

Ta Da!!! It's official, I weigh less than Hubby!!  woo hoo, this has never been the case ever before!!!  I feel Great!!!!!

Beta Testing

Oct 11, 2006

This is a really cool thing!  I'm really liking the fact that we can do all this cool stuff ourselves!!  The team at OH has really worked overtime at this one!!

About Me
Denham Springs, LA
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2006
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 6
Yup, It's been awhile....
Hehehe, Size 16!
User's and Loser's
Suicide Awareness
OMG!!! I Cannot Believe It!!!!
Beta Testing
